Mae’s 31 Day Series Challenge: Day Thirty

Welcome everyone to a brand new challenge for the blog – Mae’s 31 Day Series Challenge for 2024! Similar to what I did with my gaming posts last month, this will be more of a monthly celebration of all things – well series related. Originally I was going to focus it solely on my favorite TV shows but then…I kept thinking about the shows solely on streaming services, as well as web series on platforms like YouTube – all of which I watch regularly. So I decided to combine them all in this month’s celebration 🙂 so don’t be surprised if these posts go all over the place as I talk about some of my favorites, some that may have strong impacts on me, or maybe even some coming down the pipe. Who knows! We’ll see where the night takes us haha. I’ll likely revisit the gaming challenge at some point and continue talking about even more games but for now let’s celebrate series media!

Day Thirty: Critical Role

Is it Thursday yet? Yes, yes it is! I figured with the last Thursday of this month, it was a good time to talk about Critical Role, one of my favorite live play groups to watch. It’s a group of professional voice actors who sit down almost every week to play Dungeons and Dragons. Originally launched by Geek and Sundry in 2015 after the group translated their home game into DnD and aired with the their first campaign already active (they had intros to catch folks up with their characters to hopefully bridge some gaps), the liveplay became a hit and gained a huge following of Critters, the name of the fans dubbed by cast member Liam O’Brien.

Since it’s initial launch, cast members Matthew Mercer, Liam O’Brien, Sam Riegel, Ashley Johnson, Travis Willingham, Laura Bailey, Taliesin Jaffe, and Marisha Ray (Orion Acabe left in the first season) were able to develop their own studio called Critical Role Productions, Critical Role and its intellectual properly fully living through their own sites from them on. Since then, the franchise has built through three main campaigns, several spin-offs and one shots, and even sees the animated Legend of Vox Machina on Amazon Prime (Mighty Nein coming soon), their own DnD books, merchanise galore, and their own comics and novels. They’ve built this brand into something truly special.

Now these campaigns can truly be a lot to take in because of how long they are. Episodes can span hours and each campaign goes well beyond 100 episodes each. Plus the first season saw a lot of growing pains and literally starts in the middle of their already existenting campaign. Yet when the cast reach their stride, they do excellent character work together, and are truly a family. And let me tell you, these characters are amazing. I am in love with the whole group – a special place in my heart there for Vex’alia, Trinket, and Percy from Season One; Jester, Caleb, Mollymauk, and Cadeues from Season Two; and Dorian and Ash from Season Three. And don’t even get me started on all the characters across the spin-offs and one shots – so many great performances from the main cast and the guests they bring on!

You can check out more information about Critical Role and everything they are working on at

Video playlist from Jay Martin – Play Your Role. I love these videos and invite you to check out their content!
Video playlist from SupergeekMike that really deep dives into Critical Role from campaign one onward!

Thanks for reading today’s post! We’re almost to the end of the month all! I’m really excited to finish this one up and start on the next one! Lots of love and stay safe out there!

Mae’s 31 Day Series Challenge: Day Twenty

Welcome everyone to a brand new challenge for the blog – Mae’s 31 Day Series Challenge for 2024! Similar to what I did with my gaming posts last month, this will be more of a monthly celebration of all things – well series related. Originally I was going to focus it solely on my favorite TV shows but then…I kept thinking about the shows solely on streaming services, as well as web series on platforms like YouTube – all of which I watch regularly. So I decided to combine them all in this month’s celebration 🙂 so don’t be surprised if these posts go all over the place as I talk about some of my favorites, some that may have strong impacts on me, or maybe even some coming down the pipe. Who knows! We’ll see where the night takes us haha. I’ll likely revisit the gaming challenge at some point and continue talking about even more games but for now let’s celebrate series media!

Day Twenty: Dimension 20

I’m a big fan of Dropout and the cast and crew that make their content. But I think my top show has to be Dimension 20 in all its iterations. Generally hosted by the amazing mind of Brennan Lee Mulligan, the show goes into various types of campaigns from Fantasy High, Misfits and Magic, A Court of Fey and Flowers, Neverafter, and more! It’s an actual play show where a cast comes together to play a Tabletop Role-Playing Game, with a host acting as a game master overall to keep the story going.

Now I’m a sucker for DnD and tabletop gaming in general, especially in my more recent years and having more friends that are into it and want to play. The visuals of this show, including the set design, sound design, and the effort that goes into the physical properties used to help tell the stories are absolutely phenomenal. Because these shows aren’t typically live, they put a lot of effort into production of the episodes, going into detail when it wants to focus on the mini fight scenes on the table or focus in on the individual players and game master. It almost feels like you’re at the table, sitting there with your friends focusing in on the story you’re crafting together. It’s a lot of fun!

I guarantee you there’s a campaign so far for everyone. From space odysseys, pirates, fantasy, horror, and more – the team has explored many different story types with an array of cast members. I can listen to Fantasy High over and over again and never get bored because the cast is phenomenal and makes me bust out laughing every single time. And when the serious moments are happening, these cast members ACT THEIR ASSES OFF! I’m fully invested in their characters and want them to succeed no matter what.

Some of the series are actually available on YouTube, with all of them for sure having their pilot episodes for those seasons available for folks to dip their toes into. Want to catch every single episode of Dimension 20? You can watch them on Dropout!

The full playlist of Dimension 20’s Fantasy High Season One!
The full playlist of Dimension 20’s Fantasy High Seaon Two!
A Court of Fey and Flowers is one of my favorite seasons so far of Dimension 20!
Misfits and Magic is basically Harry Potter but not written by a terrible person ^_^
A Crown of Candy made me audibly gasp quite a bit – this Candy Land adventure is actually quite dark!
Neverafter is Dimension 20’s first horror themed campaign, taking fairy tails and turning them into unspeakable horrors!
Video from user Jabletop RPG, which dives in with Brennan on how Dimension 20 came to be!

Thank you so much for reading today’s post! Sorry I couldn’t get this one out yesterday but I’m glad we could work it out today! I absolutely adore every single campaign the crew has done for this show and we’re just getting started. I can’t wait to see what’s next! Lots of love and stay safe out there!

Mae’s 31 Day Series Challenge: Day Four

Welcome everyone to a brand new challenge for the blog – Mae’s 31 Day Series Challenge for 2024! Similar to what I did with my gaming posts last month, this will be more of a monthly celebration of all things – well series related. Originally I was going to focus it solely on my favorite TV shows but then…I kept thinking about the shows solely on streaming services, as well as web series on platforms like YouTube – all of which I watch regularly. So I decided to combine them all in this month’s celebration 🙂 so don’t be surprised if these posts go all over the place as I talk about some of my favorites, some that may have strong impacts on me, or maybe even some coming down the pipe. Who knows! We’ll see where the night takes us haha. I’ll likely revisit the gaming challenge at some point and continue talking about even more games but for now let’s celebrate series media!

