A New Encounter: Sylvari Sisters

AN: Started this drabble around xmas time when everything was pretty quiet at home. I haven’t really gotten to complete a lot of the stuff I’ve been writing in 2017 and that kills me a little. So I’m going to try and finalize all these posts I’ve got stacked up in the queue so I can continue to explore new and exciting storylines. Anyway, it’s been awhile since I’ve gotten to really write about our Guild Wars 2 characters Taji and I created in-game. I’m hoping to jump back into it soon but until then here’s a drabble just for you!

I’ve adjusted Bellemere’s story quite a bit since I first introduced here a couple years ago which means that her storyline in meeting the other characters has changed a bit as well. I’ve wanted to rewrite these encounters many times before but could never seem to finish the drabbles due to time and inspiration. Well, I finally had both at my disposal hahaha. This drabble will be all about Belle and Eavan first meeting. Enjoy!

*~For Taji~*

A new layer of frost settled in on the land of Hoelbrak, the morning air welcoming to the senses as Eavan maneuvered her way through the platforms of the city towards the main hall. Towering giants shuffled past, the Norns practically mountains next to her slender frame as her glowing orbs scoured the booths and collective hearths for her expected company.

A message had come the night prior, Eavan amazed to find a familiar hawk roosting just outside the window of the room she had secured that night at the inn. It was named Milo and he cawed as the paneled barrier opened, the beast allowing the Sylvari to brush her hand along his feathered mane in greeting. Only once the Mesmer discovered the bounded parchment attached to his leg and carefully removed it did he dare lift himself up into the clouded veil above and disappear from sight.

The message was simple, no colorful language littering the page. It was clear to the Sylvari that the author was one of her Norn companions, neither of those she held dear tending to dabble in the ways of poetic conversation. Unlike Mayynerd, who had a tendency to show extravagant stories in each letter he wrote since their meeting sometime prior.

Sure enough the letter was simple but effective. It read a single meeting time and place, spoke vaguely of an impending mission, and was signed by Gridlesser herself. Eavan grinned as she rolled up the parchment and settled in for the evening, thoughts of what was to come bubbling up in her mind as she lulled herself to sleep.

The morning had come as quick as a flash, Eavan not wasting a moment to escape the warmth of the inn and aim her sights high atop the mountain peaks where platforms raised towards the main hall within the city. The Mesmer weaved through the already bustling crowds of Norns, the occasional human mixed into the batch as they worked deals and boasted their achievements to one-another. Eavan grinned at the familiar sights and sounds, the Sylvari welcome to such a wintery landscape unlike most of her brethren who still rooted themselves where the Mother Tree stood proud.

The towering mountains and crisp snow had become home to Eavan. And it was also where she had come to meet two Norns whom had captured her attention above all else. Gridlesser and Corvo had become a family to the Mesmer, the ranger and her Sylvari hound a welcoming sort moreso than the secluded Ravenborn who tended to avoid the crowded city more and more.

Eavan couldn’t help but wonder about the incoming mission and who might even be joining on the excursion as directed by Gridlesser. Perhaps this would be a chance partnership once more with Corvo himself. A hint of excitement filled her chest at the thought of such a pairing, the grumpy Ravenborn often a grumbling mess in her company. However, Eavan could see straight through his frustrations. She knew he secretly loved her company as well.

Her frosted daydreams soon vanished however as Eavan closed in on the meeting place, not a single familiar Norn in sight as she made her way to the overlook just past the Main Hall’s entrance. There was a handful of towering forms all boasting with pride in their chosen groups; however, none seemed to be awaiting the curious Sylvari as she wove through their cliques. Her glowing orbs scanned each figure, a frown playing on her lips as she pondered the message she had received the night prior. Perhaps she misunderstood the meeting time?

The Mesmer shuffled towards the railings, her fingertips teasing at the fabric of her cloak as she thought to march throughout the entirety of the city to find her dearest friend. However, those thoughts of hers washed away as she grinded to a halt, her eyes settling upon a familiar Sylvari hound curled up on a bed of furs likely sprawled out for the beasts that accompanied many rangers throughout the city. There was no doubt in Eavan’s mind as she studied the hound, noting the familiar scar just above her left eye. It was Gridlesser’s companion.

Her excitement was difficult to contain as Eavan darted towards the beast, the woman kneeling down and scooping up the hound’s muzzle in her hands as it licked her earthy skin in greeting.

“I was getting worried Grid, I was beginning to think you stood me-,” Eavan began as she glanced up to greet her friend, her eyes wide at the realization that Gridlesser was nowhere to be found.

Instead, a pale pink Sylvari sat calmly along the railing, her glowing eyes scanning every inch of the newcomer with interest as they met one-another’s gaze. Eavan noted the partially wilted petals of her mane, likely cross with the winter chill surrounding them. The woman’s slender frame was bundled up in soft green layers and had a scarf wrapped tight around her neck. She seemed so petite, almost like a doll. And what stood out most was the long, rose gold staff wrapped tight in her hand, its woven metal pressed into the snowy ground to keep her from falling from her perch. Eavan couldn’t help but think to herself how adorable this tiny rose seemed; however, she needed answers.

“Y-You’re not Gridlesser?” The Mesmer remarked with a raised brow, the hound practically crawling in her lap for attention.

The newcomer continued to eye the other for a moment before a warm grin formed on her lips. “I suppose my size and adorable looks gave away that fact. No, I’m not the Norn you’re looking for.” The Sylvari seemed to chuckle to herself before continuing. “Grid’s inside that giant building carved into the mountainside. She told me to wait out here in the cold with Syl and to not wander off or talk to strangers. I seem to have already broken one of those rules though. She’s gonna scold me for sure.”

She seemed to pause a moment, noting the hound now panting happily as Eavan instinctively stroked at her fur. “Actually you don’t seem to be a stranger at all. On the contrary, it seems you’re a friend. I’m surprised to see a sister here among the snow. I’m not used to the cold I’m afraid as you can probably tell. This is my first time outside the homelands of the Grove. But Grid assured me it would be a fun adventure so I agreed to come along. Then she immediately ditched me out here.”

Eavan blinked at the newcomer’s words, “you talk a lot…”

The pale pink of her cheeks burned a rosy red at the comment, the Sylvari fumbling with her staff as she thought of what to say next. “I’m just-what’s the word-excited? I’m just excited is all. I’m wandering far from the Mother Tree into realms unknown. At least unknown to me. And not only that, I’ve gotten to meet a sister who looks very much like a snow princess. Seriously, how do you manage to stay so vivid even through such a chilly landscape?”

The Mesmer continued to stare at the newcomer, taking in her every inch with a knowing sigh. This one was definitely newly emerged from the Dream. She was practically a newborn in other cultures, filled with wide-eyed excitement and rash decisions. She grew much too familiar in such a short amount of time, Eavan hesitant to even speak up as the Sylvari launched into another spell about the towering figures and their excessive need to drink, shout, and punch one-another.

Finally, the Mesmer raised a hand to silence the girl, “who are you and why are you here?”

The rosy red blush deepened at the question, the newcomer fidgeting growing more extravagant as she answered, “sorry, sorry, I’ve forgotten manners. Manners are important and should not be forgotten. R-Right. M-My name is Bellemere. I’ve come along with Grid as she tends to her latest mission. It’s very nice to meet you.”

“Eavan,” the Mesmer answered in kind with a bow of her head, her glowing eyes scanning over the other for a moment before gesturing to her staff. “Are you a Mesmer by trade?”

“Mesmer? No, I share a connection with the elements. The earth and I are especially close I would say,” the Sylvari hummed as she equally scanned her newest companion from top to bottom. “Are you a Mesmer?”

“I am,” Eavan said simply, nearly bursting into laughter as the newcomer’s eyes glittered in awe.

“Amazing!” Bellemere chimed, noticing the hound’s ears perking up before she followed her stare to see the towering Norn woman making her way to their group. “Grid! You’re back! I was wilting away out here I’ll have you know.”

The Norn’s smile was warm as she chuckled at the comment, “Oh shush Belle, you’re fine. It’ll help you get used to the snowy landscape.  And besides, I was only gone for a few minutes.” As swift as the wind itself, Grid then planted a firm hand upon the Mesmer’s small shoulder. Eavan jumped at the contact, glancing up at the towering woman expectantly. “I see you two met. Belle, this is Eavan. She’s quite the handful like you but she is a wonderful companion. She’s also quite the snow princess; I don’t think I’ve ever met a Sylvari so accustomed to the cold as her.”

A roaring applause sounded from Bellemere as she suddenly burst into cheers. “I knew I heard that somewhere! Snow princess! Aha, so it was Eavan in your stories about the raven and the snow princess!”

Eavan’s cheeks seemed to burn a dark purple as she glared up at the Norn. “What stories? What have you been saying Grid?”

“Oh hush, I’m simply introducing our new friend to our family,” Grid hummed as Bellemere climbed to her feet. Even by Eavan’s standards, she was so tiny and almost seemed frail. It was a wonder that the wind hadn’t tossed her completely from the mountainside. “I met Belle at the Grove and we immediately hit it off. So I wanted to introduce her to everyone and welcome her into our little circle.”

Bellemere seemed to raise a brow at such a tale. “Um, immediately hit it off is completely false don’t you think?”

“You don’t think we completely hit it off?” Grid feigned a hurt deep in her chest as she whined. “Belle, you were so enthralled by me you never left my side as I ventured through the forest.”

“I was chasing you down and demanding the return of my dear friend,” Belle stated plainly as she motioned towards the hound at her feet, Eavan’s eyes wide at the declaration. “Soon we were facing against the entire Nightmare Court because you were having ‘too much fun’ and led us too deep into the woods.”

“What can I say? I enjoyed your company far too much,” Grid lulled as she knelt down beside her hound, brushing the creature’s earthy fur with glee. Bellemere watched the two with a blush of her own, Eavan watching the whole scene unfold with interest. It seemed there was a tale to be told. “Anyway, Eavan, there was a small convoy mission in the mountains that I was assigned.”

“A convoy mission? It’s her first time dealing with snow and you’re already leading her to the mountains for a mission?” Eavan retorted with a raised brow at her friend. Though Bellemere didn’t seem to mind the idea of work, her petaled mane was wilting further from the cold and she shivered with each breath of wind surging through Hoelbrak. There was no way such a newcomer would be able to handle herself out in the cold for that long…especially with snow piled to their knees should the path not be cleared from the latest storms. “I don’t think that’s a wise decision at all Grid…”

Gridlesser didn’t seem to mind her friend’s concern. In fact, she held a tight smirk to her lips, a plot of sorts bubbling up behind her strong gaze as she looked towards the frosted Sylvari. “Well, lucky for us that’s not what I had in mind. I promised Belle I’d bring her to my homeland when she found I was taking my leave from the Grove for this mission. She insisted to stay by my side of course but I knew it would be much too dangerous to introduce her to such frigid climates in a short amount of time. So I promised she would be cared for by my most trusted Snow Princess until I could return to her side.”

Eavan blinked at such a statement, her curiosity piqued as Bellemere turned to face her completely. The rose of a flower rolled her eyes at the Norn’s statement, folding her arms over her chest in hopes to fight off the cold. “She wants you to babysit me.”

The Norn feigned her shock at such a declaration from the Sylvari. “Hey, I never said babysit! Where on earth did you even hear that term huh?”

“May sold you out when I told him about it,” Bellemere grumbled through her pout as she glared towards Grid. “You are dumping me off on Eavan while you have all the fun with my dear friend Syl.”

“That damn May, I’ll have some fair payment for him once we travel to Lion’s Arch in a week to meet him,” Gridlesser boasted with a fist pounding into her palm, a resounding pat lifting into the air as she then turned towards Eavan. “Oh yes, by the way Eavan, we’re going to continue this little tour to Lion’s Arch next week. You’re coming too. Now I know you’ll probably argue so I figured I would offer some incen-.”

“Grid, you want me to watch over the rose until you’re done having all the fun?” Eavan huffed with a roll of her eyes. “Even if I welcome her, inviting me to a mission only to have me not accompany you is downright rude.”

“Oh hush Eavan, I have incentive for you,” Grid hummed aloud as she fumbled into her pack before tossing the icy Sylvari a small pouch. Eavan raised a brow at the offering as she fumbled with the drawstring, opening it up before noting the contents with wide orbs. Inside the pouch was a pile of coin alongside a parchment. And scribbled on the parchment was chicken scratch, the Sylvari immediately recognizing the familiar script. There was no doubt in her mind…it was a note from Corvo Cruz, the Norn  Ravenborn Grid had introduced her to a short time prior. “Surprise, Corvo’s coming too.”

“The note says that you suck Grid,” Eavan noted aloud with a raised brow, the Norn shrugging off the comment with a grin. “You tricked him into agreeing didn’t you? From the time I spent with Corvo, he has a distaste for humankind. He’s even distrusting of May.”

“You lot are the most distrusting bunch I swear,” Grid hummed, the Norn kneeling down to meet her Sylvari Hound’s expecting gaze. The beast jumped to her master and snuggled up at her side, the ranger stroking her leafy fur lovingly as she smiled. “What matters is we’re all traveling together. Our growing family is coming together and I couldn’t be happier about it.”

Such a statement forced a hint of a blush on both Bellemere and Eavan’s cheeks as they both shifted awkwardly on their feet, watching Grid’s movements with interest. Gridlesser truly was the glue that forced them all together. So when she tried so hard to join them, it was best to go along for the ride.

“Well, you’ve already made up your mind regarding all this. It would be pointless to argue,” Eavan declared with a huff before stepping to Bellemere’s side, extending a hand to the newcomer. The rose Sylvari glanced down at the outstretched limb in awe, her eyes sparkling with delight as she scooped up the hand with excitement. “Well Belle, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’ll show you around Hoelbrak and look out for you.”

Belle’s eyes glittered at her words, “Sister!”

“Just Eavan please,” the Mesmer remarked with a grin, never one to feel such bonds with her Sylvari brethren. After all, Eavan was often considered odd for her preferences of the cold landscapes in the mountains. However, it seemed this wide-eyed pup of a rose didn’t seem to mind her ‘strange ways.’ In fact, she seemed genuinely kind and interested in understanding her. “Don’t worry Belle, I’ll look out for you.”

The elementalist’s blush burned bright as her smile widened, “T-Thank you Eavan!”

Gridlesser watched the two Sylvari with a warm grin of her own as she patted down her hound one final time, the towering Norn then lifting to her feet as she dusted herself off. “I knew I could count on you Eavan. Our little Belle is in good hands with you,” she hummed as she stepped next to the young Bellemere, patting her head fondly. “Don’t you worry, I’ll be back soon.”

“Y-You best keep Syl safe,” Bellemere stuttered as she glanced away, her bright red tint forcing a chuckle from Eavan as she watched the scene unfold. It was clear there was much to be told about these two’s relationship. “A-And you too. You best stay safe.”

“As you wish,” Gridlesser said, her voice a soothing song as she leaned down and scooped the Sylvari in her arms. Bellemere squirmed in her hold for a moment before sinking into her grip, her blush evening out as she finally smiled and hugged the towering woman back. “Eavan, I trust you’ll keep her and yourself safe as well?”

“We’ll be fine Grid, you go finish this mission so you can get back here and spend time with your favorite sprouts,” Eavan joked with a wink, the Norn nodding before separating from Belle. With a final nod to the duo, Grid then turned and ushered her hound towards the mountain paths. “So what shall I show you first? There’s the taverns and the pavilions. I could show you the alters. Or-.”

“Grid kept telling me the stories about the Snow Princess and the Raven,” Belle chimed with a mischievous stare, Eavan burning at her comment. “Who’s the Raven? Is it that Corvo person? Can we meet the Raven?”

“Oh look over there! Polar bears!” Eavan shouted over her companion’s questioning, ushering the pouting Belle towards the icy meadow where a family of cubs played in the snow. “Let’s go hug some bears!”


Let’s Finally Talk About That Video…And The State of YouTube and the Community As A Whole

Hello, Mae here. Welcome to my blog. Before I begin this post, I want to stress just how important the topic of suicide and suicide prevention is. It’s a very powerful subject that can rock an entire community to the core. Depression, anxiety, paranoia…I experience these things on a daily basis. I have been able to find outlets in order to help me cope with these, whether it be with writing, working out, gaming, reading, spending time with friends, or just having a good ole cuddle session with my dog, outlets are great sources of stimulation to help you combat those feelings that can be overwhelming.

However, sometimes people just need someone to hear them, someone to talk with them, to understand what it is they are going through. And sometimes people don’t have those sources directly in their life. So I wanted to take a moment to provide you all with a list of numbers, websites, etc. that can provide aid in those times of need. As I discover more reliable sources of aid I will also share those with you as well. Special Thanks to folks like Christarose (@EastyBug on Twitter) for compiling this list and allowing us to add on to the cause for spreading awareness and understanding.

