Mae’s 31 Day Series Challenge: Day Twenty

Welcome everyone to a brand new challenge for the blog – Mae’s 31 Day Series Challenge for 2024! Similar to what I did with my gaming posts last month, this will be more of a monthly celebration of all things – well series related. Originally I was going to focus it solely on my favorite TV shows but then…I kept thinking about the shows solely on streaming services, as well as web series on platforms like YouTube – all of which I watch regularly. So I decided to combine them all in this month’s celebration 🙂 so don’t be surprised if these posts go all over the place as I talk about some of my favorites, some that may have strong impacts on me, or maybe even some coming down the pipe. Who knows! We’ll see where the night takes us haha. I’ll likely revisit the gaming challenge at some point and continue talking about even more games but for now let’s celebrate series media!

Day Twenty: Dimension 20

I’m a big fan of Dropout and the cast and crew that make their content. But I think my top show has to be Dimension 20 in all its iterations. Generally hosted by the amazing mind of Brennan Lee Mulligan, the show goes into various types of campaigns from Fantasy High, Misfits and Magic, A Court of Fey and Flowers, Neverafter, and more! It’s an actual play show where a cast comes together to play a Tabletop Role-Playing Game, with a host acting as a game master overall to keep the story going.

Now I’m a sucker for DnD and tabletop gaming in general, especially in my more recent years and having more friends that are into it and want to play. The visuals of this show, including the set design, sound design, and the effort that goes into the physical properties used to help tell the stories are absolutely phenomenal. Because these shows aren’t typically live, they put a lot of effort into production of the episodes, going into detail when it wants to focus on the mini fight scenes on the table or focus in on the individual players and game master. It almost feels like you’re at the table, sitting there with your friends focusing in on the story you’re crafting together. It’s a lot of fun!

I guarantee you there’s a campaign so far for everyone. From space odysseys, pirates, fantasy, horror, and more – the team has explored many different story types with an array of cast members. I can listen to Fantasy High over and over again and never get bored because the cast is phenomenal and makes me bust out laughing every single time. And when the serious moments are happening, these cast members ACT THEIR ASSES OFF! I’m fully invested in their characters and want them to succeed no matter what.

Some of the series are actually available on YouTube, with all of them for sure having their pilot episodes for those seasons available for folks to dip their toes into. Want to catch every single episode of Dimension 20? You can watch them on Dropout!

The full playlist of Dimension 20’s Fantasy High Season One!
The full playlist of Dimension 20’s Fantasy High Seaon Two!
A Court of Fey and Flowers is one of my favorite seasons so far of Dimension 20!
Misfits and Magic is basically Harry Potter but not written by a terrible person ^_^
A Crown of Candy made me audibly gasp quite a bit – this Candy Land adventure is actually quite dark!
Neverafter is Dimension 20’s first horror themed campaign, taking fairy tails and turning them into unspeakable horrors!
Video from user Jabletop RPG, which dives in with Brennan on how Dimension 20 came to be!

Thank you so much for reading today’s post! Sorry I couldn’t get this one out yesterday but I’m glad we could work it out today! I absolutely adore every single campaign the crew has done for this show and we’re just getting started. I can’t wait to see what’s next! Lots of love and stay safe out there!

A Quick Mae Review: Dimension 20’s A Court of Fey and Flowers Has My Heart

I have a quick review for you all today – well more of me just rambling and sharing what I’m currently obsessed with right now in the world of media.

So if you guys know me well enough, you know that I have a special place in my heart for tabletop roleplaying games, especially those like Adventure Zone, Critical Role, Not Another D&D Podcast, and more! College Humor has their own show called Dimension 20 that I’ve watched for years (and you can too with the DropOut app or select shows on YouTube) and it varies in content and what the games are about. And this season…we’re getting a high class ordeal with members of the fey courts (or lack thereof) – FAIRIES AND F***ING as some have deemed it lmao (don’t worry – it’s been rather tame so far but hey we’re here for it if things heat up *wink*).

A Court of Fey and Flowers is a magical adventure where fey creatures come together from all realms for the Bloom, a gathering for relations, games, riots, and ruin depending how the game is played. Game Master Aabria Iyengar leads her pack of pixies through the game and each of them plays a part in the growing story that unfolds from week to week – Emily Axford as Lady Chirp Featherfowl, Surena Marie as Gwyndolin Thistle-hop, Oscar Montoya as Delloso de la Rue, Brennan Lee Mulligan as Captain K.P. Hob, Omar Najam as Andhera, and Lou Wilson as Lord Squak Airavis. And let me tell you – I love every season of this show, the amount of cohesiveness from the players is impeccable. But after watching each episode week to week and seeing these folks mesh so well and bring out such a fun story, I really think this season takes the cake as my favorite. Aabria is an absolute queen in the story she weaves and how she works with her table to play out the events of the Bloom, and each character brings something so important to the game that has me on the edge of my seat each week. I’ve laughed, I’ve cried, I’ve jumped out of my chair screaming. It’s a rollercoaster of emotions and everyone has this humor that makes you grin from ear to ear no matter the situation. I love it.

They have the first full episode on YouTube and further releases have been made on the DropOut app. The season will be 10 episodes long and premieres every Wednesday at 7 p.m. EST (last episode is set to premiere Oct. 5). So join us for this most magical occasion – and highly recommend all of Dimension 20’s catalog as all the shows are excellent!