Day Four: The Legend of Vox Machina

This is also a show I’ve mentioned previously in posts before so apologies if this one sounds a lil familiar. I have a special place in my heart for DnD and tabletop games, especially watching stories crafted like the ones from Dimension 20, Adventure Zone, and more. One of the leading groups is of course Critical Role, and in recent years we got to see their first campaign in a new light – as an animated series on Amazon Prime called The Legend of Vox Machina!

If you’re familiar with Critical Role’s first campaign, you know that it was rife with growing pains including a team member being removed from the show, the group starting out the campaign in stream form…long after they had started the campaign in real life so we were coming in basically in the middle of missions, and just all in all the team trying to understand this new form of media for them called livestreaming. They had previously tried to fill in the gaps with comics but when the series came about and was supported through crowdfunding with the audience, we saw the show in a new light, with it better written to fit the new medium format so it flowed best. We entered a beautifully animated show filled with laughs, a bit of gore, and a whole lotta feels as the cast put their heart and soul into their performances of these characters they created and developed over the course of that first campaign.

We’ve so far gotten two seasons of the show already, with more in the pipeline that I hope we’ll have an announcement on soon. The first season heavily focused on the Briarwood Arc from the campaign and the second season heavily focused on Vox Machina battling against the Chroma Conclave. There’s some moments that were adjusted in the show but there’s also those key moments that still rock the audience to their core – and being able to see these moments played out in stunning animation and hearing the cast show off their acting chops were so special to us. I’m a huge Percy X Vex fan so you may have an idea of some of the moments I’m talking about 😉

Oh – we mentioned the known cast already – the ones that make up Critical Role on the regular? But did we talk about all the amazing voice talents we currently have amongst the ranks. David Tennant, Stephanie Beatrix, Gina Torres, Khary Payton, the late Lance Reddick – these are just some of the amazing talents we have along for the ride. I’m so thankful we had Lance for the second season – he’ll be greatly missed going forward. But yes – an amazing cast that will continue to grow in each season – and I look forward to seeing some more fan-favorite characters and who they get to bring them to life (since we’re so used to Matt being the voices of most of those NPCs haha).

Another exciting thing is that now that we see how successful The Legend of Vox Machina has been – we now have confirmation that we’re also getting the animated series for The Mighty Nein – the second campaign and possibly my favorite so far of Critical Role’s campaigns. After all, this series gave me Jester, Caleb, Mollymauk, and Caduceus. I’m so excited to see this one and possibly the third campaign in this new medium as well!

Thanks for reading today’s post! I was thinking of sharing about some of the Star Wars shows for May the Fourth but I was too busy today – soon though, I shall! Also sidenote – MY STREAMER WON HIS FIRST MCC HE EVER PLAYED IN! I adore ChilledChaos – he’s my comfort streamer for sure and he’s….struggled in Minecraft in the past. It’s just not his game lol but he said he wanted to play in the Minecraft Championships one day and he finally got his chance. He did excellent for his first time and they actually won the event! So proud of him and the rest of the Red Rabbits – well-deserved! Also, MAY THE FOURTH BE WITH YOU ALL! I’m off to bed so I can go see the Phantom Menace in theaters tomorrow for Revenge of the Fifth! Lots of love and stay safe out there!

Whispers By The Fire

AN: So I’ve been wanting to return to this concept for awhile and explore more with the characters me and Be had for our Anime Club RP we started back in college. I proposed possibly setting up the crew in a tabletop RPG game, playing as both them in real life as well as their fantasy counterparts. I need to adjust bios for a bit but here’s the original bios I set up as well as my first try at a drabble with the concept. Hope you guys enjoy!

Flames licked at the air at the center of the team’s makeshift camp, many curled up and snoozing away the evening. In fact, everyone was getting some much needed rest…all except the one chosen to take the first watch. Ryssa sat pressed upon the log she’d claimed as her own, a soft glow reflecting on her armor as she carefully traced her fingers along her blade settled upon her lap. Her mind was heavy as she stared deep into the blaze, thoughts of the journey and the challenges they’d faced so far.

Just that morning, they almost lost one of their own to a knoll attack. As they marched further down their path to claim the Armor of the Forgotten Kings…they found themselves face to face with some of the most powerful enemies any of them had ever faced. Would they all make it out alive on the other side of all this? Ryssa prayed to the makers they would…she just had to ensure her team were protected against all threats. She had to get the armor…she had to…

“Careful there milady,” a familiar voice pulled the princess from her thoughts, the woman taking notice of the monk who’d taken a seat across the way. He had a tired stare, one that clearly thirsted for a few winks of shut-eye. Yet there he sat, lifting his gaze to meet his companion’s. “Please don’t wound yourself in a daze.”

“You should be sleeping Inuki. I’ve got the watch, no need to worry,” Ryssa hummed as she shifted her blade to its sheath to remove the distraction from her hold. The monk shrugged at her words, instead getting more comfortable in his seat. “Inuki, please-.”

“You look like you could use a friend right now milady,” Inuki said with a half-grin upon his lips, his fangs peeking out for all to see. “It’s ok milady – we’re ok.”

The color seemed to drain from Ryssa’s cheeks as she sputtered at his words, “W-What are you talking about?”

The monk didn’t miss a beat, gesturing to the figures slumbering around them. The hulking form of Adrian was a monster of a half-orc, yet his hold was surprisingly gentle as he pulled the smaller frame of his half-elf fiance Elena to his chest. Both had their fair share of wounds yet it didn’t deter them from staying at each other’s sides, their love shining through always. Drake was propped up against a nearby tree, his lute laying loose in his lap as his horned head bobbed with each peaceful breath. Jetta and Lathi both laid just outside of the fire’s circle, wrapped tight in their blankets as they rested and nursed the extent of their latest wounds away from the other members of the team. Briar was curled up against her wolf Eilonwi, the warm fur a welcome pillow to cuddle with each night. Nearby, the armored figure had managed to let down his guard enough to remove his chest piece, allowing Zachariah to lay down and rest. And then the most injured of the team, Lace, laid curled up and bandaged, her breathing no longer labored as it had been earlier that morning following the knoll attack. At some point in the evening, Ebillian had settled in beside her slumbering form, his dark wing acting as a comforting barrier as he slept beside her (something he’d deny for sure once awake – but for now Ryssa would just smile at the sight of him actually showing his true colors).

