Rest in Paradise – Saying Farewell

I was one of millions who went through a whirlwind of emotions Friday evening upon learning the news of Chadwick Boseman’s sudden passing due to colon cancer. I had just finished up my DnD game that evening with my friends via Discord and was jumping onto Twitter to check on something for work when I saw the feed full of stories all sharing the news. 

Our King had left the mortal plane. He was gone. And the world was in mourning. 

So many stories from folks were flooding the internet about how much Chadwick meant to them, how much his presence in film, how his portrayals of important figures in black history meant to them. About how his presence as Black Panther paved the way for other heroes of minorities stepping into the forefront and being welcomed with open arms. The world was shook. And it’s still shook today. And for good reason. 

Chadwick Boseman had been dealing privately with colon cancer for four years. He never spoke publicly about this diagnosis, instead keeping it private within those closest to him as he continued to surge forward in his career as an actor. He went through treatment while bringing us legendary performances on screen, including Marshall, Da 5 Bloods, the Marvel Franchise films, and Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom. He was a symbol of strength, grace, kindness, and so much more. And he was a fighter – through and through. He fought hard for what he believed in and even as he has gone, his messages still reverberate throughout the world. And it’s up to all of us to continue his journey and all others who have fallen in their battles as well. 

Why did this news hit me so hard? Well, I’m one of many Chadwick influenced to do better and to fight hard for what was right. He was a wonderful human being and I’ll miss him everyday. What’s more however is that in that same week – my family experienced a sudden loss of a relative to cancer as well – and it’s left me an emotional wreck. I was holding in my feelings regarding that death until the news about Chadwick…and then the tears cascaded as I wept in my home, shaking and crying from the despair I felt in my heart. In a world that seems to be riddled with chaos, this heartbreak was so real and painful. It hurt. It still hurts. And I was so furious at myself for holding it in for as long as I did because it made it even more painful when I finally gave into those feelings and began to cry.

I encourage everyone who is feeling any sort of way, whether it’s about Chadwick or about something else going on in your life – PLEASE don’t hold it in. Don’t be ashamed to cry, openly be sad, anything. It’s important to know that it’s ok to not be ok and it’s ok to cry and express your feelings. What matters most is that you take care of yourself here and now – because only then can you truly take a step towards a better future when you come to terms with what’s in your heart. 

I recommend you search through Twitter and other platforms to see everyone’s stories about Chadwick. He was so beloved and he is greatly missed. I especially think you should check out the tributes children have done for him as he showed the world that they are represented as heroes as well. Really touching stuff!

I did want to share this one Twitter Status from user ReignofApril that I retweeted on Saturday. Because it was absolutely what myself and many others have felt about that iconic scene in Avengers: Endgame – you know the scene well. I will never forget the night I went to the theater and witnessed this movie firsthand and watching this scene unfold and the crowd’s reaction – especially with T’Challa, Okoye, and Shuri stepping out of the portals first. It could have been any other hero…but Marvel Studios intentionally had them step out first. Hearing everyone scream for him as he was seen on screen was magical. Equally magical was the night I saw Black Panther for the early showing in a sold out theater, all of which screaming so loud for Chadwick and the rest of the cast – I’ve been going to early showings for so long – nothing compares to the experiences I had with Black Panther, Avengers: Infinity War, and Avengers: Endgame – and I believe fully that it was due in large part to Chadwick’s presence and what he brought to the table. So thank you Chadwick Boseman for everything you gave the world. We’ve got the torch King. Rest in power and paradise forever. 

Rest in Peace to Chadwick Boseman and to my relative who also passed…and to anyone who’s light has dimmed on the mortal plane. We need to continue to fight as we move forward into the future. So many lights were snuffed out too soon and they need us to keep taking action. So let’s take those next steps forward – let’s make a difference – let’s make a change. 

Love you all ❤ 

30 Day Film Challenge: Day Thirty


Hi all! I saw a few friends were doing this challenge on their feeds so I decided to join the fun in August 🙂 thanks for reading!

Day Thirty: A Film With Your Favorite Ending


I’m not going to spoil this movie for anyone who hasn’t seen it yet. I highly recommend checking this out because it’s a modern take on a genre that I hardly see played out well nowadays. Just gonna say, it does have one of my favorite endings for a film in recent memory 🙂 and that’s all you’re getting out of me!

