Mae’s 30 Day Video Game Challenge 2024: Day Sixteen

Welcome everyone to a brand new challenge for the blog – Mae’s 30 Day Video Game Challenge for 2024! Well, it’s more of a monthly celebration of all things gaming, where I gush about 30 of my top games overall instead of answering daily prompts. They can be some of my forever favorites, games that have recently piqued my interest, or even games incoming that I’m currently hyped about. I may even group some games up in categories here and there, maybe as games from the same series, or various versions of the same game, to hype them up as why I enjoy them so much. We’ll see where the night takes us haha.

Day Sixteen: The Last Guardian

So I’m still healing from whatever decided to kick my butt the last couple days so not really sure how detailed I will be able to go into today’s post. So I’m gonna borrow from a post I’ve done previously on a game that rose from the ashes and lived once again – a game I never lost faith in despite everyone else saying it would never come to be.

The Last Guardian was years in the making and for a long time fans like myself waited on the edge of our seats hoping that news would come out about the game at events like E3. It was originally going to be a Playstation 3 exclusive but some circumstances led to its eventual release as a Playstation 4 exclusive. I won’t even lie, I started crying at the beginning of Sony’s presentation at E3 2015 where Last Guardian was the lead presentation for the team. It was so amazing to see Trico and the boy with Playstation 4 graphics and I was in love.

Trico is a griffin-like beast who works alongside the protagonist of the game, the boy. He interacts with you depending on your gameplay. Do you comfort the beast and build that relationship? Do you try to rush through the game and use Trico as simply a tool to progress? The AI is actually very smart in this game and will adjust to how you play. For me, I could spend hours just petting the lovable beast and laying with him/her in the son.

Sure – the gameplay of this game is far from perfect. There’s been plenty of times when I have streamed it where I’ve contemplated rage quitting when the AI decides to fail me. But all in all, the experience was magical and made me weep. I’ve still got my Trico and the boy statue in my main room on display with a few others that are my top special pieces that I enjoy showing off to guests. This game will forever be super special to me – and i love forward to whatever the studio does next.

Thanks for reading today everyone – again, sorry I don’t feel well and am unable to put much detail into my posts. I do feel a little better this evening so here’s hoping we’re finally on the mend. Lots of love and stay safe out there!

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