Inuki’s voice hummed, the princess’ gaze returning to the monk as he grinned at her. “See? We’re ok. We’re not dead. Despite everything that’s been thrown at us, we’ve overcome it as a team. Sure, it’s been a bit rough…but all-in-all, we’re all alive. It’s ok.” The monk gestured to her with a nod. “You don’t have to shoulder all this alone milady.”

Her breath caught in her throat as Ryssa turned her gaze, hoping to stifle the teardrops threatening to cascade down her cheeks. When did her emotions grow so difficult to manage? “I-It’s not-Inuki, it’s my responsibility to ensure the care of this group. All of you have been thrust into this because of me. I can’t-!”

“See – that’s the thing milady. I don’t think a single one of these teammates of ours believes they were thrusted into something,” Inuki corrected, a curious tilt to his head making him seem more like a pup than ever before. “I know I was entranced by the thought of finally stepping out of my safe haven to explore the world beyond our tribe. You helped me find that courage – you and all our friends. Lace…she felt a kinship with you that made her want to help you reach your goal. Zachariah sees you as a true hero and wanted to pledge his allegiance to your cause. Even Adrian and Elena…sure it may have started off as hired help…but they’re still here despite everything. Every single person here…in their own way…chose to be here. And it’s because of you.”

The princess couldn’t hold back her sobs as she weeped in her seat, her hand lifted to her lips to stifle the whimpers. All the while Inuki simply smiled warmly, eventually lifting to his feet to take his place beside her. He didn’t advance beyond that, fully just settling in as a presence for her to feel comfort in as she allowed herself to release the tensions that had been plaguing her all this time. If she needed him, he was there. He was fine with that. Whatever his milady needed – he would make it happen after all.


Mae’s Mini Reviews: The Legend of Vox Machina Season Two + Hype for the Mighty Nein

I have a special place in my heart for DnD and tabletop games, especially watching stories crafted like the ones from Dimension 20, Adventure Zone, and more. One of the leading groups is of course Critical Role and they recently released the first six episodes of The Legend of Vox Machina Season Two! And let me tell you – the hype is real!

We’ve gotten past the Briarwood Arc and are now facing off against the Chroma Conclave, dragons that are bent to seize control of everything. Our heroes, recently seen as the heroes of the realm, must step forward to save lives…but what will they lose in return?

If you’re familiar with the first campaign Critical Role played via Twitch then you may know of a few key moments that we’ve already seen now in this second season. And believe me, they make some things a lot more heartwrenching as they overlay key moments in their backstories with the present turmoil they face.

Don’t worry – there’s still plenty of laughs, a bit of gore, and excellent performances from the main crew as well as guests (including some familiar ones from the campaign 😉). We’ve still got a bit of the season to go – with three episodes each airing every Friday on Amazon Prime! It’s my current must-watch and it’s been amazing watching these episodes with my bestie and finally getting to share these moments that us Critical Role fans recall again and again – now in beautiful animation form.

And guess what folks – Critical Role is just getting started on the animation front. It’s been announced that we also have campaign two entering the fray – and we’ll see The Mighty Nein like we’ve never seen them before. Oh man, I already know that it’s gonna break my heart. I’M READY FOR THE CHAOS! So us DnD/tabletop geeks rejoice, it’s a hell of a time to be a fan. And maybe soon we’ll even get to see Bell’s Hells and more as well. Let’s keep the love going ❤️

A Quick Mae Review: Dimension 20’s A Court of Fey and Flowers Has My Heart

I have a quick review for you all today – well more of me just rambling and sharing what I’m currently obsessed with right now in the world of media.

So if you guys know me well enough, you know that I have a special place in my heart for tabletop roleplaying games, especially those like Adventure Zone, Critical Role, Not Another D&D Podcast, and more! College Humor has their own show called Dimension 20 that I’ve watched for years (and you can too with the DropOut app or select shows on YouTube) and it varies in content and what the games are about. And this season…we’re getting a high class ordeal with members of the fey courts (or lack thereof) – FAIRIES AND F***ING as some have deemed it lmao (don’t worry – it’s been rather tame so far but hey we’re here for it if things heat up *wink*).

A Court of Fey and Flowers is a magical adventure where fey creatures come together from all realms for the Bloom, a gathering for relations, games, riots, and ruin depending how the game is played. Game Master Aabria Iyengar leads her pack of pixies through the game and each of them plays a part in the growing story that unfolds from week to week – Emily Axford as Lady Chirp Featherfowl, Surena Marie as Gwyndolin Thistle-hop, Oscar Montoya as Delloso de la Rue, Brennan Lee Mulligan as Captain K.P. Hob, Omar Najam as Andhera, and Lou Wilson as Lord Squak Airavis. And let me tell you – I love every season of this show, the amount of cohesiveness from the players is impeccable. But after watching each episode week to week and seeing these folks mesh so well and bring out such a fun story, I really think this season takes the cake as my favorite. Aabria is an absolute queen in the story she weaves and how she works with her table to play out the events of the Bloom, and each character brings something so important to the game that has me on the edge of my seat each week. I’ve laughed, I’ve cried, I’ve jumped out of my chair screaming. It’s a rollercoaster of emotions and everyone has this humor that makes you grin from ear to ear no matter the situation. I love it.

They have the first full episode on YouTube and further releases have been made on the DropOut app. The season will be 10 episodes long and premieres every Wednesday at 7 p.m. EST (last episode is set to premiere Oct. 5). So join us for this most magical occasion – and highly recommend all of Dimension 20’s catalog as all the shows are excellent!

Be Free, Little Silvy

AN: So technically even though I have this in my Dungeons and Dragons Drabbles category – this is actually an introduction I wanted to write on my new Pathfinder character I made for my friend Rex’s game. I built her alongside my friend Jessie to be loosely based (and I mean loosely haha) on Chrissy from Stranger Things (her character is based on Eddie). I have a tendancy to create characters who come from traumatic backgrounds finding a tribe or family who help them heal from their past and shine their brightest – we’ve only just started but I’m looking forward to having my little Silvy finding her place amongst her new friends (and her Kaius). Also apparently we’re about to get a bear to haunt a teddy bear – so we’re about to have a Mr. Tibbers on our hands? Haha only time will tell. I’m going to brainstorm more with Jessie before I write the official first meeting of the two. But just know that is coming soon as well 🙂 Enjoy!