Anyway, what’s a film you like that has your favorite ending? Let me know in the comments below or share your own film challenge! Thanks for reading 🙂

30 Day Film Challenge: Day Twenty-Nine


Hi all! I saw a few friends were doing this challenge on their feeds so I decided to join the fun in August 🙂 thanks for reading!

Day Twenty-Nine: A Film That Makes You Want To Fall In Love


Idk, fall in love type movies are hard xD But I really like How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days so I chose this one. It’s kinda funny to say that’s my pick since half of this pair was trying to drive the guy away and the other was trying everything to make the girl fall in love. But in the midst of their efforts, the two of them did fall madly in love with each other and ended up together. It’s cute, I liked the movie a lot. Cute little romance!

What’s a film that makes you want to fall in love? Let me know in the comments below or share your own film challenge! Thanks for reading 🙂

30 Day Film Challenge: Day Twenty-Eight


Hi all! I saw a few friends were doing this challenge on their feeds so I decided to join the fun in August 🙂 thanks for reading!

Day Twenty-Eight: A Film That Made You Feel Uncomfortable


Yo, even films that I’ve found hard to watch, if I think they are worth watching at least once I’ll recommend them. I will absolutely NEVER recommend someone watch Cannibal Holocaust because what went into making it, the graphic content (which I’m typically fine with for horror films but my god this film went too far), and the exploitation of developing and uncivilized countries. There were also controversies dealing with people being unsure if the deaths depicted were real or fake, and there was also genuine cruelty to animals. It’s a very uncomfortable watch…and I’ll never sit through a showing of it again.

For context, Cannibal Holocaust is an Italian “found footage” film from 1980 by Ruggero Deodato and Gianfranco Clerici. It follows a rescue mission to save an American film crew who disappeared in the Amazon rainforest. Their footage is recovered, showing the crew documenting indigenous cannibal tribes in the Amazon rainforest. During the course of their journey, they encounter various cannibal tribes – and showcases the Americans harsh treatment of the indigenous people in order to get the footage they want. This includes but is not limited to rape, murder, arson, and violence of all natures. Because of their treatment to their people, the tribe turns against the filmmakers, killing them for their sins, all of it being caught on film. The rescue team ends up meeting the tribe and discovers the skeletal remains of the filmmakers, trading a tape recorder for the surviving reels of film. And when they witness what was on the tapes, they demand the footage destroyed.

It’s a very sickening watch because those violent acts are very prominent onscreen. Everything is just uncomfortable. I don’t recommend this film to anyone because it’s just…way too disgusting and real to me. Plus those animals killed absolutely died on set violently and I dislike that immensely.

What’s a film you think is too uncomfortable? Let me know in the comments below or share your own film challenge! Thanks for reading 🙂


30 Day Film Challenge: Day Twenty-Seven


Hi all! I saw a few friends were doing this challenge on their feeds so I decided to join the fun in August 🙂 thanks for reading!

Day Twenty-Seven: A Film That is Visually Striking To You


I know people like to joke on James Cameron’s Avatar…but come on guys, it was a visual masterpiece and deserves that love, even if the story was a recycled premise (which let’s face it – is used in many films that people gush about being amazing sooooooo). You are transported in this visually stunning world of Pandora and the fact that everything on the screen is made to pull you into the scene is so amazing to me.

And hey, let’s talk about Pandora at Disney’s Animal Kingdom in Florida for a second because that’s also one of my true loves. Though its not the visual brilliance you see on screen…this land is GORGEOUS! The Imagineers went above and beyond to recreate the floating islands, the mechanical suits that are used by cast members, and the use of plant-life that best gives off the exotic look they need to capture so that it truly looks like you entered another world.

Now sure, the Na’vi River Journey is far too short for the lines it has at the park – but it’s STUNNING! And that Na’vi Shaman animatronic *heart eyes* It’s one of the most fluid and well-constructed animatronics I’ve ever seen.

