May’s Drabble-A-Day Thirty-One: A Secret Showdown – Part Two

AN: Thanks for joining me this month for a month-long celebration with drabbles galore. I know there were some days I failed to get the drabbles up for you all but I finally got caught up and here we are. Sorry if this drabble isn’t the end of this specific story. I’ll get it done as soon as I can 🙂 thanks for reading and I look forward to what the future holds. 

Sedi’s heels clacked upon the sheet metal flooring of the warehouse as they ushered Benji and Gunther inside, the pair’s eyes wide as they gazed upon the inner workings of this building completely blended into the skyline. Inside was a domed arena, with a catwalk surrounding the glass for observers. And standing at the platform entrance of the dome was a familiar squid, a narrowed glance falling upon the newcomers as Sedi fell in line at his side.

“What are these two doing here?” Cale asked, trying to mask the disdain in his voice. The last time he’d seen Gunther…the meeting ended on a sour note. “I thought you said you were going to gather agents for this test.”

“You wanted skilled fighters who could really make these weapons shine right?” Sedi hummed with a knowing grin as they gestured towards the silent Benji and flaring Gunther. “These two can do just that. I’ll be teaming up with them.”

Cale frowned at the Cuttlefish’s words but soon relented with a sigh, motioning towards Benji. “It is good to see you well Benji. We’ve missed you at the agency.”

Benji nodded at the acknowledgement but found himself pushed backwards as Gunther marched forward towards the former partner of a certain Squid he adored.

“What’s that look for jackass? Acting all high and mighty. You lot are the ones that invited us and you’re going to treat us like trash? Screw you!” He hissed through gritted teeth as he raised a threatening finger to the inventor, Cale staring down the outstretched limb with that same amount of disdain as before. These two…were not going to get along. “Don’t think I don’t know what happened with you and Atlas. How you and your damn agent friends trapped her like a wild animal. When all she wanted was to be free.”

“You mean treated her with the intent to help her with her flareups?” Cale asked though he knew exactly what Gunther meant. “We did that to protect her.”

“Protect her my ass. You wanted to find a way to fix your fucking mistakes so you’d feel less guilty about what you did to her,” Gunther snapped back, fangs bared as he saw Cale’s expression twist at the accusation. He felt like he was winning the war with this squid…if not for Sedi stepping between them with a gentle push back towards Benji’s side. “I don’t want to have anything to do with this guy. Come on Benji, let’s bail. Even having the opportunity to rub this in Lily’s face seems not worth it anymore.”

“Oh I think you’ll tune will change momentarily,” Sedi cooed with an acknowledging glance beyond the pair, both Gunther and Benji unable to catch onto what was happening before two pairs of arms were suddenly around their chests, engulfing the squids in unsuspecting hugs. “Good Evening you three!”

Gunther flailed at the unwelcome embrace, the pair of arms pulling him tightly into the grasps of a familiar Octoling with a wicked grin. Wes hummed in the Squid’s ear, forcing an array of curses to echo within the warehouse. “Hey there Gunny, aw did you miss me?”

“Get off of me!” Gunther howled as he tried to wiggle out of the shockingly strong Octoling that held him in place. “Benji, get this guy off of-Benji?!”

Gunther went pale as he turned his wide eyes towards Benji’s position, the poor sniper a puddle of jello in the embrace of a familiar two-toned Inkling. Atlas was grinning ear-to-ear as her cheek snuggled up against her captive’s, Benji’s cheeks brighter than her red tentacles. Despite his situation, he didn’t flail or try to push away. He did however note the burning jealousy of Gunther’s gaze upon him as he realized who was there with them.

“These two aren’t operatives,” The second of the Octotwins, Zane, stepped forward from the shadows to line with the others, not bothering to join into the snuggle fest that was going on at either side of him. “What’s going on?”

Gunther’s eyes narrowed at the question before forcing Wes off of him, his attention back on Sedi and Cale at the end of the platform. “Yeah start talking! What’s going on?”

“We’re going to have ourselves a little showdown to test out some new weapons and to test out the teamwork of our trio of operatives here that’ll soon be joining teams on the frontlines,” Sedi explained with a gesture towards the dome behind them. “Wes, Zane, and Atlas will pair off against myself, Benji, and Gunther for a battle royale.”

Atlas beamed at the announcement as hugged Benji tighter in her hold. “You mean I get to play with Ben-Ben?! Oh this is the bestest day ever! I get to play with Ben-Ben!”

“A-Atlas, too tight-,” Benji got out between breaths as Gunther turned towards them and marched to their side.

“Hey wait a minute – what about me?” Gunther asked with a raised brow towards the squids enjoying themselves. “You forgot about lil ole me already?”

“Of course not Squiggles!” Atlas cheered as she then dragged Gunther towards them and threw both Squids into a bear hug – the once furious Gunther now a grinning mess as he held tight to his two favorite Squids. “I get to play with Ben-Ben and Squiggles! It’s a dream come true!”

“You mean we finally get to face off properly on the battlefield?!” Gunther cheered along with a smirk. “That means I finally get to beat the Great and Powerful Atlas?!”

Suddenly Atlas released both Squids, her eyes narrowed as she stood there with a pout on her lips. “Nuh uh, no one beats the Great and Powerful Atlas! I’m gonna win!”

“Oh yeah, in your dreams,” Gunther’s competitive nature matched the woman’s as they both stood toe-to-toe, tempers flared while the rest of their team looked on with mild interest. “Get ready Princess, you’re going down!”

“Aw it’s great to have the gang all back together again,” Wes cheered as he slipped next to Benji and tossed an arm over his shoulder into a small embrace. “You ready Ben-Ben?”

“I-It’s Benji,” he whispered under his breath, unable to shake off the Octoling as his friends were locked into a betting match to prove who truly was the bestest Squid around. All the while Zane moved over to Sedi and Cale with a raised brow.

“You sure this is a good idea?” Zane asked aloud, Cale remaining quiet as Sedi nodded along with a smirk.

“We’re all going to get a great workout in and these new weapons are going to get a run for their money,” Sedi announced with a wink. “This is going to be the bout of the century. Just you watch!”

*~Part Two End~*

May’s Drabble-A-Day Thirty: A Secret Showdown – Part One

AN: I’m going to finish up my posts for the month of May today with two parts of Splatoon fun times! Thanks to everyone who’s been reading my drabble a day posts. I’ll certainly be back to writing drabbles here and there but for the month of June I’m returning to the playlist since those are easier to do and as you have already guessed – everything is a little hectic for me right now. Thanks everyone! 

Benji and Gunther had been dominating on the battlefields that particular afternoon – the pair finally reuniting for a good ole fashion beatdown against some rival teams. The sniper pair were unstoppable, Benji taking aim from high above and picking off his enemies one by one. And should anyone dare to make their way towards the orange pools of ink in hopes to claim that area – they were instantly met with the ruthless Gunther’s barrel, sending their squid forms flying back towards their home base.

How the pair had missed this exhilarating feeling – battling side by side. Gunther had often tried to lure Benji back to the team, vocal about his wishes to fight alongside his best friend. It was the rather quiet Benji who truly couldn’t wait to return, especially after he’d left the agent life behind to find his own path. He needed something constant to return, something fun to keep his mind off the look Lily haunted him with after he abandoned her and the life she helped pave for him with the agents.

“Another win for us!” Gunther roared as his team stepped off the battlefield, claiming a unanimous victory for their final bout for the evening. The other squids all smiled along with their leader, praising the excellent teamwork for a job well done. Benji couldn’t help but grin himself as he followed after them – it was a victory well-deserved. All of their victories were well-deserved. How he missed this. “Looks like the cash is flowing tonight! Who wants to party hard tonight?!”

The other squids hollered at the statement yet Benji’s sudden pause lifted Gunther’s gaze towards his friend…and then towards the newcomer that had stepped forward from the nearby alleyway towards them.

It had been a few weeks at least since the pair of friends had seen Sedi, the Cuttlefish grinning ear-to-ear as they approached the shocked squids. Gunther was quick to wave off the team, stating that they’d catch up later to join the fun. For now, it was clear they were being sought out. And he wasn’t leaving Benji to deal with these agents anymore…they needed to take no for an answer and quit bothering him already.