  • Depression Hotline: 1-630-482-9696
  • Suicide Hotline: 1-800-784-8433
  • National Suicide Prevention LifeLine: 1-800-273-8255, visit their website to livechat or donate https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/
  • CrisisTextLine: Free support by text 24/7, https://crisistextline.org/
  • Trevor Project: 1-866-488-7386
  • Sexuality Support: 1-800-246-7743
  • Eating Disorders Hotline: 1-847-831-3438
  • Rape and Sexual Assault: 1-800-656-4673
  • Grief Support: 1-650-321-5272
  • Runaway: 1-800-843-5200, 1-800-843-5678, 1-800-621-4000
  • Exhale: After Abortion Hotline/Pro-Voice: 1-866-439-4253
  • Child Abuse: 1-800-422-4453
  • UK Helplines:
    • Samaritans (for any problem): 08457909090, email jo@samaritans.org
    • Childline (for anyone under 18 with any problem): 08001111
    • Mind Infoline (mental health information): 0300 123 3393, email info@mind.org.uk
    • Mind Legal Advice (for people who need mental health related legal advice): 0300 466 6463, legal@mind.org.uk
    • B-Eat Eating Disorder Support: 0845 634 14 14 (only open Mon-Fri 10.30 a.m.-8.30 p.m. and Saturday 1 p.m.-4.30 p.m.), email help@b-eat.co.uk
    • B-Eat Youthline (for anyone under 25 with an eating disorder): 08456347650 (open Mon-Fri 4.30 p.m.-8.30 p.m., Saturday 1 p.m.-4.30 p.m.)
    • Cruse Bereavement Care: 08444779400, email helpline@cruse.org.uk
    • Frank (information and advice on drugs): 0800776600
    • Drinkline: 0800 9178282
    • Rape Crisis England & Wales: 0808 802 9999 1 (open 2-2.30 p.m., 7-9.30 p.m.), email info.rapecrisis.org.uk
    • Rape Crisis Scotland: 08088 01 03 02, open every day 6 p.m. to midnight
  • India Self Harm Hotline: 00 08001006614
  • India Suicide Helpline: 022-27546669
  • Kids Help Phone (Canada): 1-800-668-6868, Free and available 24/7
  • Suicide Hotlines:
    • Argentina: 54-0223-493-0430
    • Australia: 13-11-14
    • Austria: 01-713-3374
    • Barbados: 429-9999
    • Belgium: 106
    • Botswana: 391-1270
    • Brazil: 21-233-9191
    • China: 852-2382-0000
    • Hong Kong: 2389-2222
    • Costa Rica: 606-253-5439
    • Croatia: 01-4833-888
    • Cyprus: 357-77-77-72-67
    • Czech Republic: 222-580-697, 476-701-908
    • Denmark: 70-201-201
    • Egypt: 762-1602
    • Estonia: 6-558-088
    • Finland: 040-5032199
    • France: 01-45-39-4000
    • Germany: 0800-181-0721
    • Greece: 1018
    • Guatemala: 502-234-1239
    • Holland: 0900-0767
    • Honduras: 504-237-3623
    • Hungary: 06-80-820-111
    • Iceland: 44-0-8457-90-90-90
    • India: 022 2754 6669
    • Israel: 09-8892333
    • Italy: 06-705-4444
    • Japan: 3-5286-9090
    • Latvia: 6722-2922, 2772-2292
    • Malaysia: 03-756-8144
    • Singapore: 1-800-221-4444
    • Mexico: 525-510-2550
    • Netherlands: 0900-0767
    • New Zealand: 4-473-9739
    • New Guinea: 675-326-0011
    • Nicaragua: 505-268-6171
    • Norway: 47-815-33-300
    • Philippines: 02-896-9191
    • Poland: 52-70-000
    • Portugal: 239-72-10-10
    • Russia: 8-20-222-82-10
    • Spain: 91-459-00-50
    • South Africa: 0861-322-322
    • South Korea: 2-715-8600
    • Sweden: 031-711-2400
    • Switzerland: 143
    • Taiwan: 0800-788-995
    • Thailand: 02-249-9977
    • Trinidad and Tobago: 868-645-2800
    • Ukraine: 0487-327715

Remember, you are loved, you are wanted. Seek help if needed. Be there for one-another.

Please note that from this point onward, I will be going in detail about the specific incident regarding YouTuber Logan Paul and the community’s response. There will be extreme themes of suicide, misconduct, and more and if you are uncomfortable or if these topics are triggering in nature, I advise you not to continue. I want everyone to be safe and seek help if needed. And please remember that you are loved.

Now let’s begin…

I wanted to start 2018 on a better foot than this but it seems a certain YouTuber’s actions has really taken it’s toll on myself and the community as a whole. And apologies going forward, I’m going to jump around a lot in this post but I want to cover as much as I can on the topics presented here. Sorry if it’s a jumbled mess, I can’t stress enough that this is sort of a post pieced together from an entire month’s worth of drafted posts.

I originally wanted to post something when the initial incident occurred but as so many others launched themselves as a voice of reason, I decided to hang back and instead pass on their messages with the rest of the world because they were already basically saying the things I wanted to convey. However, with a statement finally issued from YouTube being what it was and the actions taken due to the incident…I decided to finally voice my own concerns with everything that has happened. (As some may say, this may seem late to the party but in truth I had portions of this post in the queue as early as this whole situation started and I just kept talking myself out of posting at all. But then I remembered my goals for the year and wanting to actually explore more writing themes going forward. And plus I really thought hard to myself and decided…you know what, I have something to say in regards to this situation…SO I’M GONNA SAY IT).

I want to state first that I have never been a fan of Logan Paul or his brother Jake (as well as many of those they regularly work with in their little entourages). I’m not part of the Logang. I’m not a Maverick. And I’m very happy to say that neither are my nephews or niece.

I want to stress that last part to make a point…I pay attention to what these kids in my life are watching and I talk with them about those videos and ensure that they are being safe and understanding of what they are consuming via the instantaneous media. This is hopefully a point many of you take away from this post here…know the content that your kids are watching, take an interest in their lives, and talk with your kids about what their watching…see what they understand, what they don’t understand, what they are getting from these videos…because YouTube is clearly not going to protect your kids from the content they’re viewing…

Anyway, no I’m not a fan of Logan Paul. However, not being a fan of this person and his content doesn’t mean I’m unaware of him as a creator. I’m well aware of the videos he has made in the past and many other incidents he has been part of, many of which people seem to not know about themselves. This is not the first time Logan Paul has been in the news for “bad decisions”. And I doubt it will be the last.

The Initial Incident…

Now if you are unaware of what I’m referring to, this discussion is about YouTuber Logan Paul and a video he posted on YouTube Dec. 31, 2017 entitled, “We Found A Dead Body In The Japanese Suicide Forest…” This wasn’t just a simple clickbait title, which you can also discover in the thumbnail that accompanied this video…with Logan Paul in the right hand side of the foreground…and to the left is the hanging body of a suicide victim with his face blurred out that Paul and his team had encountered as they were exploring the forest. I’ve provided a screenshot that has been edited due to the graphic nature (please note the #10 on trending and the view count, we’re going to touch on this shortly)

edited thumbnail

This video in question is a video blog post, as part of his daily grind on his channel, where he shares an experience he has in Japan with his team (I’m using this term loosely, his team is a couple of friends who act just as ridiculous as he does and a single Japanese man escorting them) of going to the Aokigahara Forest, also known as the suicide forest.

As the nickname implies, the Aokigahara Forest unfortunately has become well-known in recent history as the most popular site for suicide in Japan. Located at the northwestern flank of Mount Fuji, it is a place widely associated with death, whether by the spirits of the dead…or by those who enter this place that seemingly absorbs sound due to the hardened lava laid down from the last major eruption to end their lives.

Thousands of people have flocked to this forest unfortunately to commit suicide, and though a lot of the cases are prominently from recent times, this forest has been a stamping ground for this sort of behavior for many years. It is much too common to discover someone hanging there or someone who has died from a drug overdose. It has become so prevalent that there are signs placed around the forest and on the trails urging people to seek help and that they matter. And what’s more, officials have stopped publicizing the numbers of attempts to decrease Aokigahara’s association with suicide…as well as to not encourage copycats within their population (a very serious problem that Japan has faced for years).

Now if you’re interested in more information regarding this subject, there is a lot of media out there you can go to look into it. However, I would suggest looking up the below 2011 documentary on YouTube entitled “Suicide Forest in Japan” by Vice News. This video provides an in-depth perspective from researches about the forest itself and the epidemic of suicides occurring there. Be mindful, Viewer Discretion is advised.

Suicide Forest in Japan

Let Me Stress Something…

I saw the video in the early stages of it’s release and I am extremely thankful that it isn’t online anymore (save of course for the many idiots that continue to repost the video that has since been taken down by Paul). This is 10+ minutes of distasteful misconduct and ill judgement in the event of finding a suicide victim. I’m also not convinced that they weren’t there to find a dead body because they are there on the guise to spend the night, explore and find evidence of being some “haunted forest” to share with the world.

I would like to take a moment to break down the video in question without going beyond what I’m even comfortable with in my discussions here, especially since those who did not see the video aren’t really understanding the gravity of what was displayed for an entire day before being willfully taken down by Paul.

The video starts with a quick disclaimer…

Warning: this video contains suicide and death. Viewer discretion is advised. If anyone is watching this and is currently having thoughts of suicide or are considering harming themselves, please ask for help or go to an emergency room.

It then jumps to a one-on-one with Paul talking to the audience after the incident occurs. He goes to say that this was something he’s never witnessed before in his life, that he would not be monetizing the video for obvious reasons, it’s graphic in nature and marks a moment in YouTube history and he hopes that it has never happened to anyone ever on the platform.

“You’re never going to see another video like this again.” – Oh Logan Paul, we shouldn’t be seeing it in the first place, especially on a platform like YouTube that has such clear-cut guidelines and terms of service. But I digress for now, let’s return to the video in question.

Cut to the day of the incident, Paul and his team are in the parking lot with camping gear and cameras at the ready. They are dressed up for the cold of course so Paul is sporting an alien hat which looks like the alien from Toy Story (not really that important I guess, I just want you to imagine such a serious situation coming up while Paul is wearing this hat…it almost seems like he wears it to distract from the incident itself. Could be simple coincidence, who really knows save for Paul and his friends). As I stated above, they are there under the guise that they are going to spend the night in the forest and try and capture footage of hauntings.

Before they even enter the forest setting beyond the parking lot, this group of people are laughing and making jokes while also sharing that they are at the suicide forest and that people go there to kill themselves. Yet they are still saying they are there to capture ghost activity. They talk for a little bit more before entering the forest and going off trail, something that is highly advised not to be done at this location especially.

The video then turns dark as Paul suddenly seems to be freaking out a bit as the camera is pointing to them, and saying that he’s sorry but they may have just found a dead body. You hear the group converse trying to figure out if what they are seeing is real before one of his teammates says yes and to make sure the camera is on because they are going to check it out.

We then see the team come in close to the suicide victim who is, although distorted to hide his face and some of the coloring of his hands, there on screen for everyone to see. And it’s not a brief moment of view on this poor man…no, Paul and his team are zooming in, walking around the body, showing that he has his wallet still on him, zooming in on the hands…they are seemingly in shock as they talk about what’s going on in that moment, conversations between them ranging from genuine shock to joking around about a dead body in the suicide forest. They also take a moment to address the camera and state what the disclaimer of the video said initially and to seek help if they want to harm themselves. And that there are people there for them.

By the way, there is a very lengthy amount of time between the discovery and the guide coming up and beginning to call the authorities to respond to the death of this man.

Paul and team then go back to the parking lot area, still conversing about what they saw, joking around occasionally while also pointing to children that can be seen in the parking lot and noting that there’s literally a body hanging in the forest close by from where these children are playing. Fans came up to him and talked with him. And then authorities came up to him and told them that they were in a restricted area. Paul and them try and play it off by saying it’s a little late.

Despite the contents, the video goes live…

So it’s December 31, 2017, last day of 2017, New Years Eve…this video goes live on Logan Paul’s channel on YouTube. At the time Paul had more than 15 million subscribers, many having an alarm set on their account for when Paul publishes a video. And very quickly this video was being watched around the world.

The next 24 hours would be a huge blow not only to the community…but to many around the world who until that day knew nothing of this ‘Logan Paul Character’. And until the video was finally removed WILLINGLY by Logan Paul on Jan. 1, it continued to circulate around the world.

Internally within Paul’s fan base, the video itself was not really criticized. Now of course that isn’t addressing everyone who is part of the Logang. But before the video was finally taken down, numbers were high. Philip DeFranco, a YouTuber known for his news commentary, stated the following on twitter in regards to the numbers on the video:


Paul’s fanbase seemingly didn’t care at all that he showed a dead body in the thumbnail and video. They didn’t seem to care about the way he was acting in another country. And yes, once again, I know this wasn’t everyone who’s considered a fan of his but the numbers supporting the videos were massive and would have likely kept coming if the video remained.

Remember towards of the beginning of this post I featured an edited thumbnail from the posted video. I wanted to point out two important key facts here. Before the video was taken down by Paul (following the backlash he was receiving from across social media) the video had more than six million views and was in the top ten for trending videos on YouTube.

What does it mean to be trending on YouTube?

As stated on the YouTube Support page:

Trending helps viewers see what’s happening on YouTube and in the world. Some trends are predictable, like a new song from a popular artist or a new movie trailer. Others are surprising, like a viral video. Trending aims to surface videos that a wide range of viewers will appreciate.

Trending is not personalized. Trending displays the same list of trending videos in each country to all users, except for India. In India, Trending displays the same list of trending videos for each of the 9 most common Indic languages.

The list of trending videos is updated roughly every 15 minutes. With each update, videos may move up, down, or stay in the same position in the list.

YouTube then goes into detail about what determines what videos are ranked on trending:

Amongst the many great new videos on YouTube on any given day, Trending can only show a limited number. Trending aims to surface videos that:

  • Are appealing to a wide range of viewers
  • Are not misleading, clickbaity or sensational
  • Capture the breadth of what’s happening on YouTube and in the world
  • Ideally, are surprising or novel

Trending aims to balance all of these considerations. To achieve this, Trending considers many signals, including (but not limited to):

  • View count
  • The rate of growth in views
  • Where views are coming from (including outside of YouTube)
  • The age of the video

We combine these signals to produce a list of videos that showcases what’s happening on YouTube and in the world. This means that the video with the highest view count on a given day may not be #1 on Trending, and videos with more views may be shown below videos with fewer views.

Even if your video meets all the above criteria, it may not appear on Trending, as many other videos may also meet those criteria. The Trending system tries to choose videos that will be most relevant to our viewers and most reflective of the broad content on the platform.

YouTube does not accept payment for placement on Trending. We do not include views from YouTube ads in selecting videos for Trending. YouTube does not favor specific creators.

The thumbnail showcases that Paul’s video had made it onto the trending list on YouTube (at least to number 10 on the platform, it could have gotten higher but I do not have any photo evidence of that so we’re going to focus that it even made it to the top ten at all). The video was climbing in likes from the fan base, climbing in shares across all social platforms, and therefore climbing in views. By YouTube’s algorithm, this video seemed like a huge positive for the platform, something huge that everyone was talking about. Thus, trending page, thus being introduced further to other viewers who otherwise would have never seen the content.

This video remained on the trending list and on the platform for an entire day before it was finally removed willingly by Paul after receiving backlash from…well, a good chunk of the world. But why didn’t YouTube call for the removal of the video? Why didn’t YouTube act once they began receiving reports from users flagging the video? And furthermore…

What does any of this matter? Why is the world so upset about this video by Logan Paul?

So as the world got wind of Paul’s video and saw what was being showed to the world, many people had different opinions on the subject. There were some users that saw the video as a way to bring awareness for suicide prevention. There were others that stated that because Paul and his friends could be seen laughing in the video that he was creating a mockery of a serious subject like suicide. The list goes on and I kind of want to share my take on it from a perspective of someone who has studied media relations, media law, and so on.

In the video, Paul and his friends can be seen laughing and joking as they encounter the body and the events following that incident. I can sort of understand why people would be upset about that, but I do want to point out that psychologically this isn’t technically an unheard of response to uncomfortable or tragic situations. Every person is indeed different in how they interact with the world around them and I honestly don’t think there was any intended harm with their laughter. You can actually see in the video that Paul’s facial expressions change throughout the incident, you can chalk this up to sincerely being on a roller coaster of emotions or you can also technically credit this to his title of being an actor. Personally, I don’t think this part was really upsetting.

Ethics, the moral principles that govern a person’s behavior or the conducting of an activity, are definitely in question here. In media, creators of content are sharing their stories with the world. And in doing so, there are times where there are territories where someone may cross into highly controversial topics. It’s up to the creator to really understand the topics they are bringing forward and what they are sharing with the audience. Of course, this is sort of a gray area, depending on the creator and what their personal stances are in what the world should be viewing.

However, there is one factual piece of evidence that I’ve been shouting from the rooftops since this whole ordeal began.

And that is the breach against YouTube’s Guidelines for content creators.

Think of the guidelines as a contract, something you agree to when you accept the rules and responsibilities you gain with being a creator on the platform. These guidelines are public knowledge and very easy to track down through YouTube’s website.

Here are some common-sense rules that’ll help you steer clear of trouble. Please take these rules seriously and take them to heart. Don’t try to look for loopholes or try to lawyer your way around the guidelines—just understand them and try to respect the spirit in which they were created.

The guidelines then go on to list a variety of content that is not allowed to be posted to the platform and will be subject to punishment if these rules are broken. This includes: nudity and sexual content, hateful content, harassment, spam, and more. But there’s certain guidelines that, following what’s said in fine print, Logan Paul either skated on the line or flat out disobeyed.