A warm breeze danced across the hills of the village that particular evening where Edwin and Bella Galehart took up residence, the pained whimpers only deafened by the rolling thunder of the approaching storm. The healers kept close to Bella’s side as she gripped tightly to the hand of her husband, Edwin whispering sweet nothings in her ear and brushing away the sweat building up on her brow. Soon, their child would enter the world, full of life and promise.

The swirling wind entered through the open windows, tusseling the woman’s long blond curls as tears streamed down her face. A shriek rose up from the depths of her being as she gripped harder to Edwin’s outstretched hand, their fingers intertwined and paling at the pressure. It was time. She was coming.

Little Silvy Galehart came into the world cradled by the air currents, the healers gasping at the sight of this tiny figure with skin traced by swirling, glowing blue markings. Her blond hair seemed to dance along with the breeze, nearly lifting her from the panicking hold of her mother who cried out for answers. What was wrong with her baby? Why was she marked in such a way? Was she a curse?

Edwin’s heart was never swayed by the oddities of his child, his gaze aglow as he lifted the child into his arms. It was love at first sight – he urged his wife and the healers to understand that nothing was wrong with their little girl. But alas, as the winds and storms grew more frequent across their village, the rumors began to spread and more doubt settled on Bella’s heart as she shied away from her own flesh and blood, mourning that she had brought a curse into the world.

Humans often shy away from what they deem different, even those who share their blood. Silvy was born of human parents, so all believed she would be a human. But instead, this young creature was a Sylph, a being descended from humans and air elementals. The child was blessed with the power of the wind, the breeze bending to her will. Edwin loved her curious spirit and wanted her to thrive as her true self. However, Bella refused, forcing Silvy to stay inside far from prying eyes, covered to keep the swirling markings out of sight.

As the village began to grow more weary of the family for the curse they brought upon them, Edwin had to leave to find work away from home, gone for months at a time to earn all he could for his family. This unfortunately left the already breaking Bella alone with a child she frankly never forgave for being born the way she was. As Silvy began to grow, she grew more questioning of what she was, why the wind chose her, why she had to hide. And with each growing question, Bella lost more patience with the girl until the emotional abuse…turned physical.

Silvy felt unloved…unwanted…her only salvation off beyond the hills likely unaware of the hell he left his daughter in. And as news found its way into their home of the cave-in at the mines that took Edwin away…well, that was the final straw for Bella. Her grief consumed her as she threw Silvy to the ground and left her broken and beaten, shouting to the world how this cursed child took everything away from her…how she should have never been born…how she deserved to die and not Edwin…

And this little child, her own grief swirling in her heart for her lost father and for the mother who loathed her very existence…well, her and her winds lost control. Their home crumbled to the ground as a tornado burst from within, Bella tossed about like a doll before debris buried her and ended her hateful cries. The village saw what remained of this cursed home was the little girl, hovering amongst the storm she created.

Soldiers were called to capture her, many pleading with them to end this child’s life. However, the Captain had other plans for her, the wizards chaining up Little Silvy and forcing her into a life of slavery to his home. For years Silvy lived in the confines of his mansion, abused now by the guard and the wizards who kept her from the winds. She was nothing more than a tool, a being cursed to live in suffering…all because the winds chose her. When would it all end? How she wished for a better life?

One night the town was attacked, flames licking away at the buildings as screams rose up along the breeze. Silvy was certain she’d finally met her end. Any hope of escape had left her heart long ago…now she’d finally die and rid the world of her cursed life.

…However, the winds filled the crumbling home and cradled the girl among the currents, just as they had done years ago when she came into this world. The winds loved her and wanted her to live. They carried her far beyond the destruction, settling her amongst the trees far from the gaze of the humans who condeemed her to such a horrid life…if any of them were still alive anyway.

Silvy felt freedom for the first time in her life, the sylph dancing with the breeze through the forest she nested in. What awaited her in life, Silvy wasn’t sure. However, with the wind at her side and a curious world before her, she wanted to find a place where she truly belong…a place she could truly feel loved.


Sewn With Care

AN: Hi All! Life’s been hectic – surprise surprise! But wanted to get this drabble out by the end of the month since I had a chance to share a little bit of backstory of Bayelei to one of my DnD groups – as well as her teaming with Brewin and Ash, and how they interact together. I wanted to touch more on Baye and Ash’s relationship in this one since Ash hasn’t really gotten to shine yet in my writing here on the blog. So hope you guys enjoy ^_^ Also sidenote to Be – I’m working on a little Wonderland-esque drabble for you. I’ll get it done eventually. Hahaha!

The painted pattern of Ash’s coat seemed to shift with his muscles as he paced throughout the barn they’d set up camp, his human arms wrapped tightly around his frame as he muttered panicked stutters under his breath. It had been a few hours since Brewin had ventured off for the evening on a hunt of his own, searching the town they’d wandered into that afternoon for some news related to the bandits that they’d been tracking since Tusla.

The fretful centaur was always a mess when his anxieties built up in his gut, swirling thoughts bubbling up in his imagination of every worst outcome possible befalling him and his friends. Yet…he knew this was something Brewin had to do – and he was the best equipped of their trio to take on such a task. After all, though he loved Bayelei to death…she had a tendancy of stirring up a bit of chaos wherever she went. And he…god, how Ash hated his own weaknesses and failures, his constant worry of everything going wrong. He wanted to see the world like Baye did – a wondrous place for of adventure. Or hell, he’d love to see it as Brewin did, a place for opportunities to live a comfortable life. Not a place where everyone and everything was out to get you. He had to get better…he had to…wait a minute? Where was Bayelei anyway?

“There you are Ashy!” A tumultuous cheer nearly gave the centaur a heart attack, his body leaping into the air before glowing and twisting itself into the smaller form of a spotted cat. The creature plopped on his paws and skirted to a pile of hay and diving into his newly formed hiding spot, wide eyes peering out to see a familiar triton grinning in his direction. “It’s so funny when you do that. Come here Kitty Ashy!”

The small beast breathed deep through his fangs to calm his rapid heartbeat, rolling his eyes before stepping out and shaking off the hay clinging to his fur. With each step forward, Ash began to shape back into his centaur form, the fey soon towering over the slender frame of Bayelei poised and ready with arms outstretched as he settled in at her side. His freckled cheeks were tinted pink as his gaze fell to his hooves shuffling beneath him.

“Y-You scared me half to death,” Ash muttered, his voice trailing off with a gasp as he felt Bayelei scoop his torso into a tight hug. She snuggled into his chest, her toothy grin adorable to witness as she glanced up to meet his stare. “Where did you go? I was worried you’d run off again.”