“Congratulations on an amazing day of victories you two,” Sedi hummed as they came to a halt before the squids, their splatbrella hovering above their silvery, ponytailed tentacles. Gunther’s eyes narrowed upon the Cuttlefish, his arms crossed over his chest as a frown formed on his lips. Benji however, nodded in greeting upon seeing his former teammate. “It is wonderful to see you both in such good spirits. I have missed you lot.”

“Better step off, he’s not going back with you,” Gunther hissed through gritted teeth, Benji turning a glare upon him. “Don’t give me that look. You know exactly why these agents keep coming out of the woodwork wanting to chat with you. They wanna snatch you up again and I’m not gonna let that happen. He left! So step off!”

“Gunther,” Benji spoke up with a hand to his friend’s chest to keep him from starting forward and clocking the Cuttlefish before him. “Stop it please.”

“Oh don’t you worry Gunther. I’m not here to ‘snatch Benji up’ and return him to the agency. He has made his decision and I respect him fully for his choices,” Sedi cooed with a knowing grin, the two squids raising a brow at their approach. “No, I’m actually here to ask if the two of you were interested in doing me a little favor. You see, I need two powerhouse Inklings who could dominate a battlefield to join me for a little get-together I’m having.”

And suddenly, the tables were turned. Gunther’s interest immediately piqued at the request – the thought of showing off his skills on the battlefield yet again nearly sending him into a frenzy. Benji, however, was quick to hold up a hand for an explanation.

“What sort of get-together are you talking about Sedi? If it’s not a sanctioned battle then what exactly are you asking us to volunteer for?” Benji asked, Gunther seeming to pout at his interruption.

“It’s a protected battle – don’t you worry – though I’m afraid the usual audiences you performed for today won’t be around to see your skills firsthand. It’s a more private affair,” Sedi explained. “It’ll be a three-on-three match to test out some new equipment. And who better to show off the new equipment than two powerhouses like yourselves. Besides, you two are rather in sync on the battlefield. I foresee you putting up a great fight.”

At the mention there would be no audience, Gunther’s excitement began to dissipate. “What’s the point on making a splash if no one’s around to see it?”

“There will be folks around to see it, just a handful however. Cale will be in attendance,” Sedi paused a moment, a wicked grin forming on their lips. “And there’s also a chance Lily will be there. I know you’d love to rub it in her face that Benji and you are teamed together again.”

Benji froze at the mention of Lily’s name. He had only seen her a handful of times since he’d left the agency…and none of those meetings were more than a few pleasantries before the pair dashed in separate directions. He recalled how hurt she was when he announced he was quitting being her teammate. Would he get a chance to talk to her that evening?

Gunther, on the other hand, beamed at the thought of bragging to Lily that he’d won Benji’s attention after all. He tossed an arm over Benji’s shoulder and pulled him close, a toothy grin signally his agreement.

“Well what are you waiting for Sedi? Lead the way! We’re in!”

*~Part One End~*

May’s Drabble-A-Day Twenty-Nine: My Enemy is My Best Friend – Part Fourteen

AN: OK, here we go! Here’s the finale of this story 🙂 thanks for coming along on this journey with me. And I do apologize if this post seems rushed after last night’s edition. Honestly the story evolved more and more with each passing day and when I got to Cypress actually finding them – I blanked on how Oscar and Briggs would safely escape at that point. But I hope you guys enjoyed and liked what I’ve framed for the future 🙂 

*~For Be~*

A low rumble echoed through the cockpit of Cypress’ Defender, the only sound breaking through the defying silence between the three occupants. The pilot was poised in her seat, her attention fully on the screens as she made their way back towards base. A frown was painted on her lips, her core Cedar cozying up in the crook of her neck to provide some comfort from the day’s events. But nothing would wash away the feeling of confusion, anger, and hint of betrayal she felt from her own teammate’s actions.

The storefront standoff was over as quickly as it started. Thaddeus Normanle had spoken some flowered words about releasing a known murderer from harm, his pleas for Cypress to trust his actions. She faltered at the request – begging for answers. And that’s when the smoke began to fill the room. A smokescreen Thad had tossed in, the soldier launching himself forward to grab hold of his teammate’s weapon as he called for the other occupants to flee. Though he tried to be as gentle as possible against Cypress, his fluidity in turning a Defender Corp tool against her and disarming her while allowing a known murderer and his lackey free were too much to bear. She tossed him into the shelving, desperate to chase after those who dared to flee. But it was already too late, the only one she stumbled upon being the coughing form of Adelle Hughes curled up in her hiding spot.

There were no room for words as Cypress ushered Adelle towards safety, her hand clutching onto Thad’s tattered collar and dragging him after her. She tossed them both inside the Defender and removed Thad’s weapons from his person, demanding they strap in for a long ride back to camp. The last words spoken from her was an announcement over Cedar’s channel that she’d found Thad and Adelle and were bringing them back home. And then – silence.

Behind the pilot seat harnessed in on the crowded bench were Thad and Adelle, both lost in their own daze and lulled by the humming of the engines of the suit. The Normanle son was an absolute mess, his usual catered looks now completely disheveled. Hints of abuse from the night’s escapades littered what remained of his uniform and his skin. His blond hair was caked with dirt, leaving it a dingy mess atop his noggin. And there was a blood trail down his lip, likely from Cypress’ response to his attempts to disarm her. He sat there quietly, his head resting against the metal casing of the cockpit, a deep sadness emanating from him as the memories continued to play in his mind from everything that had happened. There was just so much he didn’t understand…and unfortunately, so much he began to understand all too well.

Adelle hadn’t said a word since the rescue – her cheeks reddened by the streaming tears she’d been crying all night. Unfortunately her Rubik’s Cube was long gone – likely tossed during the shootout if not still in Elliot’s hold as he was whisked away for medical attention by Quill. So without her tool to keep her mind at easy, her fingers fumbled once again with Kelphalos, the core cold to the touch as she massaged his gel-like skin.

More and more the memories haunted her mind, catching her breath in her throat. Her actions grew more rough with the core as she remembered the anger-filled gaze of her guardian yesterday by the fire, the horrible sight of Elliot’s wound as the others argued around him, Thad gripping tightly to Oscar as he prepared to shoot him through the skull, and then…Thad’s horror-painted expression at Oscar’s announcement of his family’s involvement with the Cordelias…and Artemis Crane. Poor Kelphalos wanted to be there for Adelle but he was at his limit, vocal squeaks sounding his pain as he wiggled from her grip and onto her lap.

Honey orbs filled to the brim with sadness as she looked upon the core and then to her own hands, bathed in dirt and traces of blood from the wound that had since dried up on her cheek. A whimper bubbled up in her throat as she shivered in her seat, a rush of pain and sorrow welling up within her. She would have likely collapsed in place, lost to her sobs if not for the sudden outstretched hand entering her path of sight. She visibly flinched at the gesture, gawking at the offered limb for a moment before turning fully to stare upon the man beside her.

Thad didn’t turn his gaze. He knew if he did…there would be tears of his own. But he had to make that next step to fix whatever he could with his ward. Adelle needed those who cared about her now more than ever. She needed him…just like he needed her.

“I’ve made mistakes in the past two days that I’ll never be able to forgive myself for,” Thad began. “I’ve made mistakes all throughout my life honestly. I’ve turned a blind eye to the wrongs I knew others of my stature were capable of – all because of fear. Fear of losing my place in my family. Fear of losing what I felt was most important to me. I let myself become what I am today…someone who let years of emotion…of rage…of fear…linger unchecked until he could no longer contain it. Even if it ended up crossing those he cared about most.”

Adelle didn’t respond. She simply stared up at him, trying to gauge what he was saying to her.