Violent or graphic content

It’s not okay to post violent or gory content that’s primarily intended to be shocking, sensational, or disrespectful. If posting graphic content in a news or documentary context, please be mindful to provide enough information to help people understand what’s going on in the video. Don’t encourage others to commit specific acts of violence. Learn more



If someone has posted your personal information or uploaded a video of you without your consent, you can request removal of content based on our Privacy Guidelines. Learn more

Now understanding Paul was trying to play off the video as a way to bring awareness to suicide prevention, this video 100 percent SHOULD NOT HAVE GOTTEN PAST YOUTUBE. Not only did he showcase a hanging corpse in the thumbnail and throughout his video which fully violates the guidelines due to violent or graphic content (and no, blurring the image is not enough here) but there’s also the issue of the privacy of this person being violated by Paul for views.
I have already heard it from those I’ve had discussions with on the topic. How does this violate privacy? This person is dead, they committed suicide. They couldn’t really say yes or no anyway so why does it matter?
Well, for one thing, that person, in their weakest moment, had their struggles broadcasted by a content creator for views. Regardless if the video was monetized or not during its approximate 24-hour run, people flocked to Paul’s channel to figure out what was going on. People then began subscribing, viewing other videos posted by Paul that were monetized, the list goes on. Paul financially benefited by this incident, gaining followers, gaining more sales in merchandise, and more.
There’s also the matter of Paul sharing with the entire world this person’s death…and the family of the victim, friends of the victim, those who knew this person who took their life in that forest…these people may not have even known that he was out there, that he was gone. What if the first time they were to discover this news…was with a video blowing up across the world showcasing his suicide?
There’s some rules in ethics for news and media about naming and showing victims, and I’m including a link to ONAEthics, a blog used by journalists and news organizations who are aiming to create their own place in dealing with ethics. For a lot of the instances mentioned in the category, ‘Withholding Names and Information’, releasing the names and images of those victims or those involved in crimes or tragedies typically falls either to law enforcement or to loved ones who agree to the publishing of that information. Ethically speaking, journalists or news organizations can take risks in providing that information to the public; however, in my field of work I’ve found it best to have some sort of respect for those you’re working with or you’re covering.
Ok, so the video went live and was taken down and people are upset. This happened at the very end of 2017 and the very beginning of 2018. Why are we still talking about it? What happened next?
There’s a growing timeline to this entire situation and even as I publish this post (finally I might add, I’ve been adding little by little to this post in my queue for awhile before I finally decided to go ahead and share with the world) the timeline will continue to grow with new developments from the involved parties.
Now I’ve noticed that many people have started the timeline at the initial posting of the suicide forest video to YouTube but there’s actually three other videos that came before the suicide forest video that I am also adding into what I call the “Logan Paul Problem”. These three videos (and two more following the incident post) don’t showcase a suicide…but they do show complete and utter disrespect to the people of Japan and to others around the world.
Logan Paul last four videos

 So the timeline would go something like this:

  • Dec. 28, 2017 – Logan Paul posts a video entitled, “I’m Giving Away My YouTube Channel.” The video itself mainly goes into Paul taking a flight to Japan and finding people on the street and forcing a conversation with them.
  • Dec. 29, 2017 – Logan Paul posts a video entitled, “Kicked Out of Japan (I’m sorry) JP.” Some key points to note in the video is that Paul and his friends are being very unruly and disrespectful at a shrine and they were indeed addressed by the police and removed from the site.
  • Dec. 30, 2017 – Logan Paul posts a video entitled, “We Fought in the Middle of Tokyo!” Some key notes from this video include Paul and his friends buying raw seafood and holding it in people’s faces before leaving the raw seafood on the trunk of a taxi.
  • Dec. 31, 2017 – Logan Paul posts a video entitled, “We Found A Dead Body In The Japanese Suicide Forest…” The video shows Paul and friends going to the suicide forest in Japan where they encounter and showcase a victim of suicide. The video is shared around the world and is featured in the Top Ten Trending on YouTube.
  • Jan. 1, 2018 – Logan Paul willingly removes his previous video. Logan Paul also posts a video entitled, “Real Life Pokemon Go In Tokyo! (Catching Strangers).” Some key notes from this video is that Paul and friends are running around the cities throwing a stuffed pokeball at passerbys, vehicles, and in private establishments. Logan Paul publishes an apology on Twitter.
  • Jan. 2, 2018 – After he receives continuous backlash about the video and the apology on Twitter, Logan Paul posts a video entitled, “So Sorry.” Philip Defranco announces on Twitter that he received an official statement from a contact at YouTube regarding the outrage and controversy around Logan Paul’s video.
  • Jan. 3, 2018 – Logan Paul announces on Twitter he will be taking a break from the blogs, “taking time to reflect, no vlog for now, see you soon.”
  • Jan. 4, 2018 – Japanese Suicide Prevention Group Ova slams Paul, telling The Japan Times that Paul’s video “raises serious issues from the point of suicide prevention,” and is in clear violation of the World Heath Organization guidelines on how the media should report on the issue. Many continue to call for Paul’s removal or punishment due to the video.
  • Jan. 8, 2018 – Greg Paul, Logan’s father, posts a video to Instagram providing an update on Logan’s return as well as commenting that haters will not keep them down.
  • Jan. 9, 2018 – YouTube posts an open letter to the community on Twitter as related t the video and alluding to the future of the platform.
  • Jan. 10, 2018 – Multiple news sources announce that YouTube has put Logan Paul original projects on hold, he will be removed from Google Preferred ads program, and he received a strike to his channel.
  • Jan. 16, 2018 – YouTube posted “Additional Changes to the YouTube Partner Program (YPP) to Better Protect Creators,” a blog post dedicated to the explaining the changes to the program.
  • Jan. 18, 2018 – YouTube posted on Twitter the “Changes to the YouTube Partner Program: Frequently Asked Questions.” This follows after YouTube announced they would be making drastic changes to the YouTube Partner Program which shows who will be monetized, etc.
  • Jan. 24, 2018 – Logan Paul returns from his time away from social media to post a video entitled, “Suicide: Be Here Tomorrow.”

Now I want to get into the responses from Logan Paul before I continue to discuss the other videos in question, YouTube, and the Community

On Jan. 1, after removing the video from the platform, Logan Paul took to Twitter to post the following apology (I know the date says differently below at the top of the photo, that’s when the screenshot was taken, the post is still on Twitter if you’d like to fact check the date):

Ladies and gentlemen, there’s a hashtag in the apology.
If we break this apology down line by line you’ll find that this apology is more of Logan Paul humble-bragging about himself than actually showing remorse for what he’s done. He talks about how he gets views so he didn’t need this to get those views and how he’s caught up in what he does everyday. It goes on and on and really I sat there after first reading the apology wondering to myself, “but are you really sorry? Because you just talked about yourself repeatedly.”
Apparently I wasn’t the only one questioning this apology because the internet, like a swarm of sharks circling a piece of meat in the ocean, went for the attack. Paul then continues to receive more and more backlash for his response. And finally, he posts the video entitled, “So Sorry.”
This should have definitely been Paul’s first response to his actions. He shares that it was a lapse in judgement and that he was sorry for the video and what it has done to those who viewed and to the family of the victim. He also notes to his fans that he doesn’t deserve to be defended. He doesn’t expect to be forgiven and he’s disappointed in himself and he promises to be better.
Do I think this is genuine? Well, I’d like to give this apology and Logan Paul the benefit of the doubt. It seems to be a well-crafted apology in comparison to his Twitter post. Do I think he wrote it himself? If I’m being honest…no, I think he had some help writing this after consuming any of his content in previous years. Do I think he feels bad here? Yes. Do I think he feels bad for the reasons he should? I want to say yes…but I have doubts.
Why do you have doubts? He said he was sorry. People are getting so angry over nothing.
For one thing, Logan Paul’s father posted a video to Instagram Jan. 8 “gregpaul63” talking about the super fans that support the Pauls and that the haters need to shut their mouths. “The haters will never ever have an effect on the Paul family.”
This is the father…basically implying that anyone who isn’t supporting Logan Paul at that time was a hater…so anyone who is calling Logan Paul out for this mistake is a hater. Regardless if this was the intent of the post, that is what is implied.
Again, this is the father…this is the environment Logan Paul was brought up in. Therefore I have reason to doubt that this situation is simply just a small road block in Paul’s aim for the stars. He’s probably not learning much from this at all…because this situation has barely hurt him.
What do you mean it hasn’t hurt him? YouTube responded!
Oh boy, here we go into YouTube’s responses. Now from the timeline I shared earlier, you will note there has been a couple different responses from YouTube on the subject of Logan Paul’s content that we should probably address here.


The above response was provided to Philip DeFranco via a YouTube contact of his which he published publicly to Twitter Jan. 2. This response…is nothing. It’s addressing the rules and regulations but not giving any explanation at all as to how this incident was able to pass by as educational or be allowed to remain for 24 hours (and would have probably remained longer had Logan Paul himself not removed the video).


Jan. 9 is when the official open letter to the community finally surfaced on YouTube’s Twitter page. This is ten days following the video being posted onto the platform. Please read this statement line by line and really understand what’s being said here. I really wanted to highlight a specific quote that I think really needs to be addressed here…

“We acted accordingly.”

HOW? How did you act accordingly YouTube? You did nothing to remove the initial video from your platform! This piece of text still baffles me, even after the announcements that come the following day.

Jan. 10 it was announced that Logan Paul was being removed from the Google Preferred Ad Program and he would be receiving a strike on his channel. Furthermore, Logan Paul’s original content with YouTube Red would be put on hold until further notice.

Now…firstly, good on you YouTube for finally doing something about this whole situations. I think some of these punishments were fair considering but I still think you provide preferential treatment to Paul and his family. Why do I say that? Well if you go throughout the content he publishes on the site, Paul has done a lot of things that truly skate the lines of the guidelines he agreed to…and sometimes just downright breaking the rules.

I know this topic is controversial as well but if we compare the incident in 2017 with Pewdiepie vs. Wall Street, you will note that upon judgement YouTube took into account that Pewdiepie was not advertiser-friendly by any means and…CANCELLED HIS YOUTUBE RED SHOW WITHOUT ANY INTEREST IN WORKING WITH HIM IN THAT LIGHT AGAIN. They didn’t even ask Pewdiepie to be included in their annual YouTube Rewind which celebrates the year on the platform with many of the biggest YouTubers…they didn’t ask the YouTuber with the biggest reach and follower count there is.

Now I’m not saying Pewdiepie did nothing wrong. He had two specific controversies in 2017 and he’s had to pay for the mistakes he made. He acknowledges it himself that he has made mistakes and states that he understands that YouTube is a business and has to make the right decisions.

However, they have showed with their decisions that they have interest in continuing their alignment with Logan Paul in original series for YouTube Red. Because for some reason Paul and his family and friends are considered advertiser-friendly…

Why ‘some reason’?

So if you really take the time to observe the content Logan Paul, his family, and friends put out…you’ll notice a pattern. You’ll notice outlandish behavior being the norm. Now many YouTubers do have this schtick of outlandish behavior being utilized to entertain their viewers.

However, there’s a line that’s crossed quite a bit in what I’ve mentioned as, “The Logan Paul Problem.” If you recall, I mentioned a series of videos as part of a Japan vlog series from Logan Paul. Here’s just some of the actions that were done during this series…

Logan Paul and team are forced by police to leave a shrine due to them acting disruptive and screaming vulgarities, Paul and team hop onto moving cars without permission, reach into cars without permission, force people on camera without their permission, buy raw fish and force it into people’s faces before leaving it on an unsuspecting taxi cab’s trunk, dress up as pokemon and throw a stuffed pokeball at people and vehicles…

Believe me, I can go on forever by how much wrong is simply showed in this one series…if I went beyond that series to other past content…it gets worse…

Now there’s many others who really go into detail about this behavior so I’m going to link to them below and I highly encourage you to check them out and give them your time and attention as they highlight what’s been going on. Please keep in mind there’s a wide variety of YouTube personalities being linked below but a lot of them are noting the same topics that are covered in this post.

Some key videos from Pewdiepie

Some key videos from Philip DeFranco

There’s a lot I’ve linked to but these are a fraction of the responses out there that bring up some very interesting points about the situation as a whole and Logan Paul’s behavior in the past and the present. Some of these simply tackle viewpoints from a YouTube perspective, some tackle the situation from a Japanese perspective, some from a news standpoint, etc. Again, I highly encourage to check out these videos and others regarding the situation.

Ok but the situation is over, Logan Paul was punished for his actions, why are we talking about it still?

Well, apart from Logan Paul’s punishment being what it was, there was also something else that is of note following the incident and YouTube’s responses to Logan Paul specifically…something that greatly affects the YouTube community as a whole…

YouTube has implemented huge changes to their YouTube Partners Program.

What is the YouTube Partners Program (YPP)?

The YouTube Partner Program (YPP) lets creators monetize their content on YouTube. Creators can earn money from advertisements served on their videos and from YouTube Red subscribers watching their content. You can apply to join the YouTube Partner Program from your account in Creator Studio.

This program helps YouTube creators monetize their content on the platform. For certain YouTubers, it’s because of this program that they have livelihood on the platform at all.

Neal Mohan, Chief Product Officer and Robert Kyncl, Chief Business Officer posted a blog Jan. 16 on the new changes on the platform, entitled, “Additional Changes to the YouTube Partner Program (YPP) to Better Protect Creators.” It reads:

2017 marked a tough year for many of you, with several issues affecting our community and the revenue earned from advertising through the YouTube Partner Program (YPP). Despite those issues more creators than ever are earning a living on YouTube, with the number of channels making over six figures up over 40% year-over-year. In 2018, a major focus for everyone at YouTube is protecting our creator ecosystem and ensuring your revenue is more stable.

As Susan mentioned in December, we’re making changes to address the issues that affected our community in 2017 so we can prevent bad actors from harming the inspiring and original creators around the world who make their living on YouTube. A big part of that effort will be strengthening our requirements for monetization so spammers, impersonators, and other bad actors can’t hurt our ecosystem or take advantage of you, while continuing to reward those who make our platform great.

Back in April of 2017, we set a YPP eligibility requirement of 10,000 lifetime views. While that threshold provided more information to determine whether a channel followed our community guidelines and policies, it’s been clear over the last few months that we need a higher standard.

Starting today we’re changing the eligibility requirement for monetization to 4,000 hours of watchtime within the past 12 months and 1,000 subscribers. We’ve arrived at these new thresholds after thorough analysis and conversations with creators like you. They will allow us to significantly improve our ability to identify creators who contribute positively to the community and help drive more ad revenue to them (and away from bad actors). These higher standards will also help us prevent potentially inappropriate videos from monetizing which can hurt revenue for everyone.

On February 20th, 2018, we’ll also implement this threshold across existing channels on the platform, to allow for a 30 day grace period. On that date, channels with fewer than 1,000 subs or 4,000 watch hours will no longer be able to earn money on YouTube. When they reach 1,000 subs and 4,000 watch hours they will be automatically re-evaluated under strict criteria to ensure they comply with our policies. New channels will need to apply, and their application will be evaluated when they hit these milestones.

Though these changes will affect a significant number of channels, 99% of those affected were making less than $100 per year in the last year, with 90% earning less than $2.50 in the last month. Any of the channels who no longer meet this threshold will be paid what they’ve already earned based on our AdSense policies. After thoughtful consideration, we believe these are necessary compromises to protect our community.

Of course, size alone is not enough to determine whether a channel is suitable for monetization, so we’ll continue to use signals like community strikes, spam, and other abuse flags to ensure we’re protecting our creator community from bad actors. As we continue to protect our platform from abuse, we want to remind all of you to follow YouTube’s Community Guidelines, Monetization Basics & Policies, Terms of Service, and Google AdSense program policies, as violating any of these may lead to removal from the YouTube Partner Program.

While this change will tackle the potential abuse of a large but disparate group of smaller channels, we also know that the bad action of a single, large channel can also have an impact on the community and how advertisers view YouTube. We’ll be working to schedule conversations with our creators in the months ahead so we can hear your thoughts and ideas and what more we can do to tackle that challenge.

One of YouTube’s core values is to provide anyone the opportunity to earn money from a thriving channel, and while our policies will evolve over time, our commitment to that value remains. Those of you who want more details around this change, or haven’t yet reached this new 4,000 hour/1,000 subscriber threshold can continue to benefit from our Creator Academy, our Help Center, and all the resources on the Creator Site to grow your channels.

Even though 2017 was a challenging year, thanks to creators like you, it was full of the moments that make YouTube such a special place. Creators large and small, established and emerging, transformed their talent and originality into videos that captivated over a billion people around the world. They made us laugh, taught us about our world and warmed our hearts. We’re confident the steps we’re taking today will help protect and grow our inspiring community well into the future.

There’s been a lot of backlash for this announcement, many small YouTube creators fearing their future on the platform. And with the numbers seen on their analytics some genuinely have a right to be worried. It is stated however that, “99% of those affected were making less than $100 per year in the last year, with 90% earning less than $2.50 in the last month.” So in retrospect, many of these creators that it affects were already not making a lot of money on the platform at all.

Yes, YouTube is making it harder than ever for smaller channels to make it on their platform. But there’s still hope with what’s been announced. YouTube is actively going to put human eyes on the videos being published to make sure situations like the Logan Paul incident do not happen again. They will note if someone else is stealing other’s content and take the proper measures in handling those instances. Despite my frustrations with YouTube favoring certain creators over others…I think they’re making decisions for the platform that will better the community as a whole.

Do I think YouTube needs to still find a way to help smaller creators get a better foothole for using the platform? Yes I do. I hope we get there someday because there’s some creators that are smaller than others that make such wonderful content. Animators are some of the most notable with who’ve been affected over the years with YouTube’s changes in monetization. A lot of effort goes into making animations and they truly deserve better terms than finding out one day that they don’t meet requirements to get monetized for their hard work.

Do I think this situation was caused by the Logan Paul incident? No, there’s been problems for months (even years) with people stealing content, spamming content, finding loopholes to showcase inappropriate content on the platform. Do I think the Logan Paul situation helped YouTube take these steps? Absolutely. But with the community being what it is today, I think this was a smart decision from the company in order to help get the platform back in the right direction. They’ve still got a long way to go…But at least they are finally trying to address the problems.

We’re at the End of January Already…It’s Almost Been A Full Month Since the Situation Happened

I know throughout this post I’ve kinda been really picky about Logan Paul and his actions…as well as the responses following the incident. I really want people to do better in life. These sorts of things just shouldn’t happen.

I really want to believe that Logan Paul has learned something meaningful about all this. I really hope that Logan Paul will take remorse in his actions. After three weeks away Logan Paul has posted his first video since taking a break from social media and vlogging. This video explores Logan Paul speaking with various suicide subject matter experts. He’s also pledged to donate $1 million to various suicide prevention organizations.

Logan Paul: Suicide: Be Here Tomorrow

I think this was the best step Logan Paul could take. Do I think it’s simply a PR stunt? I can’t really say. I hope not but there’s always that possibility. I truly hope he continues to follow through with this “new chapter of his life.” Only time will tell if this sincere Logan Paul proves to be true. I have every bit of faith in the world that he, just like many others, can do good. It’s up to him to continue down the right path.

Some final thoughts…

Thanks for joining me in this very long, jumbled post about what’s been going on the last month with the YouTube community. I’ve been part of this community for close to ten years and though I’m not a massive content creator like many I’ve mentioned in this blog, I still want to help make contributions here and there to making the community the best it can be.

I do believe that we, whether we be content creators or simple viewers, can do better as a community as a whole. Logan’s last video post is something good to see. Another creator of note is Jacksepticeye, a YouTube content creator known for his gameplay videos. When he saw the Logan Paul situation, he decided to hold a charity livestream Jan. 7 to aid in suicide prevention efforts.

Jacksepticeye: We Are Better Than This!

With this live stream he hosted, the community was able to raise more than $200,000 for the American Foundation of Suicide Prevention in less than eight hours. THAT’S INCREDIBLE and it showcases that even in some of the darkest situations people can truly make a difference in this world.

I’m hoping that we can all do better in this world. Let’s own up to our mistakes and make active improvements in our lives as we continue forth into 2018 and the future.

Logan Paul, I truly hope you’ve learned something from all of this and use your reach and influence to do some good in this world. A lot of people (not just kids) look up to you and see you as a role model. Be better. Do better. We’re all watching closely to see what happens next. And let’s hope it doesn’t turn into what JacksFilms had parodied:

Jacksfilms: I’m super sorry

***Please note that I do welcome criticism and discussion in the comments; however, anyone who posts flame comments and is rude to anyone will be removed from the blog. Thank you all for your understanding and thank you for reading. Let’s see what the future holds. Let’s all do better.***

Digimon OC Bios

So it seems my dearest friend Taji has fallen back into the Digimon craze after watching the Digimon: Tri movies 🙂 And you know what that means…NEW RP IDEAS! 