“Oh, I super ran off again – but no worries at all, Ashy! I came back with gifts!” She hummed before stepping back from her friend, holding out her opened satchel to reveal a stash of treats she’d (hopefully) purchased from the market. See – practically a feast! Our own personal feast!”

The triton beamed at the sheepish grin pulling at Ash’s lips, Bayelei then taking his hand and guiding him to lower on the blankets they’d laid out upon the hay for their bedding for the evening. He welcomed the distraction from his constant worries, happily accepting the fruits offered as she gobbled up some of the pastries she’d snagged for herself. While he nibbled on his food, he listened closely to Bayelei excitedly talking of her latest venture into town and those she met within the market. Along her staff and tucked in her braid were a few new trinkets she added to her collection, reminders of those she’d befriended along the way. A softened pink blush settled on his cheeks as he noted the feather he’d given her during one of his wild shapes into a raven, the gift crafted into an earring she wore proudly for all to see. He was so happy he’d found Bayelei who made him feel seen and loved – had found Brewin who made him feel protected and strong. Oh…Brewin…right…

Ash’s shoulders slumped as he pressed his body further into the mounds of hay surrounding them, a glance towards the boarded windows giving peeks to the darkening skies above. It was getting late…how he hoped Brewin wasn’t hurt.

“Oi, Ashy? You listening to me?” Ash’s muscles tensed as he felt Bayelei lean into his side, her eyes observing him with a raised brow. “I’m just now getting to the good part.”

“S-Sorry, I-,” Ash began yet trailed off, his excuses mattering little as he felt the triton could already read him like a book. “D-Do you think Brewin’s ok?”

Bayelei didn’t even skip a beat as she gave a strong nod to affirm her words. “Of course he’s ok. He’s the strongest bundle of fluff I know.”

Ash stifled a chuckle, “I-I don’t think he’d approve that description.”

“He loves it – don’t lie,” Bayelei hummed as she scooted closer to the centaur, hugging his arm tightly on instinct as she continued her prying. “He’s fine Ashy. He said he’s familiar with this place and has friends here he can reach out to. Apparently there’s this local drunk of a dwarf who’s got history with him – they’re probably smoozing over ale. No need to worry Ashy.” The centaur welcomed the grounding embrace of his friend, gratitude filling his gaze as he watched her smile up at him once more. “”I can hear your heart racing faster than your gallop, Ashy! Let’s do something to get your mind off all that panic!”

Ash mourned the warmth of his friend as she scurried over to their packs, the woman then tossing belongings she deemed uninteresting across the barn without a care. Only when she squealed with delight did she turn back, Ash’s own sewing kit tucked between her fingers.

Ah…sewing did bring him some comfort…

Bayelei dashed back to his side and set up the sewing materials amongst them, her grin wide as she held up the fabric, needle, and thread proudly. He couldn’t help the warm smile forming on his lips as he took up his own materials, nodding along as he began his instruction.

“What are we crafting today, Bayelei?” He asked.

“Oh oh oh! Plushies! Let’s make plushies! I want something to snuggle up with at night!” Bayelei cheered, Ash holding his tongue from offering retorts of how she already snuggled up with them at night – the thought of saying such a thing burning his cheeks red.

Instead he nodded along to her demands and held up the materials to show her the steps, beginning to weave a plush form of a familiar centaur. He patiently provided every step, explaining each motion of the needle as the triton followed along, nothing stirring her confidence – not even the frayed stitches or the button eye hanging down instead of securing itself in the sewn skull. Once they were both completed, they held up their newly stuffed plushies, Ash’s more pristine centaur so accurate to himself while Bayelei’s Brewin plushie was somehow being held together despite it’s rough appearance. Ash couldn’t hide his smile though as he watched her cheer and hug the sewn beast to her chest. It was the perfect reflection of the triton – chaotic and adorable. He loved her little creation and her excitement as she compared their plushies and began to puppet conversions with them with her best impressions of Brewin and Ash.

His heart no longer raced at the thought of their missing friend, Bayelei bringing a smile to his face as she kept his mind on her and her chaos. Far into the night, they enjoyed each other’s company before the triton finally snuggled into the centaur’s side to sleep the night away, tightly hugging the two plushies to her chest.

The moon was high when Brewin finally made his way inside the barn, eyes wide as he noticed Ash still up and sewing something in his hand under the glow of the cased candle. The soft slumbering sighs of Bayelei were barely audible as she snuggled in deeper into the centaur’s side. As the bugbear approached, Ash finally lifted his gaze and a wave of relief befell his features.

“Oh thank the gods, you’re ok,” Ash chimed quietly with a smile. “I’m glad you made it back safely.”

Brewin nodded along with a hum, “Hey now, of course I’m ok – sorry for worrying ya Ash. I suppose my friend kept me at the tavern much too long. What are you still doing up?”

A sheepish grin on his lips, Ash dared to hold up the plushie he’d been crafting – an adorable little version of Bayelei nearly complete. “I didn’t want to fall asleep until you were back. But luckily Baye got me focused on sewing to keep my mind from…well panicking too much. So I kept going even as she fell asleep. What do you think?”

The bugbear softened at the sight. “You’ve got a gift my friend. Come on Ash, time to get some sleep.”

And so, the two joined into the snuggle pile and snuffled the candle’s light, Ash hugging his newest creation tightly as he finally felt peace beside his friends.


Baye and Brew

AN: Hi all, I recently did some more gaming with two characters I created for DnD (and one of which whom I’ve changed his name because I like the new one better). I’ve been kinda testing the waters via drabbles to really get a feel for their storyline before I started gaming with them and how they ended up as companions, etc. I did do a post last year featuring some early renditions of their storyline: Just fyi, that drabble isn’t really canon anymore. I’ve since changed some of the details of how they first meet but I like keeping my writings and seeing how these characters evolve. I’ll likely rework it into a new story that I’ll share here too but for now I just wanted to write a little something to sort of highlight how the characters interact with each other. Hope you all enjoy!

The earth shook beneath each quaking step of the towering bugbear as Brewin manuevered through the bustling town, crowds parting with fearful glances spared in his direction. He didn’t mind the cowering much anymore, he’d grown long accustomed to their quiverings and salted slurs mumbled amongst the riff raff at his expense. Brewin didn’t give much of a damn about their prejudices…he learned that quick from his ambitious past of fleeing the life of cave dwellings, looting and commandeering goblin hordes to explore the vast world beyond his family of brutes. Those tales of wonders he’d read about in the books his uncle had offered him, of magnificent cities built on progress, of ships sailing vast oceans to explore the great beyond, of wielders of magic bending realities to their will – everything he was so excited to learn about…quickly fell to an afterthought as he found more and more treat him like a monster without even getting to know him. All because he was a bugbear.