“Yesterday I lost it. I felt control over my life completely slipping through my fingers. I could not protect Elliot from being reinstated as a pilot. I completely failed him and-and I lost control,” Thad admitted, slowly turning his head to look upon his ward. Sure enough, as soon as he met those honey orbs, the tears were rolling down his cheeks. “It’s happened before though I tried so desperately to keep that part of me hidden from you both. You didn’t deserve to see that. To feel that fear in the presence of someone like me who couldn’t contain his emotions. I don’t blame you from running away – feeling hurt and betrayed from seeing me like that. I knew the moment I saw you there – so scared in the wake of my destructive nature – that I had failed you more than I ever thought possible. I was a monster…”

He paused for a moment, catching his breath in his throat before continuing on, “What Oscar said tonight…it’s true that I didn’t know what he was saying…about what happened at the Cordelia Massacre, what happened between our families as well as with Crane. But I can say without a doubt…that what he said may be true. I don’t agree with many of my families’ means to hold their power. But I don’t stop it either. I don’t stand against it. I simply play my role in the game…because if I don’t, I fear what will happen to Elliot. And what would happen to you. And what will happen to me.”

Cypress seemed to flinch at his statement but offered no words of her own. She simply sat there and listened to the exchange, her own mind reeling from the day’s events.

“Thad, I-,” Adelle began to speak; however, she couldn’t speak fully. Not yet. She had to overcome her own fears, her own emotions. She needed to gather her thoughts.

“I could say sorry a million times over and it still wouldn’t be enough, it still wouldn’t excuse what I’ve done – or not done. It wouldn’t excuse my actions in turning a blind eye to the terrible world my family has delved into. It wouldn’t excuse my raging emotions. It wouldn’t excuse the hurt I’ve caused you and Elliot and it wouldn’t excuse what I did-,” a whimper escaped Thad’s lips as he tried to pull himself together. The terrified stare of Oscar haunted him – left him a blundering mess. How could he let himself get to that point? He almost killed Oscar…he almost… “-What I did tonight, to Oscar, to you, to everyone…it wouldn’t be excused. And it shouldn’t. My behavior shouldn’t be excused. I have to atone for what I’ve done. Live with it and be better. I don’t know how to do that but I have to…I have to be better. Even if it means suffering with being hated by those I care about…”

Adelle’s eyes widened at his words. She wanted so badly to interject but…she couldn’t. Not yet. She didn’t know what was needed to be said at that moment. She needed to choose her words carefully.

Thad flexed his hand he’d outstretched to his ward, “I don’t expect you to ever forgive me or trust me ever again. But I know you’re hurting just as much as I am – no, you’re hurting much more than I am – and – and I know you need something to take your mind off of it. So you can take my hand, you can break my fingers for all I care, whatever it takes for you to find the peace you need to smile again. Because you don’t deserve this pain – you don’t deserve this sadness – you don’t deserve this hell you’ve found yourself in.”

“T-Thad,” Adelle whispered again, her body quivering beside him as tears continued to roll down her cheeks. “Stop it.”

He flinched at her order and prepared to pull back his hand, ready to accept her rejection in kind. However, her hand suddenly latched onto his, pulling it up to her face as she rested her soaked cheek upon its dorsal side. Her fingers wove with his, so tight in their grip as she looked to him through her salted veil.

“Don’t ever – ever – say you deserve the pain, the suffering, any of it,” she snapped at him. “I know you’ve made mistakes. We’ve all made mistakes in life. Some small…some so great and terrible. But we have to atone for them and do better – not allow those mistakes overcome us. It’s true that some things are so unforgivable – but that doesn’t mean you allow yourself to sink into despair – you climb out of that hole and work your ass off to do better. And seek help! Like you and Elliot taught me to do – when you gave me the chance to escape from Crane!”

Thad was taken back by the woman’s outburst. He wasn’t sure he’d ever seen her speak her mind so resoundingly – not since the early days when he saw her finally break away from Crane’s hold. She had turned her shouts upon him – practically begging for him to see reason. All while tearfully holding his hand.

“I’m scared. I’m scared all the time. I’m scared that Crane will return. That Elliot will get himself killed. That you’ll hurt or abandon me just as others have done!” Adelle continued. “You scared me last night. You scared me again today. But that doesn’t mean that I hate you! That I believe you deserve so much suffering! Because I don’t. You did wrong – but you have a chance to learn from it and atone. You have a chance to do something about all of this!”

“She’s right,” Cypress’ voice suddenly rose up from the pilot’s seat, both passengers turning to gaze at her as she peered over her shoulder at them. “I don’t understand everything that’s going on. But the reason I align with you Thad isn’t simply because we’re part of the Defender Corp together or because of the money and power our families possess. We’re kindred spirits in that regard. I have people I want to protect. And that includes you and your wards…”

“Cypress, what are you-?”

“So Thaddeus Normanle, I’m going to do something crazy. I’m going to take responsibility for your actions today. I already got word from Valery that she’s also on our side. Quill’s also been briefed to keep his damn mouth shut. We’ll tell off Commander Lionsgate and say that it was because of my orders to Adelle that she swooped in to rescue you both from certain death. No one has to know about Oscar Ortez or his friend…but Thad, this means you got to start talking once we’re out of this Scott-free. Whatever happened between Oscar, whatever you learned, whatever you’ve been holding in – it’s time to involve me as your commanding officer. I can’t protect you further if you don’t trust me. You hear me?”

“Cypress, I-,” Thad began but with a pull on his hand he let the excuses wash away as he nodded along. “Thank you Cypress. I’ll tell you everything. I owe you that and so much more.”

“Damn right you do. Don’t ever come at me like that again or I’ll shoot you myself,” she snapped before returning her focus on piloting the suit. However, there was nothing hiding the grin now curling on her lips.

“I don’t deserve this kindness…”

“I said stop it,” Adelle hissed at the man as she tugged harder on his hand. “Don’t say things like that anymore. I mean it.”

Thad nodded with a sigh, “If the Princess commands it, I’ll honor her wishes until the end of time.”

“Shut up,” she grumbled under her breath with a huff. Nevertheless she stayed there, holding his hand – and trusting him completely. “T-Thad I’m sorry for not – not talking to you about my own feelings. For letting you suffer alone while I hid away from you. And I’m sorry for once again going against your wishes. I know you wanted me to stay far away from the battlefield but – but I couldn’t just let you both die.”

Thad raised a brow at her words, “No, don’t be sorry. You were scared and-.”

“No, I shouldn’t run away from what I fear. I shouldn’t run away from my friends. I should be honest with them – with you,” she interrupted again. “I want to be more honest with you about…everything. It may take some time for me to fully do that – but I want you to know that I want to do what I can to change for the better. I trust you. And I want to turn to you with my fears, my wishes, my dreams – everything. A-And maybe even be more honest when I’m about to do something stupid…”

“Like steal the Commander’s Jeep and come speeding into a battlefield? Or sneaking off on a rescue mission for Elliot after he got himself captured by the Resistance?” Thad retorted with a knowing glance to his ward. She didn’t flinch away from his prying – she simply sat there determined.

“I won’t lie – I’ll do it again in a heartbeat if it means saving those I love.”

“Of course I ended up with the most troublesome wards,” Thad joked, nodding along with her words. “Thank you for trusting me Adelle. I’ll do whatever I can to ensure that trust isn’t wasted upon me.”

Adelle rolled her eyes at his words; however, a familiar grin began to form on her lips. It was small and delicate, easily missable by others. But Thad could see it clearly…and it brought so much peace to his heart at that very moment. They were in for a long road ahead…but he was ready to take those next steps to fix his mistakes…

“Elliot…is probably going to be infuriated with me when I tell him what I almost did tonight,” Thad whispered to his ward at his side.

“He will but he’ll also be thankful that you let Oscar live,” Adelle answered, hesitantly scooting closer to the man as she rested her head upon his shoulder. Thad flinched at the action but quickly relented, slowly pressing his cheek upon her tangled curls. “What are you going to do about Oscar?”

“I don’t know…but I have to find him again somehow,” Thad replied. “I don’t know how I’ll find him but I need to find out exactly what happened. He may have done crimes with the Resistance since that night…but if what he said was true, something else happened that night at the Cordelias. And I believe the twins may have a bigger role than we initially thought.”

“Please don’t kill him Thad.”

“I don’t want to kill him. Not anymore.”