I figured I would post these early bios of my characters for reference and sort of build from them as we go.

Name: Elaine aka Lane

Age: 22 (may change)

Description: usually seen in oversized hoodies with the hood up, shorts, and lo-rise skater shoes. She has layered hair that’s dyed pink to match her digimon. Often carrying around a shoulder bag that contains her electronics

Partner: Pixiemon

Crest: (undetermined)

Bio: With her father a cop and her mother a nurse, her family had little time together as she grew up. In her time alone, She began to teach herself how to use computers and expanding into hacking. She was eventually linked with a digimon, Salamon, as a child and became a digidestined…which was fully against her parents wishes. Though she was a loner of a child she was still considered kind…however as she grew older and the responsibilitied forced upon digidestined grew more severe she had found herself growing bitter with life and developed a terrible attitude. Nowadays she is known as the bitch of the team, and can be quite rude and outrageous compared to her companion Pixiemon who is very kind to the others. Secretly Lane wants to find a way to break her attitude but can’t seem to find a way…nor does she want to ask for help. (Also I’ve decided she may have a slight drinking problem lol).

Name: Cole

Age: 18

Description: Usually dressed in a tattered zip up hoodie and jeans, wears dark rimmed glasses, and sneakers. He has dark, unruly hair. He carries around a large backpack. I like the trait that he usually has untied shoes and all around just looks desheveled

Partner: Impmon

Crest: (undetermined)

Description: Cole is a loner who’s just trying to file into a crowd without being noticed. Unfortunately he is linked with a digimon and forced into the digidestined by his father in hopes to break him from how he is. He is very shy and terrified of being partnered with Impmon, who seems like he would be rather evil in nature. Sure enough Impmon is a bully who wants to force Cole out of his shell through tricks and forcing him into fights. However, in a pinch, Impmon will protect Cole with everything he has to offer. Secretly Cole looks up to the crest holders but he doubts he will ever be like them.

My Hero Academia OC Bios

AN: So I’ve been reading the My Hero Academia manga for awhile now; however, with the snow storm that happened last week I finally found a chance to finish the second season of the anime. AND OMG I DIDN’T KNOW I COULD LOVE THIS STORY MORE THAN BEFORE BUT IT’S TRUE! And since I’ve been gabbing about it with my friend Steph, we decided to explore this world of heroes and quirks with an RP of our very own. 

So we decided to include two characters each as our main original characters that will be joining class 1-A. One of my characters was developed in past stories that I’ve changed to mesh with the My Hero Academia story. The other was a character developed from a simple birthday hero prompt I found on social media. I’ll probably share that here eventually so if anyone wants to use as well 😛 

I decided to create a brother/sister team who are fraternal twins. We’re still working out the details but we figured they would be transfers that end up in 1-A due to that transfer and their placement tests. They are a fun sort to write about and I hope to eventually get these guys commissioned so we can have art of them 🙂 hope you guys enjoy!


Name: Mae
Codename: DJ MaeTrix
Quirk: Sound Waves; The Electric Bard
Description (overall): wild blonde hair tossed into two ponytails, red tips that give off flames design; Electric green eyes; thin frame; small chest.
Hero Uniform: black jacket with silver/white designs (similar to Tron Legacy outfits or audio waves), dark pants, boots, gloves that can be fingerless at the press of a button, small black mask with lightning bolts going down her checks, headphones with what looks like bear ears that are external speakers, an electric guitar and keytar she made with her father that are modified for her quirks to be used as weapons.
Father – Bennett Black – (need name) -Quirk: Bard (I need to work on his name lol)
Mother – Mina – Supernova – Quirk: Starlight
Twin Brother – Ray – Neon Nova – Quirk: Neon Starlight
Dog – Titan
Bio: Youngest of the twins, she is gifted her father’s power with music and sound. Despite looking like a rock star’s daughter, she’s more polite of the two and has a more calming demeanor. However, the two of them together can be quite mischievous when it comes to their classmates and teachers.
Something to note of her powers is that she can be considered offensive or support. She has bard-like abilities like her father that can support her teammates, herself, or aid in battle against her enemies. However, there is also her ability to channel sound waves through her body and use them as a weapon against others. Her earphones can be used as both speakers and channeling the sound throughout her body. Her gloves and boots are able to safely channel the waves into physical attacks (similar to magical blasts).
She admires her brother a lot and tends to linger in his shadow, which shows why she begins with not a lot of confidence in her own abilities. Though her father loves her dearly he wants her to use her music as support instead of charging into the fight as a hero. She’s still trying to figure out what she wants out of life.
Name: Ray
Age: 16
Codename: Neon Nova
Quirk: Neon Starlight
Description (overall): wild blonde hair tied back with red flame tips; electric green eyes; thin but muscular frame
Hero Uniform: (Think 80s rockstar lol) tight shirt and pants, solar belt and chest plate, boots, solar gauntlets, dark mask with sun beam designs underneath, headband around his head
Father – Bennett Black – (need name) -Quirk: Bard (I need to work on his name lol)
Mother – Mina – Supernova – Quirk: Starlight
Twin Sister – Mae – DJ MaeTrix – Quirk: Sound Waves/ Electric Bard
Dog – Titan
Bio: The oldest of the twins and the most egotistical of the two. He wants the attention of the entire world and thinks he is more powerful than most of his compatriots. He wanted to be like his father but has found he is not skilled in the arts of music. Despite this, He believes he can capture the world’s attentions as one of the greatest heroes.
A bit of a diva in those standards, he has always been a bit jealous of his sister’s quirk. He soaks up her attention the most though which means he doesn’t help much with her own confidence problems. Despite everything though, He still considers himself her biggest fan…
He gets his quirk from his mother with only brighter and more wild shine. He is able to channel starlight (sunlight counts lol) through his body and shoot it off like a weapon. He can also use the power to fly up from his designed boots and gauntlets. If he doesn’t have enough power stored, he can regulate what he can use with his uniform design.

Happy New Year from Mae’s Corner

Happy New Year Everyone!

Hard to believe that we’ve already made it to 2018. It’s been a crazy few years writing for Mae’s Corner and we’re just getting started. We’re closing in fast on 700 posts and I couldn’t be happier to see how much I’ve grown in my writing and that I have fans like you all who have been reading and enjoying what I’ve created.

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your continued support and I look forward to continuing my journey as a writer.

Now, let’s talk what I hope to accomplish as some of my goals here for 2018.

  1. I posted a few bios in November for a story I’ve called Roll for Initiative, my DnD-esque story I’ve created characters that me and Taji have created. I’ve got a outline down for the very large campaign as well as a few more bios I will likely be adding soon. I hope to begin the story this month with our first chapter (no promises of course, it’s a busy month for me IRL so I’m at the mercy of what free time I can manage).
  2. More posts each month – I know I can make this happen! As I mentioned in a post I created a few months back, I want to tackle not only my usual stories, but also do a few opinionated and research pieces as well. Again, it all comes down to what I can manage free-time wise but I have a goal I’d like to stick to. If I can start it off with at least three posts a month instead of the typical one a month, I think we can really start getting back to a larger quota for each month. Plus, my creativity has slowly been building up again and I want to make sure and utilize that to my advantage.
  3. Revisiting old worlds and building new ones – As you can see from my history on the blog I’ve written for several different RP storylines, novels, etc. I have many of these posts for new chapters, etc. in my queue that are incomplete. I want to change all of that. I want to get back to posting and finalizing these stories I’ve been working on for a long time. Plus, I want to explore my characters more for those RPs, drabbles, etc. and really build them up to something I can be happy with.
  4. Writing prompt challenges – In the past, I created drabbles and characters through a writing prompt generator and found some success with that. I’d really like to start those challenges again and possibly also do a few challenges with Taji or anyone who would like to partner up for a writing prompt one-shot RP.
  5. Possibly explore a new layout for the blog, really craft something that I can call my own. Or at the very least get a fresh coat of paint to spruce up the joint haha. 
  6. Have fun! A lot of times writing for the blog can feel like a job since I write for a living and I never want this place to stress me out to the point of not wanting to do it anymore. I love writing so much and I don’t know where I would be without these stories and characters I’ve created. I want to help inspire others to find a creative outlet and explore what makes them happy as well.

As I said earlier, we’re just getting started here at Mae’s Corner. I hope to craft more and more awesome stories for you all. So here’s to 2018 and beyond! Let’s make this year a year to remember!!! 

Mae Everglow (and Bento too!)

Splatoon 2 Reboot – A Taji/Mae RP (ongoing)

AN: So excited we’ve rebooted our Splatoon RP series. Sounds like we’re going for a darker direction with the story which is really fun to try with such a bright game. Hope you guys enjoy! Tune in for updates 🙂 

Taji: The office was darker than usual that afternoon. Perrins ensured the lights stayed dim even as outside the growing snow storm intensified, shrouding the office even further with darkness. Under the worsening conditions of the snowstorm the secret base still bustled with both inkling and octarian workers suited up against the freezing temperatures of their tundra climate. Lights illuminated the pathways and roads as the workers continued on their daily routines of supporting the research being conducted at the base. All this commotion escaped Perrins’ notice. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from the current report on his desk.

The Squidbeak Splatoon had learned some new tricks, finally. Perrins grinned as he read over the report again. They had lost the three Zapfish in the end, but a new power was observed from one of the agents. He cursed himself for deciding again sending a trained team to acquire these agents instead of sending the assassin. This new ability had his mind spinning with new plans and ideas. If they could just get their hands on that inkling then they could figure out the trick and tap into that power to further accelerate their own plans.

A beep from the phone on his desk interrupted his thoughts. He reached over absently to answer the phone on speaker.

“Sir, the octarian is here.”

Perrins neatly shuffled the papers into various folders on his desk. He stood and straightened his suit. He had chosen a dark blue ink that morning as well to blend in better with the bleakness of his office. He also donned for his hair a style with no tentacles, so the resulting bowl cut matched with his professional persona.

“Send him in.”

Mae: Zane had been rather silent as he slumped against the wall, his dark eyes fixated on the door that he would soon be forced to enter. His charger had been haphazardly flung from his shoulder, his focus set fully on the one who awaited his arrival.

There was no doubt in his mind that the mission was a complete and utter failure. Not only did he not secure the zapfish but he got splatted so easily by those brats and…well he wasn’t sure what the girl was. She was an Inkling and yet…she held the power of an Octoling as well. How was that even possible?

The security called his attention and motioned to go ahead in, Zane’s hands burrowing in the pockets of his coat as he shuffled into the room. Calmly he stood before his employer, ready to string along the excuses he needed to ensure the lowest form of punishment. He didn’t have time to be failing. Not with what was on the line.

Taji: Perrins watched the assassin evenly. He started to drum his fingers on his desk, pretending to be deep in thought.

“When we first… acquired your services, I was told you were the best in your field,” Perrins began but paused.

He shuffled blindly through the folder he had just closed moments ago and pulled out a photograph of the group of agents. He threw it down roughly at Zane’s feet.

“So what are we to do when the best of the field decides not to live up to his potential?” Perrins pondered aloud. “I would assume consequences are in order to ensure he does his best in the future. Unless, of course, you can offer some real reason as to your failure?”

Mae: Zane eyed each photo, studying their features as he recalled the events in his mind. The fight was fully on his side at the beginning. With ease, the injured inkling was sent packing. He then had cornered the one he deemed would be the most troublesome: the sniper with a charger. What’s more is that both Octobrats who stood in the way were gone quick with his precision shots.

And then…the agent called Atlas had done the unthinkable. She surprised the likes of Zane himself.

A blazing figure of red and purple zipped through the battlefield with ease. Sure, she was clearly in pain yet it didn’t halt her tirade in the least. Before Zane could figure out what was happening, he was gone from the battle…his body making it’s way to the nearest respawn and losing track of his targets completely.

The Octarian leaned forward and hovered over the photos, his dark red tentacles peeking out from underneath his hood as he gestured to the agents presented.

“Sir,” Zane stated evenly. “There were five squids on the field. The Intel here was lacking on more than one account.”

He then swung his charger back into his hands as he held the gun to showcase to his employer.

“The plan was working accordingly. I had easily handled some of their team and had the zapfish close at hand when…” Zane then slammed a hand down on a particular photo, the grinning girl a pain to witness. “This one is no mere inkling. She’s not an Octarian either. She’s something else entirely. She was practically invincible against the ink tossed about on the field that day.”

Taji: Perrins’ eyes lit up. Invincible? Now this foreign power certainly had his full attention. With a skill like that on their side the coming milestones of their plans could be accelerated exponentially.

He cleared his throat. “Well, I suppose we can’t fault you for unknown circumstances. However, I do require compensation for your failure.”

The office desk was immaculately organized even after Perrins had spent hours reading through multitudes of reports and files. Among a lined row of small devices he picked one up with a small screen. A few taps of buttons and an image showcasing one of their cells in the underground rooms of their facility appeared. He tossed the screen to Zane.

“Your next mission is to lead a capture unit and take that inkling into our custody. Do this mission successfully and we’ll exchanging the occupant of that cell with her. You and prisoner 1082 can walk out of here together once and for all.”

Mae: Visibly there was no change in the Octarian as he stared upon the screen in his hand. However, a burning rage was building up inside as he stared upon a familiar bundle of red tentacles.

A boy, very similar in features to Zane, was slumped inside the abysmal containment. His clothes were tattered and dirt was caked upon his skin. There was no more excitement, no more flamboyant displays as he dashed through the underground with hope in his heart.

All that was left was a broken Octarian who likely feared the closest thing to a family had abandoned him. The two were practically twins, stemmed from the same host’s tentacle and left to fend for themselves.

Where Zane was collected, often aloof in nature, his brother was charming and witty.

Where one had grown accustomed to handling weapons on the battlefield, the other took the fight to the streets as a con artist by trade.

For year the brothers were a force to be reckoned with…until they garnered the attention of this man and those allied with him.

“I have your word that Wes will be returned to me once I drag this girl here?” Zane asked, his calm demeanor hiding his rage as he held his gaze on the broken form on screen.

Taji: “Of course,” Perrins said sweetly. “And to help start your lives again I’ll even throw in a bonus. For each additional, and useful, inkling acquisition you acquire us I’ll pay 1,000 gold for.”

Perrins stalked around his desk and sat down again. He rested his chin on a hand and gave a toothy grin. “There, see? We’re not all that bad. You’ll have the specs for mission shortly and my secretary will lead you to your team. We’ll be luring that agent and maybe even her group into position, then your team will take care of the rest, agreed?”

Perrins watched Zane carefully as he waited for the final answer. As though he had a choice, Perrins thought wickedly. In the back of his mind Perrins knew the board would probably object to releasing one of their top agents along with a valuable prisoner. Perrins, however, knew that with their use of that inkling’s ability their organization could finally increase their plans. Therefore, while Zane must think freedom was at hand soon enough Perrins would rule over all inklings and Octarians, including the two brothers again.

(I have decided that this organization’s goal is WORLD DOMINATION)

Mae: (Lol Perrins will be fun I’m sure)

The halls leading to Atlas’ room at the lab were dark, guards lining the walls and marching across the floorboards with vigor. Their numbers had grown exponentially since her forced containment at the lab, the lively Inkling already managing to sneak past them five times so easily. Cale organized as many guards as they could manage and forced the girl into her new home away from home…his promises of returning there after tests could be completed falling on deaf ears it seemed.

Betrayal was the best word she could think up when it came to her best friend’s actions. Not only did he go in detail in the report about what had happened at the plant and underground, he also lead the charge in dragging the girl from her home and forcing her to hold up in some lab like a damned experiment.

Atlas was a trapped squid, a caged Bird being poked and prodded for answers she didn’t even have herself. She was a prisoner unable to stretch her fins or even breathe without someone stepping into her space to keep her sedated. It was hell. And what was worse was that it was all because of Cale…

No…it wasn’t all on Cale…she knew that better than anyone…

Cale didn’t do this to her on purpose…it was an accident…and also her choice to be his guinea pig when it came to testing out the newest weapons he developed.

She knew deep down Cale did not want to hurt Atlas…he wanted to help her…

But in trying to help her, he helped arranged her very freedom being stripped away as if she were simply a tool to the Inklings in charge. This fact…Atlas could not forgive.

The girl sat poised in her bed, eyeing the drain that was the only means left of escape. She knew well why they didn’t bother to remove this route as a possible escape. It was because they thought it impossible at all.

Going through the drain meant a direct collision with the water and drainage system just below the lab. She would fall into the water and be evaporated. And the only respawn that was set to allow her to return was…in her room in the lab.

They had planned to create an impossible cycle in order to make her tire out of her escape attempts. She would lose hope and become docile, a welcome change to those who were testing her.

“Too bad for them,” Atlas whispered as she stood from her bed and made her way to the drain. “I’m a hard-headed squid who doesn’t take no for an answer. Sorry Squiggly, I’m out of here.”

Suddenly a small purplish squid floated in the air in Atlas’ place, the creature then diving head first into the abyss as she became her liquefied form. The pipes were a disgusting pathway towards freedom, so the girl chose to grin and bear it as she surged forward. Soon she would come to the crossroads she needed to escape…she just needed a little trial and error.

The squid soon emerged from the exit of her pipe and was cascading down to the surging depths below. As quick as she could before the inevitable end, she observed her surroundings for a ways to escape.

The were no real platforms to push herself onto before touching down into the water. The only means available was a close by wall near where she would fall and a pipe system sticking out of the wall. The pipes were quite a ways away so it would take quite the bit of force to ensure she safely made it across.

Her time was up and soon Atlas found herself in contact with the disgusting water below. Her body burned at the touch and before she knew it her soul was zipping through the air towards where she knew her room awaited.

Atlas soon formed again next to her bed, her bright eyes gazing up at the cameras as she fumed in place. They were watching her…they had to feel as if her spirit was breaking. That was the only way to not have them marching into her room and forcing her further from the outside world.

With a visible cursing show for those who watched, the girl then took a deep breath and dived once more in the pipes. With each turn and bump, she ironed out the timing in her mind. There were limited chances for this to work before the lab techs assumed the worst. It was now or never.

The grate that opened to the tunnel system was in sights and Atlas closed her mind off to the rest of the world. All she could hear was her inner voice counting down the numbers in her head.


As soon as the liquefied form exited the grate she turned into her humanoid form, her body twisted in the air as she planted her feet into the wall. She built up the force as she prepared her next move.


As soon as she was able, she kicked herself off the wall, the force now tied to her smaller squid form as it sailed through the air. She felt herself going further than ever before as the pipes were soon in sight.


