Confessions of a Mouskaholic 30 Day Disney Challenge – Day 1

Confessions of a Mouskaholic 30 Day Challenge
Photo from the Mouskaholic website –

Welcome to Day 1 of my Confessions of a Mouskaholic 30 Day Disney Challenge! But wait, another Disney challenge? Didn’t we just do one in March? Well yes we did but I enjoyed them so much I decided to take on another challenge, this one more park centric than movies/characters/songs. This challenge came from Confessions of a Mouskaholic.

For this series, I will be posting a daily entry on a specific Disney-related topic. I’ve included the photo of the challenge in case you’d like to try it out for yourself šŸ™‚ Now as I’ve already done a challenge in March, any topics that are doubled I will simply change the topic for something else I haven’t covered yet. So without further adieu, let’s get started!

Day 1 – Disney Park I Most Want to Visit (replacing Favorite Disney Park)

So as stated above, I’ve already touched on my favorite Disney theme park in the previous 30 Day Challenge. So today we’ll turn this topic into something new – literally xD there’s plenty of Disney-centric parks out there that I have yet to visit. However, my dream is to one day visit all the Disney theme parks around the world! So without further adieu, here’s some honorable mentions leading up to my top pick!

First up, Disney’s California Adventure – we’ll start off actually in the states since there is a park I have yet to go to here in America. It’s been a long time since I’ve been able to go to Disneyland so I’ve never seen California Adventure personally, nor have I seen its many changes since its conception. But it’s definitely a dream to make it there (and it’ll probably be easier to make it there than the international parks xD but I’ll make it to all of them one day).

Photo from Tom Bricker, Disney Tourist Blog –

Next up, Disneyland Paris! And let me tell you, this park is so underrated when it comes to the Disney family of theme parks. Listen everyone when I tell you – there’s an animatronic dragon underneath their castle. There’s a flipping dragon underneath their castle!!!!! What’s more, they have some of the favorite rides including Pirates, Space Mountain, and Phantom Manor (their Haunted Mansion which is currently under a refurbishment). Each of their rides have their own lore to them which makes them a unique experience. And then there’s the walkthroughs! Go through the Wonderland hedge maze, or enter the Nautilus and come face-to-face with the giant squid. My god, someday I’ll get to see this amazing place!

Photo of Sleeping Beauty’s Castle at Disneyland Paris from their website

The newest park in their arsenal is Shanghai Disneyland and I am floored with how gorgeous this park looks. There’s so much to gab about the park but there’s one ride in particular that sold me when its concept was being revealed: the Tron Coaster. Luckily we’re getting it at the Magic Kingdom as well but let’s talk about that ride since that alone would charm me into going there. You ride a light cycle coaster car (you straddle it like a motorcycle – think Flights of Passage) and you zoom through the grid. It’s a masterpiece for imagineering like the rest of the park and I hope one day to experience it and the park firsthand.

Photo from the Shanghai Disneyland website

And lastly, let’s talk about Tokyo Disneyland! Now I’m a big fan of Tokyo and Japan in general so I’m going to make it out there one day even if it kills me. But this place looks so magical in the photos. And the parades!!! I’m always up for a good parade and from what I’ve seen in photos and videos these are some of the best ever created by Disney. I need to experience the Tokyo Disney life firsthand!

Photo from the Tokyo Disneyland website

So what Disney theme park do I most want to visit someday? Well, it’s the other Tokyo park and widely referred to online as the best Disney park ever created!

The Winner – Tokyo DisneySea

Photo from Tom Bricker with the Disney Tourist Blog –

Tokyo DisneySea is the absolute dream for me to one day go to. Sure, I’m going to make it to all the Disney theme parks one day but this one is at the top of the list. Let’s talk about why it’s so wonderful (besides it being in Tokyo which is my dream destination for travel anyway).

First off, the theming of the park is spectacular. You’re literally wandering around to many sea-side locations around the world (and from fiction) in a single park setting. You get to venture into the mysterious island which houses Journey to the Center of the Earth and 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. You can go Under the Sea with Ariel and her friends. You can walk around the world and forget you’re still inside Tokyo. What’s more the Tokyo parks hands down are said to have the best entertainment options, best cast members, and all-around best attendees around. Everyone has manners and waits their turns in the Tokyo parks. And you know what, when there is a parade, everyone sits down on their mats and doesn’t push and shove for the best spots. Everyone is going to get to see the parade and we’re all in this magical experience together. It definitely puts our American parks to shame.

And don’t even get me started on the merchandise. I have to bribe friends to get me even the smallest souvenirs from their parks, and it’s things you’d never see here. Tokyo merch game is second to none.

Something else to note: they have their hotels directly attached to their parks. So you could pay for these amazing deals to stay in Tokyo with Disney. Someday!

And with that, I conclude Day One of my Confessions of a Mouskaholic 30 Day Disney Challenge. What Disney theme park are you most excited to visit someday? Let me know in the comments below or share your own Disney challenge! Thanks for reading šŸ™‚

#ConfessionsofaMouskaholic #30DayDisneyChallenge



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