It had been days since the attack on Brunswick District, the fight leaving the Resistance forces scattered and dwindling by the day. It was an unequivocal loss – one that left many dead or captured by the Defender Corp. Luckily Oscar and Briggs were not among them, the two holed up far from sight at their personal base to rest after everything that had happened.

Oscar was a pouting mess upon the couch, his shoulder recovering from a gunshot wound. Petey would chirp to bring a smile to his partner’s lips but it did nothing to lift the man’s spirits. He seemed so lost…so unsure…he would grumble about Elliot, about Thad, about Adelle…about his own interests. His world was in chaos and he had no idea where to go from there after everything that had happened…

Briggs did his best to treat his partner, keep him sane through their isolation, even allow himself to warm up to Oscar that he was willing to share some about his own past, his own feelings. But it did little to bring Oscar out of his rut.

“I just-I don’t understand anything anymore,” Oscar admitted to the man beside him as Briggs redressed his wounds. “Why would Thad let us go just like that?”

“Adelle promised we would be free to go after we saved Elliot,” Briggs answered, only sharing the half-truth. In that promise, Briggs only forced Adelle’s hand in ensuring his own safety. Oscar was not part of the equation…but now he was thankful that he was. Oscar did everything he could to keep his word for Briggs, to protect him from harm. He had to admit…it was refreshing to be aligned with someone who actually followed through with their promises. Sure the details were a bit messy…but Oscar made it clear that he thought of Briggs as a friend and wanted to keep him safe.

“No, you don’t get it. Thad wanted to kill me – he wanted me dead,” Oscar said, a faraway look in his eye drenched in fear. “He almost did.”

“Maybe he knew if he did that Elliot would never forgive him,” Briggs said as he tied off the wrappings and tossed Oscar’s shirt to him. The former pilot caught it in the air and slipped it over his neck to cover himself up. Petey cooed from the back of the couch to agree with Briggs’ answers but it did little to stir Oscar from his questioning ways. “I’ll have to run out and get more supplies. Rest up and I’ll-.”

“No I’ll go – I need some air anyway,” Oscar interrupted as he climbed to his feet and threw his jacket on. Petey hopped after him to come along; securing himself in the man’s pocket as Briggs offered a hesitant wave goodbye. With a nod, he vanished out the door of their rundown apartment and made his way to the streets below.

Oscar didn’t get very far before he turned a corner and came face-to-face with someone he hadn’t seen since before the attack on Brunswick District, the familiar form of Harrison towering over him with a raised brow. “Damn, didn’t expect to see you out and about so soon after-after the loss,” Oscar stated, trying to hide the uncertainty in his tone. “You doing ok Harrison? I was worried about you.”

“I was able to escape with only minor injuries as you can see,” the taller man answered, tossing a hand onto Oscar’s injured shoulder. He visibly cringed at the force, Harrison seeming to show guilt at his actions. However, Oscar couldn’t help but notice something hidden beneath his gaze. Whatever it was – it was terrifying him. “Damn, I was worried when I hadn’t heard back from you. You got yourself injured? I’m so glad you made it out Oscar.”

“Heh right,” Oscar tried to laugh off the pain. “Yeah, I’m just trying to lick my wounds and get back to the grind. I’m sure you understand that all too well.”

“Of course, you and me are a lot alike in that sense,” Harrison continued with a nod. “We’ll have to regroup and build up our forces for the next assault. The Resistance won’t back down from this.”

“Damn right,” Oscar cheered on before stepping to the side to pass by his current ally. “Well Harrison, I’ve got to get stocked up for the coming days but I’ll be ready for the frontlines here soon. I’ll be-.”

“How did you get injured if you don’t mind me asking?” Harrison suddenly asked as he stepped in front of Oscar once again, his towering form growing more menacing by the second. “I thought you and Briggs were staying far from battle to help with the injured parties?”

“There were stragglers from the Defender Corp who made an advance on the rescue operations,” Oscar lied, hoping his crafted was enough to stick. “Got a decent bullet hole in the shoulder for taking them on. Luckily we both managed to overcome.”

“And where’s Briggs now?” Harrison continued to pry.

“We went our separate ways after the battle to take care of our wounds. We plan to regroup after we’ve recovered,” Oscar continued to try and get past the man to no avail. “Harrison, I do have to gather supplies. If you’d like, we can continue talking while making our way downtown. We can talk what all went down that day and-.”

Oscar suddenly hissed in pain as Harrison’s fingers dug into his shoulder and into the recovering wound, snatching him back so that their eyes met. “Oscar Ortez, tell me something – why do you lie to me, the person who rescued you from that hell that almost took your life away?”

“W-What are you talking about Harrison? I’m not-!”

“Enough lies Oscar. Are you truly that lost in your own stories to think that I didn’t have eyes all over that battlefield? That I didn’t see you and Briggs break rank to find that pilot again. To even turn on others with the Resistance?”

The color began to drain from Oscar’s face as he tried to break Harrison’s hold to no avail. “T-That’s not true! There’s been a misunderstand Harrison – just let me explain!”

“You can explain back at Base Alpha. And it better be the best damn excuse you ever gave because it’s clear that the poor boy I rescued all those years ago from the Cordelias is betraying my trust – and you know what happens to those who betray my trust. Now where’s Briggs?”

“I already told you! We went our separate ways after-ah!” Oscar cried out as Harrison pressed further into his wound before dragging him behind him. “Harrison stop!”

“Fine, keep protecting him – you’re the one who needs to answer for his crimes anyway,” Harrison snapped and disappeared around the corner with Oscar being dragged behind him…all the while poor Petey was tossed abandoned on the side of the road. The core knew he wanted to chase after his master; however, he knew that would only get them both snatched. He had to find Briggs…and fast…

*~My Enemy is My Best Friend END~*

May’s Drabble-A-Day Twenty-Eight: My Enemy is My Best Friend – Part Thirteen

AN: So this was originally supposed to be the finale of this story but I have one more part in me! So stay tuned for that one. Thanks for reading this story and seeing where it all led to. I’m excited to see what this story brings to mine and Be’s Defender story! 


Thad’s back was pressed against the wall of the pharmacy, the crumbled remains of the storefront littered at his feet. Across from his position, the bloodied remains of the sniper laid, the man a complete stranger to him. Whoever it was, they were skilled at the hunt and almost secured his prey that evening…if not for Cypress bolting in for the rescue.

Already Quill had entered the makeshift base, his eyes settling on both Oscar and Briggs as fury boiled his blood. He’d have launched into a roar all his own had Cypress’ orders not overtaken the situation, the man forced to hold his tongue as he dashed in and scooped up the fallen Elliot. The injured pilot continued to protest at the treatment, his tired eyes latching onto Oscar as he reached out a hand towards his best friend. And even though he could see the man gesture towards him as well, there was no stopping Quill from vanishing from the storefront and into his Defender to race Elliot back to base.

Thus, only the four remained in the presence of a very annoyed Cypress, the woman’s glare burning into Oscar’s skull as she held her gun high towards him. Briggs remained in his makeshift cover, his stare instead upon the engineer that remained at his side.

“You promised me-.”

“I won’t let her hurt you or take you, I swear,” Adelle answered, hoping her voice protruded confidence. Unfortunately nothing could halt her quivering form after everything that had happened. She had no idea what Cypress would do with the enemy in her sights…

“Thaddeus Normanle, what the hell happened?” Cypress repeated as she filed into the pharmacy, carefully stepping over the debris as she trained her sights on Oscar’s vitals. All it would take was one single bullet. And someone so despised in the Defender Corp would be dead… “And tell me why this fuck’s heart is still beating in his chest!”

Thad lifted his tired eyes to stare upon his friend, the guns holstered on his hip as he raised his hands to his sides. “Cypress, don’t shoot. I can explain.”

“Explain why someone who slayed an entire noble family is still sitting here breathing?” Cypress alluded with a raised brow. “Thad, I thought I could trust you to hold things together on the battlefield. But this entire mission has been hell. You and Elliot both put yours and everyone’s lives at risk. And don’t even get me started on Adelle’s grand theft auto-.”