Her tentacles wrapped around the pipe as her tiny form hugged onto the metal, her body then transforming into the same happy-go-lucky girl holding dear to her saving grace.

“I-I did it!” She proclaimed, nearly out of breath as she began to pick herself up. There wasn’t much space to move, just enough to step one at a time towards a hopeful exit. “L-Lets get out of here.”

Inch by inch Atlas made her way through the dreary confines of the sewers, her panic practically washed away with each step she took. Freedom was hers. Soon she could dash away to the battlefields she loved so much. Soon she would-.

As soon as Atlas turned a corner, her eyes widened at the platform and a ladder to the outside world. She didn’t waste a moment to drop down to the platform, something she would soon regret.

As soon as her feet touched the brick, a red circle glowed beneath her. Atlas cursed as she tried to dart away, only to find a force was paralyzing her to that spot.

“No!” Atlas cried as she was suddenly forced into her squid form, a clear some slammed down on top of her as she cried.

Her captor, Cale, looked like he hadn’t slept since the last mission. His limp was evident through his jeans and he was much paler than ever before. He managed to kneel beside the dome, his eyes a cold haze as he touched the smooth glass. A whimpering Atlas did not raise her tentacle to him, refusing to acknowledge his gesture as sincerity.

“Sorry about this, you know I would never use my inventions on you without asking but…I didn’t have a choice this time,” Cale muttered as his arms seemed limp in his puffy jacket. Atlas had never seen him in such disrepair. It was breaking her heart and yet…she still couldn’t forgive him for her capture. “I knew you would try and find a way out so we had guards stationed almost everywhere. Sorry kid, I never wanted any of this to happen…ever.”

The tiny squids tears forced a sigh from his throat as he then lifted himself up, taking the dome into his hands as he moved to the ladder to leave. He could feel Atlas throwing herself upon the glass in hopes to break free and escape but it was futile. She was not leaving his hold until he allowed it.

“Just hold tight Atlas, it may just be your lucky day after all,” he mumbled as he emerged from the sewers and made his way towards the awaiting vehicle for him and his companion. “We just got summoned. Sounds like a mission. And they requested you be present.”

(Go ahead and timeskip, the two can show up wherever. Just a heads up, Cale will be demoted from the team. I have another squid who will be taking over in his place. I figured his fialures will put him on probation anyway)

Taji: Lily firmly decided she did not like this room. Everything was a sterile shade of white, to start with. Even the floor managed to stay a pristine white despite all of the doctors and nurses running around them. This facility of theirs was thankfully located in the city, so a window afforded a sliver of natural light. This made the room somewhat bearable. She tried her best to ignore all of the uncomfortable feelings, however, and focused instead on the one she was there for.

Her childhood friend lay curled on the hospital bed beside her. The inkling had disappeared months ago and had often been on Lily’s mind. Then, suddenly after all this time of no contact, she was found stumbling through the streets of an abandoned Ocatarian cave by their scouts. Neither the scouts nor the doctors who looked after her the days after could get any sense out of her. Only when they called Lily in would she calm enough to even be remotely sensible.

A nurse popped into the room again. This one had a shining yellow sheen to her tentacles which starkly contrasted her subtle nurse scrubs. Lily’s heart crumpled when her friend automatically trembled at the sight and pulled the sheets over her head. The nurse glanced nervously at Lily.

“It’s alright, Lea,” Lily said soothingly. “She’s only here to check on your vitals.”

Lea hesitantly pulled the sheets from over her head. Green eyes peeked out from behind them.

“I-I don’t want her in here!” Lea firmly responded before oozing into her squid form.

Lily sighed as she watched the blankets pillow down on the smaller form. She waved an apology to the nurse.

“Can you please come back later? I’ll get her sorted out,” Lily promised.

The nurse paused in thought, but eventually conceded and exited the hospital room. Lily waited until the door closed to stand. She gently lifted the sheet and smiled at her friend.

“She’s gone, see? It’s alright now.”

The shaking seemed to stop wracking through the small, pink squid. Lily had donned a similar shade of pink when she first entered this room yesterday. Lea inched her way out from under the sheet and looked to the door. She eventually settled onto the pillow again with a sigh.

Lily relaxed back into her chair and gave a toothy smile. “It’ll be alright, I promise! We’re going to take care of everything, Lea, no need to worry anymore. Once Atlas gets here we’re getting down to business.”

Her friend finally eased back into her inkling form with a shudder. Lea hardly looked Lily in the eye since returning. Even now she only nodded at the comment and worked on getting nestled back under the sheets.

“If you say so,” Lea said with a sigh.

“I know so!” Lily chimed in response. “We’re going to destroy that place so you never have to worry about it again, just wait and see.”

Lea smiled faintly. She twiddled with the edges of the top sheet while nodding. Well, Lily thought, a brief smile was better than what she’d gotten the past few days. Lily pushed the chair she’d been sitting in aside and tapped her foot impatiently while they waited for Atlas and Cale to arrive.

Mae: Soon the familiar inventor limped into the room, the glass dome tight in hand despite the squid inside slamming herself against the casing in search for her needed freedom. Each clank of the glass forced a cringe on the boy’s face but he chose to remain silent. He was much too tired to fight with her…nor did he want to.

“Sorry we had a slight detour but we’re here now,” Cale muttered with a short nod to the squid he recognized. “Lily, good to see you.”

At the mention of that familiar name, Atlas paused with wide eyes aimed at her friend. Those same tears burst forth as her tentacles tapped the glass for aid.

Taji: It took a few moments for Lea to take in the new comers, when she did, though, she trembled all over again and disappeared under the sheets. Lily didn’t even attempt to soothe her this time. Her friend rocked back and forth under the sheets in a similar way to when Lily first saw her again.

Lily frowned as she took in the glass dome. “Really, Cale? Is that necessary? Get her out of that thing so we can actually talk.”

Mae: The inventor frowned at the request as he ruminated the thought. He wasn’t supposed to release Atlas without the order from on high. And besides, should he do so now…he knew exactly how she would react.

However, it was clear there would be no arguing with Lily. So he gently placed the glass dome on the ground before pressing a button on the band on his wrist. The dome disappeared in a flash and the squid immediately shot up and transformed into a raging Atlas.

The first action of the girl was to securely send a foot into the cheek of her captor, Cale accepting the pain fully as she then landed beside him and send a wave of punches into his arm. The pain was surely there though he made no effort to dodge or reveal his discomfort. And he refused to glance at his attacker, knowing full well tears were soaking her cheeks.

“I trusted you you jerk! How could you do this to me?!” Atlas cried out before then abandoning her best friend and hiding behind Lily. “I’m not going back there! You can’t make me!”

“I’m not trying to hurt you Atlas. Believe me, we’re trying to help you,” Cale began but fell silent as he realized the girl was no longer listening to a word he said.

Taji: Lily hugged Atlas much the same way she had cradled Lea Yesterday. The thought turned her attention back to Lea as well. During the conversation Lea seemed to retreat further into herself.

“You lied!” Lea suddenly shouted. “This is no different than that place!”

“Lea, no, we don’t kidnap inklings like they did, this is-“ Lily started but Lea gave a shattering cry.

The inkling started chattering jumbled phrases to herself. Lily frowned and tried to place a hand on Lea’s shoulder but the inkling immediately transformed back to a squid and shied away from her. Lily hesitantly turned away, shouldering Atlas behind her.

She looked at Cale and felt a twinge of sympathy before saying, “Cale, I think it’s best for you to leave now. You’re… not included on the team I chose for this mission. Only agents I’ve handpicked are entitled to the details. Please leave.”

Mae: “I’m not an agent anymore. I was demoted,” he stated plainly before gesturing towards the terrified Atlas. “The higher ups weren’t done with their testing but I assured them she would be safely returned following this mission. You need to keep your word on this Lily. My replacement will be here to aid in keeping her in line.”

With a saddened glance towards his friend who no longer looked at him with her joyful smile, Cale then limped out of the room and disappeared from sight.

Taji: Lily released a breath she didn’t realize she had been holding after Cale left. She gave Atlas a small squeeze.

“You don’t need to worry Atlas. I won’t ever resort to those measures.” Lily released her and turned her attention to Lea. After some soft talks Lily was able to get her friend back to her inkling self.

“Atlas, I’d like you to meet my very good friend Lea,” Lily smiled between the two. “Otherwise known as Agent 54, who’s found her way back to us after quite an ordeal.”

Lea kept a close eye on the door during the introduction but finally turned back to the two. She gave a silent nod in acknowledgement of the other.

“Lily tells me your career as an agent has grown even more since… I have been gone.” Lea commented softly.

Lily nodded enthusiastically. “I knew we had to have her on this mission, only the best! Banjo of course is coming too. He just couldn’t get away from that fish head to get here for this meeting. And, I guess Cale’s replacement too.”

“That’s a small team,” Lea said with a frown.

“It’ll be enough with how skilled we are!” Lily said confidently.

Lea rolled her eyes, one of the only small signs of her old self Lily had seen in the past day. “I think you’re underestimating the size of this place, it’s-“

Lea stopped short and her breathing picked up again. Lily waited patiently as Lea collected herself again.

“It’s a terrible, terrible place, Lily. Their agency rivals our own and is more diverse. Their facility is built to keep prisoners in and protect their mass weapons. It’s not a place you can just sneak into easily.”

“Then what do you suggest, Lea?”

Lea fell silent. Her hands gripped tighter on the sheets. “I… want to come with you.”

Lily gasped at the offer. She balked at the idea of Lea even being able to get out of bed let alone go on a mission, and she said as much. Lea took a deep breath.

“I’ll be alright, Lily.”

“Absolutely not! This is my mission- which I remind you that you were the one who wanted me in charge of this mission. I pick the team and I’m not going to make you go back there.”

Then Lea did something Lily had thought she’d never see again. Lea smiled and actually chuckled softly.

“My, you are not the same agent I trained with all those years ago,” Lea said.

Lily felt heat rise to her cheeks. “Lea-“

“Please let me do this, Lily,” Lea continued, interrupting the other. “I don’t want anyone else to suffer if I can help it. Besides, if you don’t pick me I’ll just go on my own anyway.”

“Yeah, I know you would,” Lily said rolling her eyes. “Fine, if that’s the choice you want to make I’ll support you. You’re only going to be back-up, though. I don’t want you straining yourself beyond what’s needed.”

Lea nodded and clapped her hands together in front of her. “I knew I could rely on you!”

Lily smiled back before turning back to Atlas. “Well then, let me reintroduce you two… Atlas, this is our fellow teammate Lea.”

Mae: Atlas eyed the other for a moment before shaking away her fears, the squid racing forward and cupping Lea’s hand in hers. “Hi Miss Lea! I’m the great and powerful Atlas! I am happy to be friends with you!”

The grin on her lips seemed a welcome change from her tears prior as she then threw up her hands into the air. “I’m so happy to be free from that stuffy room! No more tests for me!”

“Now Atlas, you know those tests are for your own good silly girl. They only treat you like a  prisoner because you’re so difficult and stubborn to deal with,” a soft voice sounded from the doorway as Atlas turned on her heels to view who dared speak. A feminine figure stood with a wide grin on her painted lips, her shimmering silver tentacles brushed to the side and sparkling with each step she took forward. The was dolled up to impress it seemed, the woman then making her way to where Lily and Atlas stood. “My, what a lovely team I’ve been placed with. Hello, I don’t believe we’ve met before.”

There was an odd expression on Atlas’ face as she gawked at the newcomer, a familiar frustration in realization of who this was before her. This woman was no inkling but a cuttlefish. And there was something else too…

“I’m Sedi, though I believe you would know my reputation best as Agent 20, the agent of disguise,” the woman mused with a hand outstretched to Lily. “It’s a pleasure to meet you all. And thank you so much for taking care of my little Atlas here. She can be a real handful.”

Atlas huffed at the comment. “You’re not my mom Sedi. Or better yet you’re not my dad…”

The cuttlefish seemed to twitch at the squid’s words before suddenly changing form, the beautiful female now a male with shorter tentacles. He narrowed his gaze on the girl before tossing an arm around her neck and forcing her into a hug.

“You brat, you know my preferences. Why do you always have to be so difficult!” He cursed as Atlas wiggled desperately to be freed. “I raised you better than this!”

“You didn’t raise me Sedi! Let me go!” Atlas whined at her captor, the newcomer refusing to break his hold on her. “Lily Love save me!”

(So let me go ahead and explain this new character a bit. This is Agent 20, and a former partner of Atlas before he/she was moved to a special division. Sedi is a cuttlefish (I’m going off the fan theory that there’s cuttlefish mixed in) who explored the idea that males can disguise themselves as females and took it to a whole new level. Sedi has perfected transformations and can disguise as squids and octos at will (there is always a physical limit to how many times he/she can transform at a time and how long he/she can hold one transformation so there’s a method to it all). I haven’t decided if he/she is just gender fluid or if he/she wants to be considered female but Sedi prefers the female form. He/she also has a complicated relationship with Cale)

Taji: Lily found herself gaping at Atlas’s request, still marveling over their newest arrival. She found herself so overwhelmed with excitement that she had to steady a hand on the bedside to keep herself still. “THE Agent 20?! They’re letting me lead a team with one of the most valuable agents in it?”

In complete juxtaposition to her friend, Lea smiled calmly and said, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Sedi.”

“A-and Agent 20 raised you Atlas?!” Lily stammered. She took a step away from the bed and gave a stumbling bow. “I-it’s my pleasure to be working with you!”

(I vaguely remember us deciding we’d refer to Sedi as they/them, right??

I’ve been mulling over the details of how they get to the facility and all that for like a week now, lol, but I think I’ve got the ideas down now though! My thoughts are they head out to the facility using Lea’s memory of her “escape,” but, plot twist!, the evil guys knew how she escaped so they know the route and that’s where they’ve instructed Zane to ambush them with a small group of agents. It’s up to you if you want them to be actual characters or just nameless ones and whether they’re squid/octo! From that battle we’ll see how they get to the facility because there’s numerous ways for us to do it from there 🙂

And, to be honest, I’m still debating if Lea is going to turn out a betrayer and working with Perrins or not… my original plan was for her to turn out that way, and she’s purposefully leading them into an ambush, but I haven’t decided yet, so it’ll be a surprise to all of us when the time comes, hahaha.)

Mae – (Yep, we’re going to go with them/they for this 🙂 I’m excited to explore more of Sedi’s character. I originally wrote them as a side character in Cale’s life but I liked the idea of them and Atlas being together before Cale came into the picture. I’m very interested to get those two back into a room together, them and Cale, so maybe he can come back in later into the RP hahaha)

Atlas seemed to pout at the response from her friend about the newest arrival, the inkling soon wiggling free from the cuttlefish before darting to hide behind the hospital bed. Sedi followed the girl’s movements for a moment with a raised brow; however, they eventually sighed before lifting a hand to shake Lily’s.

“The pleasure is mine of course. I had heard there was a worthy agent in the ranks and succeeding at missions left and right. Now if you can manage to tame my little Atlas over there to not be so outlandish all the time, you’re truly a miracle worker,” Sedi chimed with a smile before instantly shifting back into the female form. “She’s a handful I know but Atlas has always come through for our cause in a pinch. I’m thankful she has found good friends.”

The inkling behind the bed groaned at the announcement, blushing furiously. “Can’t we just get this over with already? And you, shush! Don’t say embarrassing things like that.”

These two were a comedy duo in the making…though it was impressive to see just how different their interactions were from Cale and Atlas.

“Well, little Altas has a point there, we should probably begin our movements soon,” Sedi added.

Taji – Lily confidently nodded. She looked back to Lea. “Let’s get this over and done with.”


Gunther was most upset about his silent cell phone. Never in his entire life had he put his phone on silent. He’d let the loud, bass-filled ringtone ring freely wherever he was. He liked loud things, after-all, and anything opposite of loud was unsettling to him. For now, though, he couldn’t afford to be seen or heard… which was more difficult for him than he thought.

The ruin of a building he was hiding behind gave enough cover for his movements, or at least he hoped. He didn’t know much about this secretive organization of agents Benji was mixed up with, but seeing even just Lily and Atlas there again he knew their skills from just the Splatfests would be enough to spot him. Luckily the kettle had landed them on the surface instead of an Octo cave, and even more lucky they had arrived in some kind of desolate ruins of a city built by the ancient race.  He glanced one more time around a crumbling wall to check on their progress.

Lily was still directing their small pack with a pair of inklings at her side that Gunther didn’t recognize. Benji was towards the rear of the group, furtively darting his gaze all around them. On top of all their matching light-blue tentacles, topped with some kind of headgear, all of them wore matching thick coats, pants, and shoes. Gunther quickly found out why. As soon as he followed them through an innocuous kettle in the Octo Valley they arrived at a wasteland that was positively freezing. He had never experienced snow before and was surprised to see swirling flakes of flurries when they first arrived.

It had been such a good day, too. He had managed to coax Benji into playing with the old team again. They spent most of the day dominating in the matches. At some point Benji’s phone rang and the infernal Lily was on the other end. Even though Benji had tried to hide it he could read right through him. So, Gunther managed to sneak behind Benji and followed the group here. Unfortunately he had not counted on the temperatures and found himself hugging his charger sometimes while shivering a bit.

The clouds of snow had dissipated and now the sun shone clearly. The small bit of slush on the ground was odd to feel under his shoes. Tentatively he tossed some orange ink down on the ground. The slush melted away from it, luckily, but he could tell the ink was less potent. He wasn’t even sure if he’d be able to swim in it without being hurt by the melted snow diluting it. He didn’t need to swim in it, though, he just needed to catch a certain inkling’s attention without arousing the others.

Gunther turned from the group and aimed his charge up the steadiest looking wall. He jumped up in his squid form, careful to avoid any slush, and swam up into the ink until he was on top of the structure. From here he positioned himself in perfect view of the group. He spotted the inkling he wanted; Atlas.

He pulled the trigger and charged his weapon. He had to wait until for the perfect moment. His limbs were starting to become sore from staying still for so long, but it was worth it. Finally Atlas turned in a direction the rest of the group wasn’t looking toward. He released his charger down the side of a wall adjacent to his perch and within view of Atlas. When he got her attention he waved vigorously for her to join him and made a motion of silence he hoped she could see across the distance. He didn’t want Lily and Benji knowing he was there just yet. He then turned his back against some rubble and waited.

Mae – For the entirety of their journey into Octo Valley, Sedi had urged the team’s silence in their travels. It seemed everyone else was well-equipped to handle such a request…leaving Atlas the lone wolf desperate for conversation.