Sure, it weighed on him at first. But after joining his former captain’s crew, he learned to let their prejudices roll of his fur and just move forward. After all…he’d since found some companions that didn’t give a damn what he was. They liked him for him – and that’s all that mattered.

And speaking of that, where was that bubbleheaded princess anyway? His gaze narrowed upon a lively tavern, thunderous cheers wafting from the doorway. The lantern light spilled through the dusty windows, shadows dancing along the cobblestone street revealing quite the party to be had within. There was no way in hell that girl wasn’t inside.

With a deep exhale Brewin made his way to the door, eyeing the hanging sign tussled by the breeze. The Harpy’s Harvest, a typical name for a typical spot for a pint. His attention was suddenly pulled by shuffles and slurs, a drunken half-elf tossing open the door and slamming facefirst into the bugbear. Brewin’s dark eyes gazed down at the impact, watching the half-elf sputter backwards and begin to berate whoever dared to step in his way. Those chiseled features of the stranger brandished with anger suddenly tense and growing pale at the sight of the towering figure before him. He couldn’t even form a tangible phrase before the half-elf dashed out into the night, Brewin watching him go with a rueful sigh.

Turning his attention into the tavern itself, he could already see the line of stares starting in his direction. Some of the joyous banter from the patrons quieted, though there was no silencing the playful bard in the corner and the gleeful audience he’d gathered on the dance floor. A soft murmuring echoed somewhere to his right, whispering patrons already crafting terrifying tales of the beast that had entered the tavern. But he didn’t mind them – his sights were set on the pale blue triton barely visible amongst the crowd of men that had slunk to her side through all the chaos.

Bayelei was grinning like a fool, tankard tight in hand as she chatted away with the crowd. The men hummed along and voiced sugary words to catch the attention of their prey – though in truth the triton didn’t seem to notice their wishes, only too excited to learn whatever she could from the smart gentlemen offering her the time of day.

The towering bugbear grumbled under his breath and made his way towards the huddled party, his gaze trained on the triton to ensure she didn’t vanish from his sights. The floorboards creaked under each heavy step, the quaking approach quickly noticed by the men as they all turned their wide stares upon the beast.

“O-Oi, look at this lughead!” One of the more brawny of the men bolstered, his brash tone barely hiding the stutter in his speech or the quiver up his spine. “What’s your deal beastie? Got a problem? Beat it – you’re spooking the lady!”

Brewin’s eyes rolled at the address, the bugbear shoving past the man who “bravely” stepped forward to lock eyes with Bayelei. The triton’s wide eyes focused on the creature for a moment before a geniune smile pulled at her lips, a little bounce of excitement in each step as she raced forward from her posse to her best friend.

“Brew! You’re here!” Bayelei cheered happily, her tankard raised high as whatever liqud was poured sloshed about in its confines. All the men gawked at the display, watching this petite girl saddle up to this terrifying tower of a beast and tug on his claws as if he were a harmless pup. “Aw come join the fun! These kind gentlemen were just talking about buying us another round! Free drinks!”

Brewin allowed Bayelei to swing his claw along with her ecstatic display, keeping a keen eye on her as he frowned. “Baye, I do not believe-.”

“Now hold on there! I don’t know what’s going on but-,” one of the gentlemen scoffed at the sight, taking a step forward as a hand hovered over his blade. “I’m not sharing company with a damn monster – beat it bugbear!”

A deafening hush fell upon the tavern, even the bard quieting his song as gazes turned towards the crowd. What did they expect to happen? Oh right – they all feared the bugbear was a rageful monster.

If only they knew the true danger. Brewin didn’t even flinch at the harsh words being thrown at him, he was used to them after all. But he noticed the tightened grip on his claw and he eyed the girl cautiously, silently pleading for her to keep her cool.

“What did you say?” Bayelei’s voice was even, the sweet tone she usually housed darkening as she turned towards the crowd.

“We don’t want that beast in here, so beat it you mon-!”

Echoing curses raised up from the posse as Bayelei tossed her tankard, the drink dowsing the men sputtering backwards in shock. The metal of the cup clunked against the hard wood, Brewin unable to hold the triton back as she stomped forward. Fangs bared, Bayelei’s narrowed eyes cut across the men, remmbering each of their despicable faces as a growl surged from deep within her chest.

“Take it back,” she hissed, a threatening finger aimed in their direction. “Take back what you just said.”

Swirling tempers mounted at the forefront, the main culprit taking his place at the front as others either tried to trot away from the madness or dare to back up their self-appointed leader. “Or what? You’ve got a lot of nerve miss, why I oughta-!”

His threats were silenced as a wave of icy spikes burst from the ground, weaving across the floor and barreling into the man. This brawling figure, once stood strong and cocky before this tiny triton, was suddenly soaring through the air before collapsing into a heap onto a nearby table, sending food and ale across the laps and faces of the patrons sitting there.

“He’s not a monster!” Bayelei shouted, her stance strong and her voice carrying over the crowd within the tavern as she spun her staff at the ready for whatever would come next. “Brewin is a hero and the greatest! You asses don’t deserve to be in his presence!”

All eyes were now locked into their direction, shouts rising up from the men as they noted this girl’s outrageous behavior against them. The tavernkeep likely blended into those shouts as well but Brewin’s notice was solely on those now charging Bayelei, hands reaching for their belts for blades as they moved. Bayelei didn’t back down from their approach, magic sparking at her fingertips and the tip of her driftwood staff as weapons now aimed for her person. Nor did she seem too surprised when the looming presence at her back seemed to envelope her, limbs stretching out protectively around her like a forcefield.

“Now you’ve done it!” Brewin’s voice shook the room as he raced forward, his limbs swinging about and knocking away the weapons, completely sweeping so many of the men off their feet. His fangs were bared and his eyes were wild as the tavern was lost to madness, bodies swatted away left and right while the floor was splattered with blood, broken teeth, and discarded food and ale.

The brawl barely lasted five minutes, the tavernkeep leaping across the bar and forcing space between the growing crowd of fighters. After a severe tongue lashing and a thorough emptying of pockets across the culprits, Baye and Brew found themselves tossed out into the night.