“I take full responsibility for Adelle’s actions – she was scared for us and wanted to ensure our safety. If it wasn’t for her, we would have died out there,” Thad interrupted with an even stare upon his commanding officer. He could feel a shocked gaze staring his way but he dared not glance her way. He didn’t need Cypress turning the gun on Briggs as well. “I take full responsibility for her actions and Elliot’s. It’s all on me.”

“Enough of that Thad! This is not the time for you to spout off how everything’s your responsibility. I don’t care about that!” She hissed through gritted teeth, her glare scanning over Oscar’s form as her frown deepened. “Look, I can’t help you here unless you start answering my questions Thad. You know that better than anyone. You need to tell me what happened and why Oscar Ortez – a murderer – is here with you outside of custody, alive and well. What happened Thad?”

A heavy sigh escaped Thad’s lips. Everything was such a jumbled mess in his brain but he needed to choose his words carefully. Besides…he needed answers of his own. “I didn’t want Elliot on the battlefield – not so soon after everything that happened. But he was cleared for release by the Doctor because of Commander Lionsgate’s orders. So we had to comply. He did well enough in the fight but in the thick of it he got out of his Defender after it took severe damage. And as he searched for cover…he got shot…”

“By Ortez?” Cypress huffed, preparing the trigger.

“No – I believe by the man lying dead on the floor before us,” Thad interrupted, trying to remain calm despite the heavy beating in his chest. He even took a step forward, silently pleading for Cypress’ full attention upon him instead. “When I found Elliot, Oscar was there helping him. He and his companion. They were trying to save his life. They even were willing to turn on those who would be considered their allies in the Resistance to ensure his safety.”

Oscar’s dark eyes were wide at the statement but he didn’t turn away from the barrel aimed directly at him.

“Ortez just wanted to scoop up Elliot like last time,” Cypress reasoned.

“Maybe so – but he also was willing to protect me as well,” Thad wasn’t sure if that statement was the truth; however, he knew such a bold claim would carry favor with the woman before him. Sure enough, Cypress seemed to falter in her stance, eyes wide as she listened intently to the story. On her shoulder Cedar confirmed Thad’s calmness through the story. Whatever he was saying – he was convinced it was real. “We were then saved by Adelle who came busting onto the scene in the Commander’s Jeep. We drove off while this man pursued us. Adelle was able to take control of the vehicle virtually, our group diving for cover while the sniper pursued the vehicle without us inside. Then we hid here while Oscar’s companion worked on Elliot’s injury – to save his life. Oscar continued to protect us, and was even willing to be cuffed if it meant Elliot was allowed to be safe in the care of his friend. And when the shooter found us, he protected us once more. There was no ill intent that I saw…just purpose.”

“You can’t honestly believe that.”

“I do – after a day like today – I believe that Oscar Ortez was doing his part to protect his former comrades,” Thad answered, turning his gaze towards his former companion. Oscar turned his gaze as well to stare back at him, his eyes wide as saucers trying to understand what would convince him to share such words of praise. That’s not truly what went down that day…though in truth, everything was such a blur to him as well. How did they get to this point? “Oscar, did you mean what you said before? About that night?”


“Did you mean what you said about that night? About what had happened that night?” Thad continued. “Did you mean what you said about them? And about my family?”

Oscar reeled at the question, his throat dry as he nodded. “Every word.”

There was a flicker of disappointment in Thad’s gaze but he nodded along, once more turning to stare upon Cypress. “Cypress, I have a favor to ask.”

Cypress blinked at such words, “what on earth are you getting at Thaddeus Normanle?”

“A debt needs to be paid. Oscar Ortez  and his friend did not act as members of the Resistance tonight. They acted as allies to the Defender Corp. And I have reason to believe there’s more to their story that we thought,” Thad answered, his words strong to match his stance as he gestured towards his former ally. “Cypress please – I need you to trust me. I need to let these men go.”

*~Part Thirteen End~*



May’s Drabble-A-Day Twenty-Seven: Lil Shop of Secrets

AN: For today’s post, we have another glimpse into the world of Crytids I began with Day Four’s post (long before I kept missing days lol). We’re back in Redwood and taking a peek at a few others from the story. Enjoy! 

The dreary interior of the Widow’s Roost was not much for the run-of-the-mill townsfolk, its dated decorations seeming just one of those ancient antique shops that offered little to no items of use to those considered ‘normal’. But of course, a good population of this nestled little town of Redwood wasn’t what you’d consider ‘normal’, just like the pale figure poised at the counter of this little shop, her sunflower eyes focused on the tome tossed upon the mahogany before her.

Ella Dean Thompson was a curious sort who ran the inner workings of the storefront, her pixie cut leaving her blond hair almost a shimmering silver color. She wore black shortalls, and a white cold shoulder top underneath – her black laced boots shuffling beneath her from time to time as she swayed where she stood. Black-painted nailed tapped away upon the counter, their rhythm falling in with the wall clock stationed upon the wall behind her. The sun had already fallen past the horizon, darkness beginning to overtake the inner workings of the Widow’s Roost. However, a wave of the woman’s hand and the lantern at her side went ablaze, casting a warm glow through the shop.

A set of footsteps echoed from just beyond the storefront as two men stepped out of the shadows of the doorway leading to the stairs to the lower floor – the basement far from the sunlight. One was a tall figure with dark red hair cut into a fade, a wicked grin on his lips as he pressed himself into the counter opposite the woman. He wore a black leather jacket and boot cut jeans – his muscular form standing out against the much thinner, African American man who fell in beside him in his long, dark brown overcoat and trousers and tightly wound dreadlocks. Both had very distinct features – the red head sporting an eye patch over his missing left eye while the African American man had the remnants of a gash down the right side of his face and neck.

“You miss me Ella Dean?” The red head mused through his grin, the evident fangs glistening in the lantern’s light. A vampire through and through, Matthias Binks pressed further into the mahogany, leaning closer and closer to the clerk who paid little mind to these newcomers in her presence. Only when their noses were mere centimeters from one-another did she bother to glance his way, a narrowed glare upon him as she lifted a hand in a simple wave.

“Not interested Mistah Binks,” a muted voice cooed from behind the men, Matthias scrunching his nose as he glanced over his shoulder to a child-sized figure upon the shelf – patched together from parts of various toys to create one odd looking puppet. Its glass eyes of different colors stared back at the vampire, its mouth opening up to continue its speech. “Doncha got business Mistah Binks?”

“Oh shove off Pinocchio,” Matthias growled under his breath, all the while his compatriot kept a keen eye on the woman before him. “Fucking pile of splinters.”

“You should be kinder to Charlie, Binks,” the one called Evander Lux muttered as he gestured to the woman before him. “After all, he is the voice for our dear mute friend here. It’s wonderful as always to see you Miss Thompson.”

Ella Dean nodded in reply to his greeting, another wave of her hand and suddenly her puppet Charlie was in hand with eyes narrowed at the men across from them.

“Mistah Lux and Mistah Binks, I’d be careful out there tonight,” Charlie’s muted tone alluded as the two men eyed him cautiously. “Seems them Dempseys are growing more brash. They been attackin’ more then them Moss pups.”

Evander and Matthias both exchanged a glance to the other, worry building up behind their gaze as they remembered their roles in their small clan. Keep an eye out, protect the nest, and don’t get killed. In years past, the lives of their hovel of misfits had been rather safe in the Town of Redwood. Beneath the Widow’s Roost held a handful of creatures – cryptids who had once no clan of their own joining together to form their own band of creatures. They were protected under the magical veil of Ella Dean and her father Salem – able to live in this small town without fear…that is until the Dempseys prowled into town and began gutting them Moss wolves that strayed too far from their pack.

Fear of losing this safe place they called home was growing now…they needed to be careful.

“I’ve got a meeting with Tucker Moss tonight. Seems we’ve got an old friend back in town to help,” Evander said with a nod of his own. “And you Binks?”

“Gotta date with the blood bank,” Matthias answered, once more his wicked grin forming on his lips as he leaned in closer to Ella Dean. “Unless you’d like to spare some blood for lil ole me this evening Doll.”