The inkling slumped towards the rear of the group, a pout playing on her lips as her fingers teased the gun in its harness (I literally have forgotten every weapon in the game xD). Her eyes had scanned each member in longing, hoping for some sort of interaction to keep her sanity intact. After all, she had spent a good chunk of time completely isolated, save for Cale and the doctors that had been studying her…condition. She desperately needed the attention, needed the sense that she was not simply some freak under a telescope, needed to feel less…alone…

Sedi would not humor the girl at all even if she dared to ask or linger at their side. Once the mission began, it was almost like a switch had gone off. Their casual banter had vacated and the cuttlefish helped lead the charge into the practically unknown.

Atlas didn’t know Lea well enough, nor did she think it was wise to seek any sort of comfort from someone that had gone through an ordeal like she had. And because of Lea’s condition, Lily had focused much of her time in ensuring the agent was traversing with care.

And then there was Benji. Atlas had been able to drag out a smile from the silent shooter with her gestures towards him; however, he too was engrossed in the mission ahead to really speak with her. Besides the initial pleasantries once they were reunited, it was quiet.

Atlas hated the quiet…

She really…really…hated the quiet…and feeling more alone than ever even though she was surrounded by those that supposedly cared…

The inkling began to linger back even further from Benji’s position, Atlas choosing to try and take her mind off the terrible pit in her stomach. So her gaze traced the landscape with her eyes, guessing their immense history as she took in the state of the ruined landmarks. And it was in these moments in a lonely game of I Spy that she finally noticed him.

Gunther’s presence was a shock to the system, the girl biting her lip to keep from screaming out to him as she watched his dance for attention. His gesture to remain quiet really wasn’t needed at this point in the venture. She knew he absolutely was not supposed to be there and from previous interactions with him and Lily, Atlas guessed that the leader of the mission would go into a frenzy before sending him back by way of splatting.

Carefully Atlas began to inch away from the group as they continued forward, each step calculated for silence as well as safely traversing the slush that had been piled up. Only when she found it was safe to act, Atlas dove from the path and nearly tackled the newcomer to the ground. Gunther stumbled at her actions as Atlas beamed up at him.

“Squiggles! You’re here! I missed you!” She chimed, oddly careful not to shout loud enough for the others to hear. But still, it was clearly hard to contain her excitement. “Lily’s gonna kill you when she finds out you followed us again. Silly Squiggles!”

Taji – Gunther stumbled a bit with the affection Atlas was showing him. Normally his presence was meet with irritation or just simple comradery from his teammates. Benji, admittedly his only actual friend, was the only other inkling who ever received him with genuine friendliness. The pure excitement she showed was enough to make him blush a similar shade of red to his hair. Gunther gave her a hasty grin and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

“She won’t kill me if she doesn’t find out I’m here,” Gunther replied with a wink. “Wherever here is…”

Mae – Atlas seemed delighted by his words as she raised a finger to her lips. “Ah a super secret mission with Squiggles! So much fun! I’ve missed fun!”

The inkling then hopped away from her friend, twirling on her toes as she hummed. “I’m sure Lily hasn’t noticed you yet. She’s so wrapped up in this dangerous mission. Guess what we’re doing! I bet you can’t even guess.”

Before Gunther could even open his mouth to answer, Atlas had already begun her tale. “Lily recruited us for a super secret mission to infiltrate a base. They’ve been capturing Inklings. One of the Inklings that was captured managed to escape and return to us. Now we are going in and taking the place down. Pew pew pew!”

She made gun signs with her fingers as she spoke; however, a puzzled expression suddenly washed over her face as she slipped back on her heels. “Or maybe it was a rescue mission. Hm I didn’t really listen to the details. But yeah it’s seriously dangerous. Hm, maybe I shouldn’t let you be following us? Maybe I shouldn’t have told you about any of this?”

Atlas blinked at her own words before she poked at Gunther’s cheek. “You’re not allowed to get hurt or tell anyone about the secret mission Squiggles. Or else I’d have to beat you up. I won’t tell Lily about this and you make sure to stay out of trouble. And no stealing Ben-Ben away ok? He’s our snipe snipe.”

She holds up a pinky to her friend. “Deal?”

(How Atlas could even keep a secret with the way she is I don’t even know xD)

Taji – (LOL it’ll be practice for her!)

Gunther stared at the offered pinky for a few moments. He glanced back at their small group, who were gaining some distance from them now. When he turned back to Atlas and her earnest expression he faltered somewhat. He tentatively held up his own pinky but instead of ‘shaking’ right away he hummed and wriggled it a bit.

“What if I just decide to steal both Benji and you away, huh?” Gunther leaned in a bit more and grinned. “You’d  have a lot more fun dominating turf wars with my team than you’d have on this silly mission with soppy ole Lily.”

Mae – “You can’t steal me though silly,” Atlas answered, a hint of a blush on her cheeks as a trace of sadness showed in her gaze. “Besides, the moment those lab jerks get wind of me being back on the turf, they’ll probably nab me and lock me up again.”

Her pinky remained outstretched as that sadness faded. “And also if you try to interfere with the mission by ‘stealing’ your favorite squids away, you won’t have to worry about Lily killing ya. Cuz Sedi would kill ya first Squiggles. And as cool as I know you are, I guarantee in a fight with Sedi you won’t win.”

Atlas beamed up at her friend, her scar upon the left of her face never seeming to take away from her genuine happiness. “I promise Squiggles that Ben-Ben will get home safe and sound and you two can go battling like ole times. But I need you to work with me or else I can’t allow you to follow us anymore. And as fun as it sounds to beat you up and prove to you that I’m the great and powerful Atlas…Id rather not hurt ya silly.”

Taji – Gunther sighed and finally hooked his pinky alongside hers. “Fine, fine, wouldn’t want to make you break a sweat over lil ole me. I’ll help from the sidelines so you and Benji get this insanity done and over with finally.”

He eyed her a bit more critically. He remembered all too clearly the end of the last mission he trailed along with. Truthfully he had been scared out of his wits by Atlas back then, but for fear of her health than anything. His hatred of this organization seemed to grow with every detail he found out about.

He leaned back and took hold of his charger again. He gave her a small wink again.

“If those lab goons are the reason you haven’t been seen for awhile well, then they might have a fight on their hands if they come to scoop you up again after this mission,” he paused and gave a nod to the others. “Go ahead, I’ll just support and not interfere unless you need it.”

Mae – A blush burned on her cheeks at such a statement; however, Atlas grinned as she threw her arms around Gunther in one last hug. Then she quickly jumped back onto the path, lining back up with the others.

“Atlas, don’t linger back and get separated. We need to stay together,” Sedi huffed from the front lines. There was a hint of suspicion in their voice but they did not pursue it further. “If you fall out of line again, I’ll have to drag you back myself.”

“I’m bored, let’s go faster already. You guys move slower than snails!” Atlas feigned frustration as she slipped next to Benji, poking at his cheek. “Look, even Ben-Ben is bored. He’s wasting away from boredom.”

Sedi glanced over their shoulder towards the two trailing behind. “There will be no rushing in on this mission. This is a delicate situation. Just follow orders and we will be done before you know it.”

Atlas pouted but fell in line with Sedi’s words. It seemed they were in the clear…at least for now.

Taji – Lily watched wordlessly while Sedi and Atlas bantered back and forth for a bit. Benji’s jittery twitch to Atlas’ poke didn’t escape Lily’s notice. Lea, on the other hand, was more relaxed out here than she had been for the past few days. While Benji’s hand anxiously gripped tight around his charger Lea’s Dual Pistols stayed neglected at her side. Instead Lea spent the time honed in on the path head, effortlessly leading them the way she had just escaped days before with an odd sort of confidence.

Lily slowed her pace a bit until she was even with the two, allowing Sedi and Lea to take the lead. She cocked her head to the side and smiled up at Benji, who was infuriatingly taller than her somehow.

“I know this little trick of yours,” she said.

Benji frowned. “What trick?”

“Sticking to the rear guard, looking like you don’t want to see any of the action, then when the ink starts flying you suddenly disappear from everyone’s notice for awhile until you find that perfect spot to start splatting everybody. I know it well because that’s how you took me out all those years ago,” Lily hummed.

Benji hesitantly smiled. He wore a loose cap on top of his headgear for this mission. The dark color contrasted with the light blue tentacles of his bangs peeking out from underneath. Even while talking with her, though, his attention was on their surroundings. Just as though they were in a car driving he looked all around to be sure he didn’t miss a single detail.

“I just want to make sure everything goes… better, this time,” Benji said quietly.

Lily nodded in response. She beamed up at him and patted him on his shoulder. “I know I don’t have anything to worry about with you watching my back. Don’t get overly attentive, though, otherwise you might lock up.”

Benji shrugged, but he seemed more relaxed now. Lily picked up her pace again and looked to Atlas as she made one last remark. “Of course you have the Great and Mighty Atlas here to keep you out of trouble, too, so there’s really no reason to worry!”

Mae – Atlas beamed at Lily’s comment as a resounding groan echoed from the lead of the group.

“Oh please don’t stroke that girl’s ego. She’s already much too cocky for her own good,” Sedi called out, though their gaze was far from those accompanying her through the wasteland. In fact, their eyes were locked to a point high along the ruined buildings lining their chosen path.

It was faint but the cuttlefish was sure they saw it…a moving shadow up above. Without a word of warning to the team, Sedi had their splat brella in hand and aimed up towards that specific spot. And for good measure it seemed…as a stream of red ink suddenly surged from above, aimed right for them.

“Stay behind me!” Sedi called out as they pulled the trigger, a wide stream of blue ink surging forth from the weapon. As their finger held down on the trigger, the shielded umbrella deployed and blocked the surge of ink from delivering a blow to the team. “Get eyes on that sniper now!”

“Aye!” Atlas called out as she began to run forward, a hand swift to drag her back behind the brella shield as Sedi growled. “Sedi, stop it!”

“Not until you repeat the rules,” Sedi snapped as they shot another cone of ink. “You are not to go in close combat with anyone on this mission. I pulled your inkbrush from your arsenal for this reason. You are to keep a distance and fall back here if you become overrun.”

“Fine, fine! I forgot how much worse you are at being a worrywart than Squig-Cale,” the inkling paused with her words before showing off her Splattershot pro. “I’ll stay at far range.”

“You’d better,” Sedi cursed before releasing Atlas, the inkling staring at her former partner for a moment before darting through the slush towards the ruins. She had forgotten just how protective Sedi was.

As soon as she was at the damaged walls, Atlas began soaking what she could in blue ink as she ran fully around the ruined landscape. She had to provide as many angles as possible for her team to climb and less paths for her enemy.

Another full stream of red ink surged down upon Sedi’s position as the brella took the brunt of the attack. They then dove quick into some of the remaining blue at their feet to recharge before jumping back into the fray. Sure enough another stream…and then another…each one from the same exact spot.

“Why isn’t the enemy moving elsewhere?” Sedi questioned under their breath, a puzzled glance towards the position high above from their sights. “Eyes on the enemy now!”

Atlas heard the call to attention and bit hard on her lip before diving into the ink along the walls. She could already see Sedi disagreeing with this advance but it didn’t matter. They needed to have eyes on the target. Her squid form surged through the blue tower of ink, zipping past all the dangerous terrain she could before leaping out onto the platform where the shots were coming from.

A loud gasp echoed from her lips as she held her gun towards the metallic machine shooting off huge globs of ink towards Sedi. It was a distraction!

“Not the enemy! I repeat, not the-!”

A sudden quake erupted beneath their feet as machines busted from their hiding spots throughout the ruins, splatbombs and red ink sailing from all directions towards the team.

Taji – Lily cursed, drawing her Splattershot up to her side and trying her best to make a pathway to safety from the barrage of red ink. Nowhere seemed safe, however. Every drop of blue ink she laid down was quickly covered again with another layer of red. Finally she was able to at least get enough covering of blue ink to stand her ground. She couldn’t see their enemies perfectly yet, she couldn’t even see her teammates, so she settled for just shooting in all directions with the hopes of landing a hit on at least one of the enemies.

“Lily!” Lea shouted somewhere from Lily’s right.

“I’m over her!” Lily shouted back. She took a step towards Lea’s voice but was quickly repelled by enemy fire. “We need to form up, get over here!”


Lea turned her Dual Pistols opposite of each other, spraying ink in front of her and behind as she backed up to Lily’s position. Once they were back to back they were able to more securely hold their ground.

“Benji-” Lily started to say, but stopped when a nearby machine exploded in a cloud of blue ink.

“I’m here,” Benji’s hoarse voice came over the coms. “Southside wall, the tallest I could manage.”

Lily and Lea wasted no time covering the area Benji had just cleared for them. Lily risked a second to look to Benji. Her eyes followed the trail of blue ink that lead to his position. The trail was not a perfect blue and, in fact, it was now just a few blotches of blue. Sure enough he was perched atop an unstable looking wall some yards away. Lily wondered how he even managed to get to that spot under such heavy fire… and she might have been imagining the blots of ink that were slightly oranger than the red of the enemy, or at least she hoped she was imagining them. She watched out of the corner of her eye as he took aim and splatted another machine near them.

The area around them started to turn more stable in her eyes. If they could just push back even a little then they could stop focusing on defense and work on the offense.

“Everyone, I need a status report!”

Mae – “Sedi, far West corner,” the cuttlefish called from their perch blocked by the ruins towards the left of the path. Despite regularly charging the splat brella in the blue ink beneath their feet, it’s shield looked worse for wear. This didn’t stop the agent from their duties however as Sedi’s gaze caught each enemy fire, a cone of blue ink launched to match the bombs and streams against them. “Atlas?”

“Rushing the east walls!” The inkling called out, her Splattershot pro beating down ink upon cannon after cannon as she ran and swam through the blue ink she created. “There are at least thirty cannons on this side alone. We must have triggered a trap coming through here. Looks like there’s ink stored up underneath that these machines are pulling from. I’m gonna take out this side and then meet up with you Sedi.”

“Wait to make sure I have eyes on you before you even think to cross that field,” Sedi ordered as they launched another shot, a small toothed grin on their lips at the satisfying sound of a machine falling apart. “And keep an eye out for living enemies. I’m not sold on this being a simple trap we triggered.”

Atlas rolled her eyes at the orders but knew they were wise to follow, the inkling unleashing a barrage one after another to each machine she passed. As soon as one turned towards the newcomer and launched a bomb, Atlas had already made a new stream of blue and dodged with a swim. And once she popped up onto the surface again, she would once more begin the cycle of clearing out the machines.

“Fifteen down! I’ll finish these off quickly,” Atlas called into the mic as she rushed forward to take on the latest machines; oblivious to the red ink that had formed in cover behind her.

The sudden turn of all the machines onto her spooked the Inkling for a moment as she began to fall back onto her path, tossing bomb after bomb in hopes to cover ground against them before they could provide their own onslaught. Red ink poured down onto the path as she swam backwards, only emerging in huge leaps with her weapon blasting what machines she could reach.

Atlas was so caught up in this turn of events, she didn’t see this Octarian figure rise up behind her, a charger point back towards her figure ready to fire. Zane didn’t make a sound as he then pulled the trigger, his merciless attack completely swallowing up the girl as she fell upon the ground in a sea of red.

Her headset was tossed from her, destroyed like the ruins that surrounded them. But what’s more, Atlas was not splatted from existence, just like their last encounter. Zane nodded to himself as he stepped forward, observing the girl riving in pain as her tentacles and scar burned the familiar red. Tears welled up in her eyes as Atlas tried to gain her composure, her stare upon her attacker as he knelt down beside her.

“You shouldn’t have come back here,” he remarked, his expression void as he reached a hand towards the girl. “Now You’re his.”

“F-Fuck that,” Atlas hissed through gritted teeth as she tossed a punch at her attacker, Zane taking a slug to the cheek. Despite the powerful blow, he reacted in kind with a punch of his own into the girl’s gut, Atlas keeling over with a howling gasp for air.

“Don’t make this difficult,” Zane requested as he then slipped a hand into his pocket and pulled out a ring-shaped device, forcing it onto the girl’s wrist as she struggled to get free. A sudden surge of electricity ripped through her already pained body, Atlas soon just an unconscious squid left in a pool of red ink. “One down.”

Zane scooped up the squid and forced her into his bag before glancing back towards the battlefield around him. With another motion, he grabbed hold of a device similar to a remote. As swift as he could, he pressed a large button and the path below seemed to roar to life. Grates along the ground began to bubble as red ink poured from them, beginning to engulf the entire walkway.

“Shit, get up high now!” Sedi called as they shot a path up the wall. “They are trying to flood us out!”

TajiGunther watched the events from afar and with every new twist he found himself more and more pissed off. In hindsight he wished he had adjusted his ink color to Atlas’ color earlier when they’d talked, but he had never been one to think things through. For once he was careful with his shots, lest he cause more damage than help. All he could do was clear a path for Benji when the battle first started, and even then his friend still endured the painful burn of red ink on the way. From then on he took careful aim of machines not close enough to accidentally spray his own opposing ink the team.

Benji seemed to have a firm spot where he was. The range of the machines was limited and couldn’t reach that high. He carefully watched Benji from his position. There was no way Benji had missed the earlier assistance Gunther had provided. Right now, though, his friend seemed preoccupied keeping his friends from being splatted themselves. Gunther looked through his scope at Benji with a frown. Benji was rather scorched from his get-away earlier. Red ink still clung to some of his limbs. Despite the shaking Benji’s shots were still top-grade and none of them missed a target.

Gunther wanted to shoot Benji right then and just get the fool out of here, but he was far out of range and Gunther had no chance of closing the distance with the chaos of the field. Instead he glanced around looking for the only other one he cared about and thought he could splat her to safety instead before focusing on Benji. He knew Atlas would be probably be mad that he was technically breaking the promise he made earlier to not interfere. However, that was before all hell broke loose and their lives could be in jeopardy.

It was only after he started searching around he realized she was nowhere in his sights. He darted around the outside of the battle until finally he spotted her. When he saw Atlas shoot out of sight without any back-up he knew he needed to move his tail to follow.

The machines hadn’t caught onto his presence yet and he easily scuttled along broken walls and flooring without notice. He arrived just in time to see the prick from their last mission stuffing Atlas into a bag. He shouted before he could stop himself and launched an ill-aimed shot at the Octoling. Of course he missed, but his focus was more on intimidation than anything.