And then there’s Flight of Passage – and ya’ll, I adore this ride to the moon and back. I have to ride it at least once every time I go to Walt Disney World. You sit on a seat that makes you feel like you’re flying on a living, breathing banshee, and you take a flight through Pandora. It’s stunning and there’s always something new for you to see on screen because it being an expansive dome and they’ve filled it with scenes of what is happening on Pandora during your flight. For instance, one ride you could be focusing on what’s happening straight ahead, another you can see an entirely new scene off to the right somewhere and keep your focus on that area. Plus the smells they add to it, the water splashes, the air breezing through your hair…IT’S ALL IMMERSIVE AND I LOVE BEING IMMERSED!

So yeah, I love Avatar! And I don’t care who knows it.

So what’s a movie that you found visually striking? Let me know in the comments below or share your own film challenge! Thanks for reading 🙂

30 Day Film Challenge: Day Twenty-Six


Hi all! I saw a few friends were doing this challenge on their feeds so I decided to join the fun in August 🙂 thanks for reading!

Day Twenty-Six: A Film You Like That Is Adapted From Somewhere


I may not be the biggest romance lover when it comes to the genre of film (like I enjoy them and watch them but all in all I’d likely pick an animation, sci fi, fantasy, action, comedy, or horror film if it came down to choices) but I can get lost for a day when it comes to movies based on Jane Austen novels. This was honestly between my favorite Jane novel Emma and Pride/Prejudice – as you can see P&P won out because I haven’t seen the new Emma yet and my favorite version in visual media has to be the BBC series that came out for Emma.

It’s some real good romance with a flair for the dramatic~ Love love love! Also I was also debating other movies adapted from novels, short stories, screenplays, etc. Contenders included Ready Player One, The Secret of Nim, anything from Stephen King, Jurassic Park, Into the Woods, Rent, Coraline, and more.

What’s a movie you like that was adapted from somewhere else? Let me know in the comments below or share your own film challenge! Thanks for reading 🙂

30 Day Film Challenge: Day Twenty-Five


Hi all! I saw a few friends were doing this challenge on their feeds so I decided to join the fun in August 🙂 thanks for reading!

Day Twenty-Five: A Film You Like That Is Not Set In The Current Era


So I was going to do something like Emma or Pride and Prejudice or just something that’s from a different time period altogether. But then I thought….Dinosaurs were from a whole different era entirely. So we gonna talk about dinosaurs! AND NOT JUST ANY DINOSAURS! Dinosaurs beautifully animated by Don Bluth and brought to us by George Lucas and Steven Spielberg.

The Land Before Time is a classic and had one of the most heart-wrenching death scenes in animation history. And just watching these little dino children overcome their differences to make it to the Hidden Valley – so amazing! Also, let’s talk about the fact that in concept, the Hidden Valley was supposed to be heaven and it signified the dino deaths! Oh man the behind the scenes for this film were amazing. And I miss the Don Bluth animations more and more each day. He’s a genius in the artform.

What’s a favorite film of yours from a different era? Let me know in the comments below or share your own film challenge! Thanks for reading 🙂

30 Day Film Challenge: Day Twenty-Four


Hi all! I saw a few friends were doing this challenge on their feeds so I decided to join the fun in August 🙂 thanks for reading!

Day Twenty-Four: A Film You Wish You Saw in Theaters

You know, this is a hard question to answer because just about everything has reappeared in theaters again at some point in time. A lot of classics make their way back to the big screen almost yearly now. And let’s be real – it would have been any of the Studio Ghibli films but thanks to these Ghibli Fests we have gotten each year, I’ve seen them all on the big screen that I previously didn’t get to see. SO what film would I have loved to see in theaters that I never did get to see? Hmmm. Welp I can already here the confusion in my choices but I’m fine with it xD these are two movies that I treasure very much and never got to see them in theaters.

So first off, let’s talk about Fantasia and how this film came out in a time that allowed for gimmicks to be done in the theater. I’ve shared this before but I think this is why I love Disney’s PhilharMagic so much because I’m transported into the performance, I can smell the baked goods in Be Our Guest, I can feel the splashes of water as we dive with Ariel under the sea, and I can feel the air soaring by as we ride on a magic carpet in A Whole New World. I’m all about that immersion life – that’s what Fantasia was meant to be for Walt Disney, a film where you are immersed into an animated masterpiece accompanied by an orchestra. Oh how I would have loved to be part of that. Maybe they could do something like that at Disney for one celebration. Use the PhilharMagic Theater to really encapsulate Fantasia as it was meant to.