“Not interested Mistah Binks!” Charlie snapped again, the vampire scoffing at the interruption with a roll of his eyes before he lightly kissed his fingertips and pressed them on the woman’s nose. Ella Dean sputtered at the action, the man soon vanishing from the store and into the night air out of sight. Left behind, Evander chuckled at the woman’s burning cheeks before offering a wave farewell.

“Please keep em safe tonight Miss Thompson – call us should anything happen,” he said with a grin before stepping into the doorway, his hand pressed against the door before tossing it open without a care. In seconds his body vanished from sight, forming into that of a small black cat with a scar down the right side of his face and neck. The cat scampered out of the shop before the door came to a close, Ella Dean left alone with her dearest puppet Charlie.

“We’ll keep em safe Mistah Lux, Mistah Binks – we promise.”


May’s Drabble-A-Day Twenty Six: A First Meeting

AN: So I’m slowly catching up still but for this post I wanted to focus on probably one of my most original characters I ever created and her story with one of Be’s characters. A short time ago I decided to start reworking Korin’s storyline and her character in general. I’ve already tweaked that story too and will need to make updates eventually to the blog but I thought it would be interesting to see her and Be’s character Satchel meeting long before their first real adventure together took place. So hope you guys enjoy 🙂 

The Library of Ages was massive, its campus sprawling far past the horizon as Satchel shuffled forward along the path towards the marbled steps. His attention was scattered among the gardens and fountains at either side of him, various forms of humanoids littered about practicing some form of magic with ease.

Sure, he’d seen magic in his travels as a Jumper Delivery Man…but it was never quite as prominent and grandiose as the world of Peloquinn. After all, this world was the birthplace of what would be known as the Keepers of Magic – the ones who sought to balance the magic of the universe and ensure its power forever lasted. What an amazing place to be dropped in – and to deliver something to someone as well-regarded as Master Dresden. Already poor Satchel could feel the heat welling up in his cheeks as he pondered how such a meeting would go. How he prayed he didn’t embarrass himself…

He rummaged through his worn satchel, plucking through the various packages until he came across a small box wrapped in parchment. Lifting the package to the blinding sun, he whispered to himself, “It’s ok, this delivery is no different than any of the others I’ve done. It’s just business. No reason to fret. I’ll be fine.”

The personal pep talk did nothing for poor Satchel’s nerves as he took a deep breath and focused on the stairwell ahead of him, launching himself into a jump. His mind aimed him forward to close the distance to the grand entrance of the library; however, as Satchel’s form once more tumbled into reality and he found his shoes and slacks drenched by fountain water, it was clear that his nerves had gotten the best of him.

“D-Damnit,” Satchel cursed aloud, his cheeks now burning red as he sloshed through the fountain waters towards the marble side, the man cowering away from the judging glances he caught from those magic users scattered throughout the campus. Of course he’d make a fool of himself this day…he had a feeling word of this mishap would weave it’s way back to Len in a heartbeat. “I-It’s fine, I’m fine, everything’s fi-.”

“We’re only a mile from the ocean if you were looking for a swim,” a female voice hummed from behind the man, Satchel nearly leaping out of his skin as he turned towards the intruder.

A slender figure stood behind him, her body draped in a worn sweater so large it engulfed her body to nearly her knees. A dark hat, similar to his brimmed hat he wore atop his own curly locks, nearly swallowed her skull completely, almost falling completely into the view of her striking blue eyes. Whatever mop sat atop her head was buried beneath the hat, with only a few stray curls of bright red poking into view. What most intrigued Satchel about this woman however was the small, black fruit bat that clung to her shoulder, eyeing him over with an intrigued stare.

“I-I apologize, I had a misstep and-,” Satchel began to stutter; however, the woman seemed disinterested in his words, instead scanning him over with a raised brow.

“What magic did you use to teleport yourself into the fountain?” She asked, her tone so matter-of-fact. Satchel couldn’t help but stumble at her intense gaze, unsure of what to make of this woman who seemed to be interrogating him. She seemed just a bit younger than him so he doubted she was one of the Head Keepers. Though perhaps she was someone important…he needed to be careful with what he said.

“My apologies ma’am, I-I’m a Jumper,” Satchel answered, his words practically veiled under his shyness. Nevertheless, he held the delivery high to signal his purpose. Luckily it avoided the fountain waters from his latest mishap. “I’m with (Whatever service it was) Deliveries. I-I’m here to deliver this package to Master Dresden Caster.”

“Oh,” the woman seemed rather deflated by Satchel’s words as she settled back on her heels, arms crossed over her chest to emphasize her pout upon her lips. He swore he noticed her whisper something under her breath about him being worthless…yet she quickly turned her attention back towards Satchel with a hand outstretched towards him. “I can take the package for you.”

“I-I’m supposed to deliver this directly to Master Dresden-.”

“Master Dresden Caster is my uncle,” the woman interrupted with a shrug. “I’m Korin Caster.”

Satchel’s eyes flashed at the nonchalant introduction, his gaze averting from the woman across from him as his cheeks burned brighter and brighter with each passing second. Of course the woman who spoke to him would be related to the regarded Master of the Keepers of Magic in Peloquinn. “I-I’m very sorry Miss Caster-.”

“Korin,” she corrected with a huff, gesturing to the man across from her. “And you are?”

The heat continued to rise to his cheeks as he whispered, “S-Satchel (I don’t know his last name). I-I’m very sorry Miss Caster, I’ve caused such a disturbance already and-.”

“Korin!” The woman growled under her breath, clearly frustrated with his constantly addressing her so formally. Satchel squirmed in place before her after being addressed in such a tone. She didn’t seem to flinch though as she continued to chat. “You’re named after a bag?”

Satchel couldn’t bring himself to speak, his words caught in his throat. So all he could bother to do was nod to answer her clearly mocking question.

“That’s weird,” Korin said with a chuckle. “Mister Satchet then?”


“Mister Satchet it is,” Korin ignored his correction, stepping closer to her new companion. “So a Jumper huh? Could you teach that magic to others?”

“N-No, it’s not something we Jumpers can teach,” Satchel mumbled, feeling more and more self-conscious the closer she came to him. “It’s a trait we’re born with.”

There it was again. He could have sworn she mouthed the word ‘worthless’. With each passing second, he felt himself sinking further and further in place, her judgement weighing down his shoulders where he stood.

“Well, Mister Satchet, hand it over already,” Korin stated as she held out her hand, gesturing for him to place the package into her palm. However, Satchel stood firm on this, shaking his head in retort.

“N-No, I’m sorry but I am supposed to deliver this directly to the hands of Master Dresden Caster himself,” Satchel said, shifting uncomfortably as her gaze fixated on him once more. “So if you’ll be so kind as to share where I could find your uncle, I would very much appreciate it Miss Caster.”

“I said my name is Korin!” She snapped back, preparing to reach forward and snatch the package from Satchel’s hands. Luckily he was much quicker in his reflexes than she anticipated, the man stepping clear out of her reach as she growled. “Just give me the-!”

Suddenly the woman fell silent, her blue orbs wide as saucers as she felt the hat atop her head snatched away, a bundle of red curls cascading down to flop down along her back. Her freckled face was now drained of color, a stark contrast to those blazing locks now framing her face as she turned her gaze to the towering man now at her side. He had a fit figure, a dark waistcoat and trousers matching the black of his trimmed hair and short boxed beard. His wrists were laced with watches of various worlds, time ticking away for each realm he chose to pay attention to that particular day. His blue eyes matched the woman before him, Korin sunken in place at his notice.

“I apologize for my niece,” the man voiced with a narrowed glare upon the woman. “Korin, go back inside your chambers. I’ll be in later to discuss your skipping out on your lessons again.”



Korin’s cheeks burned as bright as her hair, a frustrated stomp in her step as she turned to leave. Satchel noted her quick glance his way, her lips moving ever-so-slightly to say ‘Goodbye Mister Satchet’ before she took off towards the entrance of the Library. With her gone, that left only the Deliveryman and his supposed client, the great Master Dresden Caster.