“Listen here, asshole,” Gunther shouted from a good distance away. “My friend there was just enjoying a smooth mission and you seem to be mucking it up pretty badly… and I just can’t stand for that.”

Gunther took some shots at the surrounding machines. It took him a few tries, his anger was clouding his aim more than he cared to admit, but he managed to take a few of the machines out. He advanced slightly further on the Octoling.

“I’ll give you to the count of three to let her go before I splat your sorry ass,” Gunther growled.

Meanwhile Benji was doing all he could to get his teammates to safety. His earlier dash for this spot put him in a puddle of red ink when he made a bad jump. He was sure he was about to be splatted until the machine suddenly poofed into an inky orange-red spray. He didn’t have time to dwell on the fact that Gunther had yet again followed him and that could jeopardize his whole agent status. He also forced himself to ignore the question of how this trap was even set up perfectly for them in the first place. Instead he focused his attention on turning this mission around by following the positions of machines to destroy which Lily fed to him over the headcoms.

He knew he should spend a few minutes in the blue ink at his feet to wash away the red burning on his skin. Those few minutes, though, could make all the difference for this battle. Instead he only dipped into the blue when he needed to refill his charger.

Then the floodgates literally opened and the hellish red ink filled the area below. He watched as Sedi managed to get themself up to high ground. He focused through his charger to try and find some kind of control for the grates. He couldn’t find anything, though, and turned his attention back to Lilly and Lea.

“We’re heading towards Benji’s position!” Lily screamed over the coms.

The two agents ran and swam their way closer to him. Lily took the front and Lea covered their backs. The surging ink, however, wasn’t giving them many options. Finally they came close enough to his position. He inked the side of the wall again just to be on the safe side. Lily urged Lea to go first, but as they switched positions the machines roared to life suddenly.

A spray of red ink hit right into Lea and her path. She cried out, stumbling onto the ground and losing her grip on her dual pistols. Her weapons were quickly swallowed up in red ink before she could retrieve them. Lily was at her side in an instant and helped her friend up.

“Get up to Benji, now!” Lily shouted.

Lea moved slower than before and, without her weapons, resorted to swimming the rest of the way in squid form. Benji covered her path well until she was finally able to climb up behind him. She stayed in squid form and huddled behind him in a trembling mess. The fight had jarred her nerves and Benji knew without her weapons she wouldn’t be able to provide any support now.

“Lily, you’re running out of time,” Benji stated through their coms.

Despite his continual rush of ink around Lily the area was becoming too flooded for their ink to stick. Lily stopped running towards them and instead turned her attention to a machine close to her. Benji felt his heart pick up.

“What’re you doing?” He asked in almost a whisper.

“I’m going to take out as many of these as I can before I get splatted,” Lily said, pausing to swim around a growing puddle of red ink. “I want Sedi to lead the team until I can make it back to you all. Find a position and hole up there until then. Understood?”

Benji shivered at the thought of Lily not being here with them. “No! You can still make it over here-”

“You are not going to disobey me now, Agent *can’trememberhis#*. Do as I say, everything is going to be fine. Now help me take a few more of these out before I run out of time,” Lily replied.

Benji took a few deep breaths to steady his breathing. He nodded, then realized she couldn’t see that, and replied in the affirmative. He helped her take out three more machines before she finally succumbed to the red ink. He watched as her form evaporated and traveled back towards the last respawn point they had seen.

Mae – Zane didn’t even bother to turn to meet Gunther’s gaze before he twisted the charger in his hold, shooting off a trail behind him towards where he heard the familiar voice. Of course the non-agent would be amongst them. Luckily he had planned for the extra help…which is why this location fit perfectly for his needs to capture the agents.

As soon as the spray of red left the barrel, the Octoling tossed the bag and dove beneath the ink. All around him bombs blasted a sea for him to travel in, Zane soon emerging in close quarters with the newcomer. His gun was trained and ready, his wild eyes burning with purpose.

“Your request is denied. She’s the most important piece to this puzzle,” Zane remarked, sending stream after stream to surround Gunther. “You can gladly join her though.”


Sedi felt a panicking beat in their chest as they blasted cone after cone against the machines. A widened gaze watched the ink rise up further and further but there was really no time to worry about that. For when they heard Lily’s orders and saw her poof across the way, the words sunk in their throat. This mission was already more dangerous than they originally anticipated.

“Benji, keep tight on Lea. I will leap over to your position. Just make a clear landing zone for me,” Sedi called into the mic. “Atlas please respond. Where are you?!”

There was nothing, only the occasional static over the speaker. The panic grew more and more with each passing second. What happened to Atlas…

“D-Damn it Benji I’m coming now!” Sedi called out before sinking into the ink, Their body soon launching clear into the air towards where Benji waited.

Taji – Benji watched as Sedi made their way towards his position. He stood poised and ready to fend off any new surprises. Unfortunately for him the biggest surprise was one he would have never anticipated. He felt a tug from his ink tank, nagging sharply at his shoulders until the straps suddenly snapped away. He turned in astonishment to find the ink tank now falling uselessly into the red ink below.

Behind him Lea was back in his humanoid form with a narrowed expression. She twirled a small blade effortlessly in her hand while Benji’s mind raced to catch up with what had just happened.

“Sorry, Benji, but your job is finished here,” Lea said solemnly.

Benji took a step back from Lea. His foot threatened to slip off their narrow spot entirely if he put any more space between them. He clung to his Charger even though the weapon was pretty much useless without his ink tank.

“What’re you doing?” Benji gasped.

Lea twirled the knife once more between her fingers before pocketing it. In its place she pulled out a wristband.

“My job,” Lea replied simply with a shrug.

Benji turned with every intention to jump into the red ink and splat himself away from this nightmare. Lea must have anticipated this, however, and before he could turn heel she closed the distance between them in a flash. She grabbed his wrist with one hand and twisted her body around, kicking behind Benji’s knees and sending him to the ground.

The blow solidly knocked the wind out of him. He coughed, dazed, and didn’t even notice Lea had already slipped the wristband onto him. He didn’t have time to register its purpose as a wave of electricity sent him writhing in pain. He found himself slipping into squid form before falling away from consciousness.

Lea knew she didn’t have much time before Sedi rejoined them and discovered the scene. She was confident she could take out Benji on her own. He was just a rookie agent, after-all, but Sedi was a different matter altogether. From inside her coat she produced a bag and secured Benji inside it. She picked up his Charger and started work connecting it to her own ink tank. Once finished she pulled out an old fashioned radio, grimacing at the crude technology. Perrins insisted they use the Octoling’s technology, though, even the more crude versions.

“Zane, do you copy?” Lea waited until she heard a response to continue. “Lily was splatted, so Perrins is going to have to deal with having one less test subject. I’ve got their sniper secured but the cuttlefish is going to be a problem. Can you get over here for backup?”


Gunther was always quick on his feet when in turf wars, something he was somewhat known for in fact. It took all of his skill to keep away from the Octoling’s relentless attacks. He spent so much time spraying his surroundings with ink just so that he could dodge the attacks that he couldn’t quite get the upper hand. Finally he resorted to retreating behind a wall.

He was surprised to find the Octoling didn’t immediately pursue him. He took the opportunity to catch his breath. There was some kind of crackling static before the assassin seemed to grow quiet. Gunther felt like he recognized that noise somewhere before. Then a voice sounded through the area and he realized it was a radio. The voice grew louder as though the Octoling purposefully turned up the volume.

He froze when he heard something about the team’s sniper being secured. It had to mean Benji. He felt his blood boil and the anger returned fiercer than before. He dipped himself in ink to make sure his tank was full then spun around the cover he had been using.

“You assholes-” Gunther yelled, tossing a bomb directly in the assassin’s direction.

He jerked when he saw that his bomb exploded on only the radio which sat abandoned where the Octoling had been. Gunther realized too late the assassin had made sure he’d heard that detail and come rushing out. He cursed for being so brash, but he didn’t have time to dwell on it as a series of bombs cascaded at him. Again he managed to slip away from them, but only just barely. He held up an arm to prevent a splash of ink getting at his face. The burning sensation sent him stumbling back until he tripped over something on the ground. He tried to turn squid before he completely collided with the ground, but he wasn’t quick enough. As he fell his head collided with some fallen stonework and his world went dark before his whole body hit the ground.

Mae – The moment Sedi landed, they had watched the scene unfold with Lea and Benji as a curse rose up in their throat. Already the splat brella had twirled in their hold, it’s shield falling back into place against the barrel.

The cuttlefish was quick on their feet, much faster than even Atlas as they twisted around and swung the weapon as a blade. Lea managed to rise the charger up to block; however, the force behind each attack felt like a train surging through her being.

“Your sob story won’t get you out of this I’m afraid,” Sedi stated aloud, a venom hanging off each syllable as they matched Lea’s footwork. The fury in their eyes was absolute. They were out for blood.


It was always an interesting sight for Zane, to stand above his prey after they had fallen from grace. One might say Gunther’s unconscious form was at peace…others might say it was brimming with pain. To Zane, the inkling still looked so furious, even trapped in the darkness.

“At least you all will be together where You’re going,” Zane remarked as he knelt down beside the fallen form, linking his wrist with the ring before Gunther transformed into a lowly squid. Gently he carried the creature back to his fallen bag, tucking him away next to his most important charge. “Three captured, One splatted, one…right the cuttlefish. I’m coming.”

A steady stream of red launched towards where the battle awaited, the Octarian careful to avoid any remnant of blue from their fallen enemies. Once the duel was in his sights, Zane leapt out of the ink, his chargers shot ripping between the two fighters like a barrier.

Sedi slid back on their heels, wild eyes glaring towards the newcomer as he took full control of the battle. His charger shot row after row of red ink, the cuttlefish barely managing to sidestep the shots as they cursed.

“Lea, one of the Inklings that were here had red ink. I suggest you change color if you want to be even slightly useful right now,” the sniper snapped, the Inkling not offering any sort of retort as she sunk into the ink and swam the way he had originally come. All the while he kept his eye roughly on Sedi. “Stand down. We already have your team in custody.”

“Then I will need to take them back quickly and give you a proper slaughtering then,” Sedi hissed as they swung their splat brella in their hold, a cone of blue launching forward towards the enemy.

Zane rolled his eyes at the attack before diving out of the way, zipping through the lines of red he had formed prior towards Sedi’s position. The cuttlefish noted the action and began to shoot around their feet, trying to cut him off from the closeup attack.

Blue ink ripped through his path and Zane launched up into the air, his charger twisting in his hold as he began to fall towards the cuttlefish. Sedi’s eyes widened at the aerial attack before raising the brella towards him, firing off one shot directly towards his chest.

Zane had little time to act as he shot towards the ground, rising his body just above the cuttlefish’s attack. Of course there was nothing he could do as the brella’s barrel suddenly collided with his gut, swinging him completely over the edge towards the pool of red ink below. It wouldn’t splat him of course, but Sedi grinned at the satisfying splat as his body sunk into the ink.

“Now for-,” Sedi turned just in time for a pool of inkling red to slam into their body, the cuttlefish barely able to catch their breath before stumbling back over the edge. Their body crashed into the ink pool before their fallen figure zipped into the air towards the nearest spawn point. All that was left on the platform was Lea gripping tight to the bags holding the captives.

“Another one lost,” Zane remarked as he swam up the side to where the other waited. “Less money for the job.”

Taji – A trio of footfalls were the only sounds in the hallway. Perrins took the lead of the two researchers, one inkling and one octoling, behind him. This was, after-all, his research facility and he was head researcher. Everything in the hallway was a metallic sheen of white with blue lights built into the crevices between the ceiling and wall. They were designed to make sure no ink could stick. The whole facility was built that way except for one, large room in particular.

One of the researchers behind him coughed, the sound echoing in the empty corridor. Perrins didn’t look up from the pack of files in his hands. His work schedule was a busy one and he had perfected the art of reading on the go. He skimmed back over the hastily written report Lea had made when they’d finally returned with the prizes, then flipped to one of the files they’d been previously made that the report was clipped to.

One of the researcher’s phones rang, causing all of them except Perrins to jump. The inling researcher fumbled to get it out of his pocket and answer. There was some muffled talking which Perrins didn’t care to decipher. He heard some yelling and crashing on the other end of the line.

Perrins sighed, exasperated. “Tell them I’m almost there… and I expect them to do their jobs and get everything under control, otherwise there’ll be consequences.”

The researcher gulped but relayed the information immediately. Within minutes they passed by a series of doorways until Perrins stopped purposefully in front of one. He tucked the files under his arm and swiped his ID card across the mechanism next to the door. It swished open in seconds, replacing the silence of the hallway with the same yelling and crashing he had heard over the phone earlier.

Once inside Perrins paused for a moment in surprise. This room was one of many used to sort out the newest acquisitions and provide medical attention to the current ones. Perrins himself always conducted the follow-up medical reviews while his doctors carried out the initial physicals. Two of their three newest acquisitions still slept soundly on two of the many medical tables in the room. One blue squid, still trembling with red ink even in her sleep, and one red squid with a nasty bruise swelling on his forehead.

When they had informed him that one of the three had awakened earlier than expected and was causing havoc he expected it to be the rowdy non-agent. He was momentarily surprised to see the timid sniper agent take a swing at one of the bruly, well-armed inkling guards without any sense of hesitation. The two inkling guards wore heavy body armor that Perrins himself had designed through Tentatek’s research labs. Despite this they seemed to struggle as Benji used any kind of equipment around him to bash back at them any time they tried to snatch at him. Perrins wrinkled his nose in disgust over the mess of overturned instruments and equipment the fight was causing in their wake.

“Enough,” Perrins said firmly. “Get him under control.”

His voice startled all three of the combatants, but Benji most of all. He stared at the newcomer in awe. The moment of uncertainty was enough for the two guards to finally grab hold of him firmly. One held tight onto a shoulder and arm while the other guard twisted his other arm back and latched a firm hand at the back of his neck. Benji gave a few more tugs and tried turning back to a squid. The guards were able to keep hold of him even as he turned back humanoid. Finally the room was quiet again save for the beeping of computers and machinery.

“That’s more like it,” Perrins said off-handedly. He pulled out one of the files and scribbled some notes onto one of them.

“Now the rest of you get back to work.” Perrins turned to the huddle of inkling doctors and staff in the corner.

They all jumped at the command. They glanced between Perrins and the guards, trembling together still. Perrins could see one of the doctors was clutching an arm; probably the unfortunate doctor Benji had first turned his attention to. Perrins continued staring at them until they slowly stepped towards the two slumbering squids.

“If you go near either of them I’ll make sure you regret it!” Benji shouted.

The doctors all jumped in unison and even his most seasoned researchers behind him paused. He wasn’t surprised at their weakness. Usually they dealt with sedated, half-dead, or actually dead patients. Having an unruly live-wire such as this was beyond them. Well, Perrins thought, all experience is good experience. Perrins decided he was just going to have to give them some impromptu professional development.

Perrins strode past the pack of researchers. When he walked beside the tables with the sleeping squids Benji growled something about ripping off the tentacles of any who dared touch them. Perrins calmly continued walking until he was only a few feet away from Benji and the two guards. Perrins slowly pulled out the files under his arm and skimmed over them again.

“It seems your friend…” Perrins paused until he found the right name in the file, “Gunther, I believe is his name… it seems Gunther’s personality did indeed rub off on you somewhat, though this is a side you rarely need to show. Right, Benji?”

Benji jerked against the guards but again their hold was firm. He remained silent, though, and didn’t respond. Perrins clicked the pen in his hand as he observed Benji’s reaction.

“Unfortunately the only information we have on Gunther are his stats from the Turf Wars and Splatfests, along with public rumors of his reputation and sparkling personality, of course. We don’t have nearly as much information on him as we do for you and Atlas,” Perrins again paused. When Benji made no effort to respond he continued. “Now Miss Atlas here is rather special; we have much intel on her exploits within the agency, as well as her… delicate condition, which we have great interest in. And as for you, even though you’re rather new to the agency you’ve already earned top scores and praises for your marksmanship.”

Benji’s breathing seemed to pick up and his face grew a new shade of red. Perrins knew the inkling wanted very much to explode into another raging fit. He was probably only waiting for the right moment to jump at it again.

“Don’t you want to ask me how I know this information about you all?” Perrins asked flatly.

“I don’t need to ask; it’s because of that traitor.” Benji retorted.

Perrins smiled. “Ah, Lea? Well, yes, she provided some intel… the more appropriate answer, though, would be the traitors. We have more than one double agent working for us now. Your agency’s loyalty isn’t as rock solid as you might think.”

The realization seemed to deflate some of Benji’s anger. He started to sag somewhat in the guards’ hold, just as Perrins wanted. All it took was a damaging blow of some kind to start the process of weeding out the anger, then exhaustion from being angry in the first place usually took over. Benji was still tense, though, and Perrins was going to make sure he left this room quite defeated. Perrins wasn’t done yet.

“You and your friends are injured. All we’re doing right now is getting each of you checked out and then providing the best convalescence to recover.” Perrins continued soothingly.

Benji’s expression was gradually cooling. Instead of glaring straight at Perrins he shifted his glare to the floor.

“I don’t believe you,” Benji grumbled.

“I have no reason to lie,” Perrins quickly retorted. “Gunther here took a hard blow to the head. He’s probably concussed and we need to figure out just how badly he was damaged, which will require X-Rays and a physical. Concussions can create more problems if left untreated.”

Benji looked up at that remark. His brows furrowed together in thought. Perrins gave him a few minutes to mull this over before continuing.

“As for Atlas, we need to assess her before we can help her manage whatever that crackpot engineer has done to her.”

“Cale is not a crackpot engineer, and he’s been working for weeks to help her. Unlike you he actually cares about her, too. How can you do any better? And why would you even want to except for your own gain?” Benji seemed more sure of himself suddenly.

Perrins shrugged. “I assure you, our resources here are much more advanced than your own. I will admit, we’ll benefit from such research as well, but isn’t that worth it to help out your friend? You know she’s in pain over this, shouldn’t you allow her the best chance to get rid of the pain, even if we get something out of it in return?”

Benji was quiet for a long while. Eventually Perrins nodded at the guards and, reluctantly, they let go of the inkling. Benji swayed a bit afterwards with the sudden release of the tight hold. Even though the crowd of doctors and researchers behind them squeaked Benji made no moves of further aggression. Perrins smiled again.

“Let us work together and all will be well,” Perrins said lightly.

Benji rolled his eyes. “As if we have a choice.”