“Why has this become a trend with us?” Brewin grumbled under his breath as he adjusted his hold of the girl on his back. Bayelei snuggled up into his fur, her chin rested on his shoulder as her arms wrapped tightly around his neck. The two of them were a bit ragged from the fight, but nothing serious thankfully. Now the other guys…that was another story entirely. The bugbear prayed they never had to see them ever again.

“Not our fault those guys were dicks,” the triton hummed with a shrug, her words a bit slurred from the waterfalls of ale she likely consumed and the exhaustion from waving spell after spell without a sense of caution. Brewin really wanted to scold her for her lack of restraint…however, her immediate response to protect his supposed honor to those that ridiculed him had him swallowing them instead. “Ashy’s gonna be so mad!”

“That he will – though he’ll be too terrified to scold us for sure,” Brewin mused with a chuckle at the thought of the panicking centaur cowering under the bugbear’s gaze. It wouldn’t even be a harsh glance…the poor boy was just skittish.

The two continued into the night for a while, silent save for their even breathing and the booming steps of the bugbear. However, as they made their way along a bridge overlooking the waterways, Brewin paused his steps, leaning against the railing to gaze upon the lapping waves below.

“You know, you missed out on a few free drinks from that tussle in the bar,” he began, a hesitance in his voice as he pieced his words together. “Your reputation is going to be tainted the more you stand up for me. You should just-.”

A soft force pushed against his cheek, Brewin noticing the feeling of knuckles immediately as he sighed. “Better stop before I deck you in the face.”


“I don’t care about that stuff – those guys were dicks and they didn’t deserve the time of day from anyone,” said the triton as she tightened her embrace on the bugbear. Her cheek nuzzled into his, Brewin muttering to himself yet relishing in the attention. When it came to his best friend, and the amount of love she showed him, he truly believed there was more to himself than just being the monster everyone feared he was. “You’re the kindest and coolest bugbear ever and I won’t let anyone get away with being a dick to you. I’ll smash their faces in.”

Brewin raised a brow at her words, “isn’t that sort of behavior unbecoming of a princess?”

“Labels are dumb. I’m more than my leniage. And you’re more than meets the eye,” Bayelei replied with a huff, snuggling up closer to her friend as they stared out at the ships lulling in the harbor. “You’re my best friend. And the world should see you for the amazing one you are. If I have to knock a few skulls to get it through their thick heads, it’s worth it.”

The bugbear felt his heart tighten in his chest, strengthening his hold on his friend as he couldn’t hide the grin on his lips. This girl would certainly cause him a lot of strife with her headstrong attitude taking center stage…but he didn’t mind it one bit. Because in his eyes, she saw him as more than a monster. She saw him for himself. And that was worth all the struggles they’d likely endure in the future. They’d handle it together, as friends and companions.

“You’re ridiculous, you know that,” Brewin hummed with a chuckle.

“Yep, and you love me for it!” Bayelei answered with a giggle of her own, the two of them enjoying their evening out by the water. They would go hunt for Ash eventually…but for now, just being together was enough for them.


May’s Drabble-A-Day Three: Discoveries and Friendships Made

AN: Alright, today’s drabble is loosely based on my DnD character’s storyline to fit a more narrative platform under my control. This is sort of the backstory I have planned for my Triton Bayelei also known as Lady Aryn before she escaped her home and made her way towards land. I wanted to be able to develop it more here in writing. So hope you guys enjoy! 

The dock quaked under each booming step of the towering bugbear making his way up the gangplank of the Morning Dove, the merchant ship beckoning its cargo to be offloaded from its latest venture beyond the coast. The threatening creature stood leagues above the other hired hands, many diving from his wake to avoid his wrath.

Kretin didn’t mind their cowering anymore. All these men and women he’d met in this port city were assholes who slandered his name just for being a bugbear. If there was no longer any aim to please these fuckers, he’d at least use his brute strength and beared fangs to command them to leave him be. How far Kretin had fallen from his dreams.

His ancestors didn’t make things easy for him…after all, bugbears were known for their deathly actions and mauling those who stood in their way. Kretin’s family were no exception to the roles their species were meant to play…well, save for him.

He dreamed of making a name for himself, far away from the cave dwellings and goblin hordes his family commandeered back home in the mountains. He wanted adventure, to meet different races, to make an honest living somewhere where his talents were appreciated.

Once he fled the confines of his home and had ventured into towns and villages however, Kretin soon found himself a captive workhorse to a man named Demoran. Dragged along with his new master towards this lively port city, the bugbear was put to work transporting cargo and even occasionally used in fights for money.

Kretin hated this life…but what could he do? A steel collar was latched tight around his neck, a magical bond tying him to this place and that demon of a man he called master. As long as he was in chains, there was no escaping the fate he’d found for himself. Nothing…or no one…would help a bugbear flee. Kretin was doomed to suffer for the rest of his miserable life under Demoran’s hold, his dreams dashed forever. If only someone could provide him one simple chance to prove he wasn’t just some monster to command.

Another hired hand dodged from Kretin from the stairwell to the lower decks of the ship, the bugbear welcoming the peace and quiet below as he trotted down the planks towards where the cargo awaited. He bypassed the smaller cases and barrels, his yellow eyes narrowed on the largest crates furthest from the open air.

“I’ll just give it the ole heave-ho and-,” Kretin muttered to himself as he effortlessly lifted a crate onto his shoulder, his eyes wide as he caught sight of something he never expected to find onboard one of these merchant vessels. A slender, trembling figure was curled up amongst the cargo, her skin a light blue and her dark hair cascading like a veil far past her waist. She had webbing between her fingers and toes; as well as fins protruding from her wrists and calves. What’s more – she wore a shimmering gown and wore some of the finest jewels Kretin had ever seen. “Y-You’re not – you’re not on the manifest…”

This beautiful fish woman whom Kretin guessed was some sort of mermaid or triton lifted her hands up at the beast’s notice, her deep purple gaze staring back at him almost pleading with him. “Please – I have payment,” she whispered, her voice reminding him of the sound of bells. She seemed so scared and yet – the way she stared back at Kretin without hesitation…it almost seemed fearless. Whatever she feared had nothing to do with this towering bugbear before her. “I promise to give you whatever you want. So please – please let me go.”

Kretin slowly glanced over his shoulder, thankful not another soul had bothered to come lumbering down the steps to find this stowaway aboard Demoran’s vessel. No matter how beautiful a creature this woman seemed – she would have been enslaved without a second thought or slaughtered for her actions. Though from the look of her, Kretin guessed she was some sort of noble…she’d have been locked away as a hostage for whatever she seemed to be running from.