“You’re not the usual one making my deliveries for me,” Dresden stated with a judging eye upon the younger lad before him, gently taking the offered package and expecting it carefully. “What happened to Dillon?”

“Dillon’s fine sir. He’s just been reassigned for the time being – needed his talents on more difficult terrain,” Satchel explained, doing his best to remain strong in front of this imposing figure before him. Oh how much he was failing at that. He nearly dropped the ledger he handed him to sign for his delivery. “I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb the fountain – n-nor did I mean to get Miss Korin in any trouble.”

“You didn’t get her in trouble my boy, she does that well-enough on her own,” Dresden answered, slipping the parcel into his pocket before reaching out a strong hand towards the deliveryman. “You said your name was Satchel?”

Satchel tensed up as he reached a hand of his own forward, letting the stronger hand wrap around his in a proper handshake. “Y-Yessir, Master Caster.”

“Please call me Dresden,” the Keeper remarked with a nod as he pulled away and prepared to head back towards the Library. “I suspect we’ll be seeing more of each other soon. A lot of deliveries come through Peloquinn. I look forward to seeing you again Satchel.”

“T-Thank you sir. And same to you,” Satchel said with a bow as Dresden waved and disappeared up those same marble steps he’d watched Korin charge up not too long before. Once all attention seemed to fade off his person, Satchel began to relax in place as he prepared to launch himself back to home. “Well, all’s well that ends-.”

Thud! Satchel nearly shrieked as that familiar black fruit bat collided with his nose, the Jumper stumbling backwards and almost securing himself with another bath in the fountain. Luckily, his hands steadied himself along the side, Satchel trying to shake off the squeaking creature that filled his gaze.

“G-Get away from me you-!”

The tiny bat leaned forward, pressing its furry skull up to the space between Satchel’s eyebrows, a familiar voice chiming in his head as he sputtered in place. “You sure you can’t teach your jumping? Then maybe you could provide escort?”

Satchel’s gaze shifted all around him, searching for some clear sign of where Korin was hiding. But soon it was clear she was speaking to him through the vessel of this bat – whom he guessed was some sort of familiar. “I-I’m sorry, I’m not part of that kind of delivery service…”

“You continue to disappoint Mister Satchet,” she remarked in his mind.

“I-I’m sorry,” he replied aloud. “A-And it’s Satchel…”

There was no reply from the woman, her link seemingly gone as the creature nuzzled Satchel’s nose before taking off towards the Library. Leaving the poor deliveryman gawking and confused with the day’s escapades. He had a feeling that wouldn’t be the last of this strange woman or her questions. And judging from her words, it seemed she was looking for some sort of escape. That was none of his business though…he had deliveries to make. So with the shyest of grins he vanished from the face of Peloquinn, hoping he could return again soon.


May’s Drabble-A-Day Twenty-Five: A Warm Welcome Back

AN: Thank you to those who reached out to me. I truly appreciate it. I’m doing ok, getting through things day by day. I’ll get through the week for sure. For now, bear with me please as I try to get all caught up before the end of the month. I’ll probably take a break from the drabble-a-day for June and go back to something easy like the playlist. There’s plenty of music to share and that’ll keep me excited to share what I’m listening to. But I’ll keep writing when I can and hopefully have more drabbles for you soon. Thanks all! 

The usual hustle and bustle of the mornings in the guild hall had finally died down. However, the building conversations from the den lured Miller down the stairs, his hands folded into his pockets as he shuffled inside. Martin and Wendell both sat at the table locked in banter with a familiar noble, Sable comfortable in his seat as he drank his tea and shared about his latest exploits in the empire. The guild leader Aaron was lost in the stories himself until Miller made his appearance, the man lifting to his feet and meeting him in the doorway.

“Well I heard whispers last night but it seems it’s true – we’ve got a guest,” Miller retorted with a raised brow. Aaron grinned at the hinted accusations.

“Wendell let it slip huh?”

“What’s brought him back to Eastwyvern that has offered him room and meals in the guild hall?” Miller huffed, the thought of money lost in this venture too much to bear. Even if that lost money meant being reunited with someone he considered a friend.

“You aren’t happy to see our dear friend Sable?” Aaron mocked with a wink.

“I’m very happy to see him but not if it means we go in the red this month. He better be paying big money for whatever it is that brought him here,” Miller grumbled with a glare towards his friend at his side. Despite the interruption, Sable continued his exasperated storytelling, barely fitting in a breath of air between long drawls of his hunt for the Emperor’s (I forgot who he was aligned with – sorry lmao) daughter, the monsters he’d encountered, and the lavish parties he endured while at home. Miller could already feel a yawn coming on just listening to him. “Seriously is he paying us?”

“Yes, he’s paying us, calm down and let’s have a good meal with our friend before we get down to the business of it all,” Aaron joked, placing a hand on his friend’s shoulder as he gestured towards the front door of the guild hall. “Besides, we may want to steer clear of the doorway. I made sure to send word to a certain someone that Sable had returned.”

Miller opened his mouth to ask what he meant; however, everything began to click in his mind as the door was suddenly thrown open, letting in the chill of the morning as Bayelei lingered there, her blue eyes searching the entryway for any hint of her friend. With a hardy chuckle, Aaron waved her over and ducked out of the way, Miller not so lucky as the huntress dashed inside and shoved him into the nearby bookshelf. She practically leapt over the table to get to Sable’s side, Martin laughing at the sight as she then settled in behind him and wrapped her arms around him in a strong embrace. The nobleman, at first, seemed rather shocked by the determined display of affection; however, he soon relented with returning her hug, happy to see the woman again – and for once not visibly injured.

“I tried to tell you,” Aaron joked with a cackle at his wincing companion, the guild leader stepping back once more to make way for the intruding Kyle and his pup Roxanne barging in as well, sitting at the table along with the others with open ears and a wicked grin. “Oh lord – be careful with this one Sable – he’ll rob you blind without you knowing.”

“Rob your stories that is,” Martin added with a wink of his own as he smiled at the sight o his love visibly showing how happy she was to be reunited with someone she considered to be one of her truest friends. “You might as well get comfortable Sable, she’s libel to hold on tight the rest of the morning. She missed you something awful.”

“Shut up,” they heard Bayelei mutter under her breath, yet she still didn’t release the man. Not that he minded, Sable continued to relish in the affection provided to him with a smile.

“Man, Baye’s told me so much about you,” Kyle hummed, Roxanne hopping into his lap and observing the scene with mild amusement. “Aren’t you the one who basically insinuated she was a lady of the night at your first meeting?”

A hint of a blush traced Sable’s cheeks as he replied, “I had made a mistake. And I apologized profusely for that.” The room was filled with laughter as they continued to swap stories and joke with the newcomer about his previous antics, all the while Aaron and Miller lingered in the doorway.

“Well – what’s he here for?” Miller quietly asked again, hoping for some sort of good reason for this reunion. He had to guess with Sable’s appearance that it was much more than just a simple escort mission. And by the look of that faded gaze of the guild leader, he guessed right. Something big was coming down the pipe.

“We’ll talk later – for now, we enjoy friends and reunions,” Aaron answered and shuffled back to his seat next to Martin, the two of them locked in a back and forth with the noble all the while everyone else listened closely to their chatter. Miller lingered for a moment, studying the room for any sign of what could be going on. However, when Wendell finally shifted her gaze to look upon her love, the tracker relented and shuffled in himself, taking up refuge at her side, their hands linked as they tried to keep each other awake through the lulling stories of the nobleman.


No Drabble Today – Check Out Be’s Blog for Some Fun Reading

Hello everyone. I’m sorry to say I will not be posting a drabble today and I’ll have to catch up with everything later this week. I had a really bad day today and I feel myself just…struggling right now. I’ll be ok of course, today is just one leg of my journey and I will overcome. But for today, I’m just gonna do some me time with Bento and try to provide myself with the self care needed.

You can always read through my other posts here. There’s hundreds, even thousands of posts you can check out 🙂 and also you should check out my friend Be’s blog at It’s some good reading 🙂

Thanks for your understanding and patience. I truly appreciate it.