And second, it’s a film that will forever have a place in my heart (though the world seemed to not know it existed when it first surfaced). Rainbow Brite and the Star Stealer was my everything growing up. It would often premiere on Disney Channel and I would always make sure to catch it airing. Nowadays, I finally have a DVD copy and I hope they figure out the licensing and get a proper release soon. It might not seem like anything special to most nowadays but seeing this epic girl who fought evil with rainbows was just so cool! I love Rainbow Brite so much ❤

So what’s a film that you never got to see in theaters that you would have loved to? Let me know in the comments below or share your own film challenge! Thanks for reading 🙂

30 Day Film Challenge: Day Twenty-Three


Hi all! I saw a few friends were doing this challenge on their feeds so I decided to join the fun in August 🙂 thanks for reading!

Day Twenty-Three: A Film Made By A Director That Is Dead


Oh boy, there was a few to choose from here but I decided to go with a film from Stanley Kubrick – a film that is a staple in the horror genre. The Shining is one of my favorite horror films and I still shiver at the thought of Danny riding through the hallways and then coming across the twins…the damn man in a bear (or dog) suit…the blood pouring from the elevator! I was stoked when they used that film as part of Ready Player One as one of the challenges and did callbacks to so many of those great moments. Also it was a maze not too long ago at Halloween Horror Nights! Fun times!

What’s a film you like from a director that is dead? Let me know in the comments below or share your own film challenge! Thanks for reading 🙂

30 Day Film Challenge: Day Twenty-Two


Hi all! I saw a few friends were doing this challenge on their feeds so I decided to join the fun in August 🙂 thanks for reading!

Day Twenty-Two: A Film That Made You Angry


Ari Aster, who brought us the films Hereditary and Midsommar (love them both but my god they are hard to watch) started off some difficult watches with this short film called The Strange Thing About the Johnsons. And I warn you now….this film is very hard to watch. And I’m going to do you guys a favor and spoil it a bit for those that don’t want to watch it…so just a warning, spoilers ahead.

A father accidentally walks in on his twelve-year-old son masturbating. He lets him know that it’s perfectly natural to do so and they share some kind words. Little does the father know that the son is masturbating to a photo of him – the father.

Years later during the son’s wedding, the mother accidentally sees the son performing acts to his distressed father, clearly in an abuse of power. She says nothing and walks back to the reception.

While the mother is showering, the father leaves a typed memoir about the abuse he’s felt by his son for his wife to find – only the son finds it before the mother can read it, causing a confrontation. Soon the father takes a bath but his son barges in and sexually assaults his father again. The mother hears the cries from the father…and turns up the television because she is in denial of it happening.

The father then tries to sneak a copy of the memoir out of the house and is confronted by his son again. Fleeing to the street, he is hit by a van and killed. After his death, the mother and son finally confront one another, the mother asking why his father cried for hours on the night of the son’s prom. The fight escalates into a physical bout that ends with the death of the son and the mother burning the last copy of the memoir so the rest of the world didn’t find out about what happened within their family.

The short film in and of itself is excellently shot and truly does what is intended – it gets under your skin and makes you uncomfortable. The entire time I just hated this family for allowing the father to be continuously put into those situations. He just wanted to love his family and be there for him. But the son wanted so much that he couldn’t give willingly…so he took it by force, abusing him to no end. And the fucking mother – YOU LET YOUR HUSBAND GO THROUGH HELL! It makes me so angry just thinking about it. He needed help but no one would help him. Not even his wife. Because she was embarrassed? Because in her mind she feared what would happen if she brought this to the forefront? Her husband died trying to let her know everything that happened…and she already fucking knew and did nothing. AHHHHH IT MAKES ME SOOOO ANGRY!

This short film is very dark and very hard to watch. But Ari Aster is a master in his art and it was well-executed. Doesn’t mean I ever want to watch it again lol.

What’s a film that made you angry? Let me know in the comments below or share your own film challenge! Thanks for reading 🙂