Lucky for her – Kretin wasn’t Demoran…

Gently the beast lowered the crate from before and gripped into the wooden cover, his brute strength breaking apart the nails holding it in place. Once he had opened it up and revealed the cargo laced in hay within, he gestured to the inner workings with a toothy grin. “You want out of here? Climb in.”

The woman eyed him for a moment, trying to read what was behind those yellow slits of his. There was no malice there, only determination. The fear seemed to melt away from the woman’s features as she climbed to her feet, her body so small compared to his. Yet her smile, it was so large and bright – one of the kindest smiles he’d ever seen in his life.

“Thank you hero,” the woman hummed as she did as instructed, climbing into the confines of the crate and curling into a ball as best she could within the hay. He knew whatever cargo was laced inside might be damaged – however, he had plans to pin that on one of the crew aboard the ship instead. That or take a whip for disrupting the loot. Whatever kept this maiden safe from Demoran’s scorn. After all – she just called him a hero – if a bugbear could blush, he’d be as red as a tomato.

Ensuring she was safely inside, Kretin forced the crate closed and did his best to hide the fact it’d been pried open. As gently as he could manage, he lifted the crate onto his shoulder again, lifting up another just to keep his fellow hired hands from asking questions. Each step he made he was careful of how he shifted his weight, fully aware of the living, breathing woman he had in his possession. One wrong move and the jig was up for them both. He had to protect her – and himself – no matter what.

Kretin had made it all the way down the gangplank and onto the pier, relief beginning to bubble up in his gut as he set his sights towards the warehouse of his master. All he had to do was get someplace safe and offload the stowaway, sending her off on her merry way free from Demoran’s hold.

He was so close…

“You thought I wouldn’t fucking notice, you lumbering beast!” A roaring voice suddenly called out from behind Kretin, his muscles growing tense as he turned to stare upon the approaching form of Master Demoran, a brawny man who seemed to have had his fair share of bouts with creatures great and small from the amount of scars littering his arms and chest. Nowadays however, the man resorted to a more lucrative business, controlling shipments and business within the port city. This didn’t make him any less intimidating however, for even as the owner of a possible crime operation, this man was dangerous – always armed and ready to silence whoever stood in his way. “What the hell did you do to that crate?! It’s been destroyed!”

Kretin gulped hard in his throat as he kept a firm grip on the crate on his shoulder. He couldn’t let his master see what awaited inside. “I-I dropped it coming up the planks. But it’s fine – the cargo is fine. I made sure everything was-!”

Kretin’s words fell flat as a crack echoed across the pier, a whip digging into his chest and opening up an old wound. It was a favorite spot of Demoran’s to target – a bullseye for the towering bugbear’s pride. Despite the pain now rippling through his body though, Kretin held strong to the crate – desperate to protect this woman he’d found hiding below deck.

“If one fucking thing is damaged in that crate, so help me I will string you up for a month,” his master roared as the other hands gawked towards the scene, their previous fears of the bugbear seeming to wash away at the sight of him being punished by a man half his size. “I mean it, you’ll be hell if you’ve cost me, you got that?”

“I understand master,” Kretin grumbled as he stumbled backwards, returning back to his original task now under the watchful stare of Demoran and the other hands. He had to get away from prying eyes. That was the only way this woman would be safe. If she were discovered now, everything would have been for naught.

Breezing past the guards at the entrance to the warehouse, Kretin tossed down the other crate before aiming towards the farthest reaches, praying they would be safe from the watch. Once in the shadows, he lightly placed the crate down and opened it up to see the woman staring up at him, tears threatening to escape her eyes as she gazed back at him. She could see the open wound on his chest and she held in a gasp, Kretin shocked by such a response.

“You can escape out the back and head into town,” Kretin said quickly as he reached a clawed hand into the crate. Even his hand was so much bigger than the woman, easily engulfing her hand and pulling her along with him out of the crate and onto solid ground. “Don’t linger and don’t stop to speak to anyone until you’re clearly out of sight of the pier. If you act like you’re meant to be here, no one will bother you. Though you’d need to be careful with all these glittering gems you got. Your whole look screams how rich you are.”

The woman bit hard on her lip as she shifted her gaze, “not anymore.” She then stepped closer to the bugbear, her fingers tracing the open wound sadly as she whispered, “that man – he hurt you.”

“My master hurts whoever stands in the way of his profit,” Kretin replied, his body shivering at the woman’s touch as she continued to trace the scars that littered his body beneath the mountains of brown fur. Her fingers continued to travel up until they paused at the magical collar around his neck, teasing the steel with a knowing glance. “You need to go.”

“I know how I can repay you,” the woman whispered, her purple stare firm upon his own gaze as the creature felt a sudden jolt of pressure from his neck…and then a weight being lifted entirely. “Unlock.”

Kretin had seen magic users before in his travels but the way she effortlessly unlatched the chains that bound him for years to that place – it was an utter shock. He sputtered backwards as a hand reached to his neck, feeling the raw skin and matted fur for the first time in ages. He was no longer someone’s prisoner. He was free.

“You-?” Kretin began but the woman simply grinned in response as her fingers then reached and touched where the collar once resided.

“A hero deserves to be free,” she hummed happily as she gestured to herself. “I, Lady Aryn, am forever grateful for your help. Please – if there’s anything I could do to-.”

“Kretin,” the beast interrupted as he suddenly grabbed hold of the woman, bundling her up in his wide embrace before darting for the back entrance of the warehouse. A single guard stood in the way as he sent a fist into the man’s gut, sending him spiraling into the wall before he took off into the evening air. The bugbear didn’t pause his steps for even a moment, not until they were well outside the city limits. Only when they were safely hidden within the trees did he lower the woman in his hold, eyeing her carefully with a grin. “You saved me.”

“You saved me,” the woman, called Aryn, replied with a grin of her own as she stretched her arms and twirled on her toes. It was clear she was happy to set foot on solid land.

The bugbear chuckled at the sight of this woman dressed to the nines in such fancy garb dancing about without a care in the world. Only when she held out a hand for him to join in her celebration did he hesitate. “You aren’t afraid of me?”

“Afraid of you? Why would I be?” She asked, genuinely shocked by the question.

“Because I’m a beast,” he answered with a raised brow.

“A beast? I don’t mind that at all,” she replied with a smile. “You’re my hero. I’m so happy I found you Kretin.”

He couldn’t believe his ears as he stood there in awe, watching this woman completely accept him without a second thought. Earlier today he was certain his dreams of making something of himself were completely vanished. But now – with the help of this triton dancing about – that spark of hope had returned.

“And I’m happy I found you Aryn.”