Sorry No Drabble Today – Have a Blessed Memorial Day

Sorry everyone! I know I literally just caught up yesterday but I’m both physically and mentally exhausted from working today and I couldn’t get a nap in due to noisy neighbors. I did want to hop on though and say I hope you had a blessed Memorial Day. Today is a day to honor those who gave their lives on the front lines and I thank you for your service and sacrifice. Love you all.

May’s Drabble-A-Day Twenty-Four: Movie Night

AN: So this story and further stories coming from the Coded Champions Category is based on a dream I had – and it sort of resembles other stories I’ve done in the past including Dreamscape and The World’s Game. I’ve eventually continue with those stories but for now I want to try my hand at these characters. These two are Felix and Aubrey, two geeky college students who decide to try their hand at becoming friends and hanging out once they discover they are in the same program. I’ll discuss that more in detail later, for now it’s not heavily needed. Just need to share these two cuties coming together and having a good time – just dipping my toes in the water so to speak 🙂 enjoy! 

Felix pressed his spine against the coming soon poster of the local theater, his untied sneakers tapping along to keep his excitement in check as he eyed his watch. It was nearly 7 p.m. The movie would be starting soon. The glow of the marquee acted as a spotlight upon the slender college student, his juniper gaze shifting with each shuffling figure passing him by on the sidewalk. Were they all staring at him? Judging him? It was hard not to believe so, especially as he lingered there clearly awaiting someone to show. Was he being stood up?

“No, it’s fine,” Felix whispered to himself, shoving his hands into the pockets of his hooded jacket. “She’ll be here. She’s just a little lost is all.”

Lost? In such a small town as this? No, that couldn’t be it. Even if it was her first week here in the program, there was no way Aubrey couldn’t gather that the only theater in town was two blocks away from the main campus. She had to be standing him up. He couldn’t believe in any other reason than-.

“Sorry I’m late,” a voice called out to his right as Felix turned his gaze to stare upon the woman darting in his direction. Her freckled cheeks burned brighter than her red locks braided to trail behind her, her look slightly disheveled as she skidded to a stop at his side. Despite her embarrassment however, she looked a bit dolled up for a movie night at the local theater to watch an Alfred Hitchcock double feature. He wondered if she would have kept the appearance if not for her clearly running all the way here, sweat beading up on her brow. “I went the wrong direction.”

Felix hoped he masked the relief washing over him. So his worries were unfounded…she truly was lost. Of course, she wasn’t a local who spent most of her life in this small town deep within the mountains. She was new to the area, still learning the ropes. And from discussions they’d had previously in their first meeting within the program, it was clear she wasn’t one to go out of her way by herself to adventure into her new environment. That was why he wanted to invite her along with him tonight, give her a chance to check out one of the local landmarks while finally securing himself a new friend besides the same three boys he’d been close with throughout his time living there.

“Oh don’t you worry about it,” Felix said with a grin as he gestured towards the open box office, the teller the same middle-aged woman glancing through a magazine he’d come to see every Friday he’d make his way to the theater. He tossed her a few dollars and she handed off two orange tickets for the theater, Felix quickly opening the door and gesturing his companion inside.

“T-Thanks,” Aubrey whispered with a bow of her head before she stepped inside, Felix close to her heels as they made their way to the small snack counter where the owner, an older gentleman with a dusty beard, awaited to take their tickets and hopefully snack orders. “T-This place looks like it’s in good condition.”

“Oh yeah, they keep up the maintenance, making it a staple of history for the town,” Felix chimed in with his nerdy bit of knowledge about his home. “They get new movies here of course but they get a lot of regulars coming to these special double features and blast from the past showings. They even do Rocky Horror from time to time, that gets a huge turnout from the campus.”

“N-Never been to a Rocky Horror showing before,” Aubrey admitted with a blush as Felix ordered them two popcorns and soda for the movie. He could hear her reaching into her pockets to pay but he refused the gesture, just happy to have someone along to enjoy the night with.

She seemed bashful by his actions but eventually relented, thanking him and scooping up the offered snacks before they retreated into the one room theater where only a few bodies littered the velvet seats inside. It was the first Friday for the school year after all…he guessed a lot of folks were off partying and drinking. Man, was he lame for not being into that scene? Did she think it was lame for him not inviting her to a party instead?

“S-So you’re still learning the campus huh?” Felix whispered as he shuffled into one of the rows towards the back, far away from the few who were awaiting the flicker of action upon the screen ahead.

Aubrey kept at his side, sitting down beside him with a shy smile upon her lips. “Y-Yeah, I guess I’m still…learning where everything is.”

“No reason to be embarrassed, it’s brand new to you,” Felix encouraged with a nod. “I should have walked to campus and brought you over here myself. I should have known better. Sorry about that.”

“But you live in the opposite direction don’t you?” Aubrey asked with a raised brow. “That would have been too much to ask. Don’t worry about it.”

“It’s fine, I’m well-versed in the town since I’ve lived here my whole life,” Felix added with a shrug. “I-I’ll walk you back to your dorm though. Don’t worry.”

It was clear the college girl wanted to argue with his offer; however, she quickly relented with a smile. “T-Thank you.”

Felix really liked Aubrey’s smile and the shy way she handled her way in a conversation. She was similar to him…though not immediately forcing the conversation into an awkward babbling session about pop culture and town history. He was sure she’d eventually warm up into talking herself, probably having similar interests to share with him. But for now, it was just refreshing to see her stepping away from the corner nook he’d find her holed up in with a book, far away from the others that were welcomed into the program on campus. And with his friends not accepted into the program, he found himself a loner in need of someone to talk to. And it seemed Aubrey fit the bill for someone who could accept him for who he was.

She didn’t seem to care that he wasn’t anyone outstanding like his rich father or talented brothers. He was simply the third son, a scrawny figure who barely scrapped by into being accepted into his father’s program with his knack for technology. His father expected so much from him and was often glaring upon Felix with that same look of disappointment he experienced his whole life within this town. Maybe the program would change all that for him…make him more accepted by his father…more accepted by others instead of that nerdy, awkward boy who didn’t live up to the Luxord namesake.

“You like horror movies?” Aubrey asked, interrupting the boy’s thoughts as he turned his attention towards her. Her emerald gaze was fixated upon the screen, beckoning for the movie to begin. Yet here she was, asking him questions. This was already the most he’d heard her speak in one conversation.

“I like movies in general, though horror and suspense films are a lot of fun to watch,” Felix chimed with a grin. “You like Alfred Hitchcock movies?”

“I do,” she admitted with a nod, still staring upon the screen as she sipped on her soda. “I like all the techniques they used to make the movies stand out. Psycho is a good one with a lot of behind the scenes facts that were really cool.”

“Like the chocolate syrup in the bathtub?” He asked with a raised brow.

“Did you know that the main actress was the only top named actress in the film with others below her stature because Hitchcock wanted to drive folks to the theater to see Janet Leigh on screen. However, she’s killed off in the first quarter of the film, the leading actress dead before a majority of the film was finished,” Aubrey stated calmly, Felix’s eyes widening at her explanation. She seemed so excited to share this little tidbit of information…just like him. “He didn’t want theaters to let people in late and get upset because Janet would be nowhere to be found on screen.”

“Hitchcock also wanted to lure people away from suspecting the true identity of Mrs. Bates by providing names of actresses that would be playing the role,” Felix added, Aubrey finally glancing his way with that same shy smile. “Man, you really know your Hitchcock movies.”

“I-I’m a bit of a nerd when it comes to things like this,” Aubrey admitted. “I-I read a lot and watch of lot of movies and television I suppose.”

“That’s really cool,” Felix chimed, growing quiet as the lights began to dim and the projector flickered to life to begin their first movie of the night, “The Birds.” “Ready to experience the terror of a town getting f’ed up by birds?”

“Sure am,” Aubrey chimed with a grin, leaning over to Felix as the title card flickered on the screen. “T-Thanks by the way. For you know…inviting me along. I-I am having a lot of fun.”

Felix hoped the darkness masked his burned cheeks as he nodded along. “I’m having a lot of fun too. Thanks for joining me for movie night.”