That’s right exactly, Perrins thought to himself but didn’t say aloud. All their acquisitions started out this way, even Lea had. Perrins had become an expert at converting defiant acquisitions to their cause. He was sure Benji would be no different, given Benji’s personality and need for authority. Once Benji was securely dedicated to their cause Perrins was sure Gunther would follow suit. Although he didn’t have much intel on the inkling he figured the two boys were close enough that if he manipulated one the other was sure to follow. Atlas, on the other hand, he was completely unsure of. However, once they’d gleaned any and all information about her condition that they could she would be expendable.

“You’ll go with one of these doctors for your own physical first. Once your friends have woken up and get checked out we’ll have them join you in your cell block.” Perrins said.

“Cell block-”

Perrins held up a hand to stop the further outburst. “It’s just what we call the rooms, nothing more. I assure you that you’ll find them quite accommodating.”

Perrins motioned for a doctor to join them. At first none moved forward, but Perrins snapped a look at them and one was shoved forward by the others. The doctor hesitantly walked towards a side door and waited for Benji to join him.

“I still don’t trust you,” Benji muttered as he reluctantly made his way over.

“Luckily trust has no place whatsoever in a working relationship,” Perrins replied coolly.

Perrins waited until well after the door was firmly shut before he started ordering the others. He directed which doctors to take the two remaining acquisitions. He required the guards to call for more backup in case they provided more trouble than expected. Then he exited and left them to their work.

By the time he had finished his other duties and returned to his office Lea was already waiting for their afternoon meeting. She sat on his secretary’s desk, chatting idly away until she saw him. He waved her in with a nod.

“I heard you smoothed out one of those rapscallions earlier. I told you Gunther would be a handful,” Lea hummed after the door closed behind her.

Perrins plopped into his desk chair with a sigh. It had already been a long day and it wasn’t over yet. On his computer he pulled up the camera footage of the cell block he had designated for their newbies. Benji was still the only occupant in the sterile room full of beds. He was curled up on one of the beds with his back to the camera. Perrins suspected he wouldn’t sleep any time soon, though.

“Actually, it was the other male,” Perrins replied and motioned her over.

She trotted over and draped an arm over his shoulder. She leaned in close to him in order to look at the screen. He had to stop himself from pulling her into an embrace. He had too much work to do. Later, he told himself, he’d let Lea sidetrack all his attention.

“Benji?! He seemed like such a mellow guy, who would’ve thought?”

Perrins shrugged. “When put in a dangerous position you’d be surprised what people are capable of.”

“Are you putting him in isolation first thing because he was unmanageable? That’s harsh,” Lea whistled.

“No, not isolation. He wasn’t unmanageable, the staff just fumbled his handling was all. I told him the other two would be joining them as soon as they finished. He’s probably wondering at this point if I was lying just to get him in there,” Perrins trailed off in thought as he wondered if the other two had awoken yet.

“And did you?” Lea asked.

“Now don’t be impertinent. I never tell lies, I just change my decisions to suit whatever needs arise,” Perrins responded sharply.

Despite his stern tone he looked up to Lea with a grin. He grabbed onto Lea’s waist and playfully pulled her onto his desk. During the motion he managed to quickly pull out a box from his desk drawer and present it to Lea with a large smile.

“You’re reward, my lady.”

Lea opened the box. As he suspected her eyes immediately lit up. She gingerly pulled out a necklace studded with multiple precious gems. She squealed in delight as she placed it around her neck. Then she promptly leaped at Perrins for a hug.

“You know just how to spoil me,” Lea giggled.

“I’m not spoiling you, just giving an appropriate reward for a job well done,” Perrins pulled her away to arm’s length and looked her in the eyes. “I know it was difficult for you to return to your old life, if even for a few days. Your loyalty to us has not gone unnoticed.”

Lea looked away from him then, all mirth draining from her face. Perrins lifted her chin until she looked back to him with a serious expression.

“You did well, Lea; you’ve made us, and especially me, proud,” He cooed.

Lea nodded and the smile slowly returned. He gave her one last embrace before she trotted out of his office. Once she left he pressed a button on his desk to speak to his secretary.

“The Octarion will be here for his meeting in the next hour. I want extra guards posted around the hallway; they’re to remain hidden.” He ordered.

This meeting was another unknown, as he wasn’t sure how the Octarian assassin would react. Just as he told Lea earlier, he never lied… just merely adjusted his plans and decisions as the need arose. Unfortunately for the brothers the need now had changed from allowing Wes and Zane free.

Mae – The examination room was consumed in a burning white light, everything illuminated under its powerful spell. At the center laid the female inkling specimen, surrounded with beeping machines and sterile tools. Two guards began to tie the girl down as a single doctor stood idle from the bed, his wide eyes shielded by his glasses.

Dr. Milo Varian was always small compared to his allies. Short in stature and lacking in any sort of brawn, the Octoling knew he needed to be one of the smartest to make something of himself. It was only through his genius that he was considered so highly within this research lab. Perhaps that was why Perrins granted him the honor of being the lead in handling this Atlas girl’s case.

Upon observing the still lifeform sprawled upon the bed, Milo first took note of her shivering. The inkling must have been in extreme pain, especially with red ink still caked on her clothes and skin. What’s more, her tentacles were no longer the blue like her friend Benji. They were mostly red now with blue hints trickled in. But what most interested Milo above all was the girl’s left side of her face which was scarred from the explosion. It was practically glowing red.

“A specimen with the power to use both inkling ink and Octarian ink,” Milo voiced as he watched the two guards secure the girl’s wrists to the bed. Protective measures were needed due to Benji’s…display from earlier. “Never in all my years of study has anything like her shown up. Simply amazing!”

The guards finished securing her wrists and began to move to her ankles…when bright eyes flickered open in a wide stare. Atlas didn’t even bother to glance around the room before she yanked at her wrists. Not missing a beat, once she had found them contained, she instead took control of her legs. The guards reeled backwards as the girl’s heels drove into their faces, sending them across the room as she growled.

“My, You’re even more feisty than I would have guessed,” Milo remarked as he glanced towards the guards, watching them as they desperately tried to pick themselves off the ground. Then he returned his gaze forward, a shiver rolling down his spine at the notice that Atlas’ gaze was now fully on him. And by god those eyes were those of someone ready to kill. “Miss, please don’t be alarmed. I’m merely here to ensure you are properly cared for.”

“You don’t even believe the words you’re saying,” Atlas remarked under her breath as she narrowed her gaze. “Let me go!”

Milo raised his hands in hopes to soothe her troubled thoughts, “but miss, I’m not lying. I do want to help you. I can see it in your eyes and in your motions. You are in so much pain I don’t know how You’re even conscious right now. So let me help you be relieved of that pain.”

“Screw that liarface!” Atlas hissed as she began kicking wildly in her bed, refusing to let anyone near her. She desperately yanked at the holds on her wrist, hoping to free herself so she could fully attack those within the room. “Let me go! Let me go! Let me go!”

“Miss please,” Milo began again but the guards had already filed in, one of them forcing a ring onto her ankle before Atlas shrieked in unbearable pain. As she then transformed into a squid, the doctor filed in with a sincere glance upon her shivering form. “I don’t want to hurt you. I simply want to know what makes you who you are. And I want to know how the pain can go away.”


It had been awhile since Wes had stepped out of the lonely cell he was forced into, his legs wobbling beneath him as one of the guards ushered him down the hall. His tentacles threatened to fall into his sights save for his headband; however, the Octoling honestly wished he could remove this place for his sights for good.

This place was hell…there was no doubt in his mind about that. He should have had the sense of dragging himself and Zane far from this business when he had the chance. However, money was a huge factor in their dealings…and the boys did have a thirst for greed.

Money bought them happiness, bought them food, clothes, new weapons. They weren’t street urchins with money. They had purpose, they had the attention of others.

Wes hated being alone. So he used money to ensure there were always others around him. Zane didn’t care much for company but he did seem to prefer his brother being happy. So the two continued their hunts for money…which eventually got them caught in the sight of Perrins.

They should have ran…they should have ran far away and never looked back. But in truth there weren’t many places for Octolings to run to anymore. Not anywhere where they could have some sort of freedom.

The sudden crack of a door broke Wes from his thoughts as he was ushered into a room full of beds, the Octoling watching as the door was closed behind him. His eyes widened as he then noticed he wasn’t alone here…his first real company he’s had in days…or has it been longer…

“They couldn’t even make my roommate a pretty girl,” Wes muttered under his breath before stepping towards one of the beds and plopping down with a smile towards his companion. “I’m kidding. You’re a sight for sore eyes kid. Good to meet you, though I wish it was under better circumstances. What with us being prisoners and all.”

Taji – Benji was exhausted. After a brutal mission failure, then the fight when he first woke, and finally the physical he underwent he knew under any other circumstance he’d be asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. While the physical wasn’t too demanding it still made him feel queasy the amount of information they’d wanted. Afterwards they’d provided him with a set of clothes that looked similar to the uniforms he’d seen in the hospital. He had cringed when his ink stained clothes were carted away, like another layer of himself sent off to be examined.

Then he was through a series of corridors and rooms, each with a set of heavy-duty security doors. One room was some kind of dining room where small groups of inklings and even some Octadions sat at tables under heavy guard. He was ushered quickly through that room before he could really get a good look at his fellow prisoners. The guards didn’t say a word to him after they ushered him inside the room and shut the door firmly behind.

Benji first spent time exploring, but it didn’t take too long to canvas every inch as the room wasn’t that large. Finally he plopped onto a bed. He wrapped himself in a blanket and shivered even though the temperature of the room was quite comfortable.

He didn’t even try to close his eyes and sleep. With all the anxious thoughts of his friends swirling around in his head he knew sleep would evade him. He didn’t know how long he had been curled up like that when the door suddenly opened and guards ushered another prisoner in.

Benji perked up for a moment when he saw a flash of red, hoping to see Gunther finally. He sat up in his bed, keeping the blanket wrapped tightly around him as though it’d provide any kind of real protection. When he realized the newcomer was not even an inkling, though, he frowned.

“Who are you?” Benji asked softly. He wasn’t entirely ready to trust someone he’d just met.

Mae – “Wes,” the Octarian chimed as he kept his eyes firm on this new person in his life. Just having one person at his side was enough to give him the slightest bit of hope in escaping hell. “You got a name or should I call you Lil Blue? They already rough you up a little bit or they playing nice with you?”


Zane stared upon the motionless squid strapped to her bed, a brow raised at such extreme measures. Though from experience, he supposed that wasn’t too surprising. She was a hell of an opponent for even him. Part of him realized quick that catching her off-guard was sheer luck on his part.

“You really clocked her good with your ink shot,” Milo voiced as he examined the results of some of the shots he took from the girl. “Plus some bruising on her face and torso. From earlier I saw firsthand how feisty she is.”

“She’s just an inkling trying to survive,” Zane remarked with a huff as he took in the sight of her shivering form. “I wanted to see if you had anything about what she is before I booked it out of here.”

Milo blinked at the question, leaning back in his chair to eye the newcomer. “You know if I had anything at all I couldn’t tell you. Only under the directors orders can I provide that sort of information. Besides, if I’m trying to get this girl to trust me, I don’t need her finding out I passed on personal information about her to a guy who beats her up regularly now.”

“Fine,” Zane remarked with a sigh before stepping out of the room. “I’m not coming back here ever again. So I guess this is bye doc.”

Milo watched him depart with a sad expression painting his lips. He knew Perrins all too well…there was no way Zane was leaving this place.


Each step down the halls put Zane on edge, the feeling of eyes shooting daggers into his back a clear sign that his every move was being watched. His charger was fully loaded and bombs were waiting on his person, a precaution he found would be needed when dealing with Perrins and his men.

There was no way he was taking no for an answer. Him and Wes were out of there.

Zane came to the door and signaled to enter, awaiting the team to allow him entry.

Taji – Benji shifted uncomfortably under the blanket and turned his gaze away. He was still in disbelief over how Gunther-like he acted earlier.

“I guess I was the one who roughed them up a bit,” he said with a slight blush. “Name’s Benji.”


Perrins watched Zane closely as the Octarion entered the office. He sat on his own desk and beamed a bright smile.

“Ah, the triumphant prodigy returns. Yours reward, as promised,” Perrins waved over a suitcase on the small table kept beside the couch in the room. “Plenty there for you to celebrate your latest success.”

Mae – A whistle escaped Wes’ lips as he looked towards his new companion in awe. “ Lil Blue’s a fighter huh. Man, I drew lucky to be thrown in with you. How’d they nab ya huh? You go wandering too far into Octovalley? Or you one of them agents?”

Before the other could respond, the door opened again and Wes fell quiet as two guards stepped in. They held tight to the arms of a sedated Atlas, her feet hovering above the ground as they stepped towards one of the empty beds. Behind them Dr. Milo frowned as they practically tossed her down, ensuring the rings stayed attached to her wrists.

“Please, have care with our guests! Especially the girl. She’s very important,” Milo growled, the guards choosing to ignore him as they all departed, the door slamming shut behind them.

Wes counted to three in his head before he launched himself to the unconscious girl, tugging at her tentacles in awe at the strange color for an inkling. “Oy, this ones a little banged up. Must have had a lot of fight in her to get cuffed for the long run.”

(I figure he’s well aware since him and his bro do work that involves knowing about the agents)


Zane glanced towards the suitcase for a moment, listening intently to the words that were chosen by his host. “The money is secondary. Where’s Wes?”

Taji – “Atlas…” Benji breathed at the sight of her when they brought her in.

He also waited until the guards were gone to inspect her weary form. He slipped off the bed,leaving the comforting blanket behind. He wasn’t entirely sure that Perrins was actually going to keep his word. Her wounds looked well tended to, though.

“Don’t tug at her,” Benji said, feeling the protective rush overcome him again if only slightly. “She’s been through a lot.”

Benji gently pushed at Atlas’ shoulders for a few minutes, trying to rouse her awake. When it didn’t work he sighed and figured she’d be better off sleeping anyway. He carefully unfolded the blanket on this bed and tossed it over her. He headed back to his own bed and wrapped himself up again. Now, though, his focus was spent entirely on the closed door as he fidgeted nervously with the end of the blanket. Where was Gunther?


Perrins leaned back over his desk and produced the same tablet he had before in their meeting which started this meeting. Again he pulled up the image of Wes on the tablet’s screen. He didn’t have time to observe and analyze the Octarian’s interaction with his new cell mates, but there’d be plenty of time for that later.

“His accommodations have been upgraded from solitary confinement. Your latest contributions are keeping him company now,” Perrins handed over the tablet. “However, I’m afraid the terms of our agreement are being amended. We’re not ready to allow Wes’s departure, after-all.”

Perrins watched intently for Zane’s reaction. His finger hovered over a switch on his desk. Should Zane become militant Perrins would answer with a squad of their elite guards. He may be splatted in the process, but the repsawn point within the lab was close enough for it not to be too much a nuisance. Still, he had no desire to travel the cold hallways again today.

Mae – Wes pouted at the boy’s words, watching him intently as he tossed a blanket over the girl. Even with the hint of a protective warning, the Octoling had no interest in letting up his pestering.

“Atlas huh? She’s a strange one. Cute though,” Wes hummed as he continued to poke and prod at her. “She’s definitely an agent. So I’m guessing you are too.”


Zane held tight to the screen as he narrowed his eyes upon the sight of his brother now mingling with the unconscious Atlas and the sniper. He was right to be suspicious of Perrins.

“Our agreement was I would bring you Atlas and you would release my brother,” Zane spoke rather loudly compared to his previous encounters with the director. “Give me my brother.”

Taji – Despite his best efforts Benji couldn’t stop his foot tapping incessantly. He kept his attention divided between the door and Wes, muttering quiet demands for him to stop poking at Atlas. Right when he decided get up again and return to her side just to stop Wes’s poking the Octarion’s question made him pause. He didn’t suppose there was any harm in confirming it.

He sighed and settled back onto his bed. “I’m not a very good one.”


Perrins couldn’t help the grin spreading across his face. He pressed the button and crossed his arms.

“My, Zane, losing your cool isn’t going to help get your brother. I tell you what, though, since your such an asset to our organization I’ll think of new terms for his release soon enough. Until then I suggest you think carefully over your future options and I’ll contact you once you’ve become rational again.”

Within seconds the armed guards entered and didn’t hesitate to spray down ink over Zane until he pooped away. Perrins turned back to his desk and started on yet more paperwork. That was one chore down, at least. He pressed his secretary’s button hurriedly and absently ordered for someone to come clean up the inky mess before it stained the carpets.

Mae – (I’ll keep it focused on the captives now. I’ll hop back to Zane when we want to find Sedi and Lily back there)

“Hm, why do you say that?” Wes remarked as he leaned back on his haunches, fidgeting in place as he stared up at his companion. There was a way he talked, looked him straight in the eyes. Like he was staring right into the soul. ‘“Because you got yourself and your friends  caught? Even hurt? I wouldn’t say that’s being a bad agent…more like you just weren’t ready for the opponent.”

The Octoling grinned as he tugged at the girl’s hand, “it’s nice to find someone else who cares a lot for their friends. Or family.”

Taji – Benji found himself shrinking away from the near-compliments, blushing a bit over them. He couldn’t think of anything worthwhile to respond with so instead he settled for fussing over Wes’s constant prodding.

This went on for a bit longer and Benji was finally starting to relax somewhat when the door beeped open again. He was on his feet in a flash when he saw Gunther held between the two guards. His friend was awake, thank goodness, but definitely not himself. Gunther slumped against one of the guards while holding what looked to be a pack of ice to his forehead. What startled Benji the most was how Gunther silently allowed them to manhandle him into the room, even when they shoved him.

“You two assholes let go of him before I pummel you to the ground,” Benji shouted.

The guard not holding Gunther up sneered behind his visor. “So you’re the one who gave Jerrel a bearing earlier, eh? You better watch yourself, punks like you don’t survive long here.”

He took a menacing step towards Benji but Benji didn’t back away. He’d been in plenty of street fights with thugs before when Gunther had crossed lines. He wasn’t afraid of being hit, he just wanted these guards to stop hurting his friends.

Benji clenched his fists, ready to pounce. Before he could, though, the second guard carelessly tossed Gunther towards him. His friend stumbled and Benji had just enough time to catch him before he fell to his knees. The guards made a few more taunting remarks before leaving again. Benji didn’t care, though, as Gunther was his priority now.

“What happened? Are you alright?” Benji peppered question after question as he led Gunther to a bed.

Gunther slid onto the bed and immediately settled onto his back. Despite grimacing he managed a toothy grin up at Benji.

“Damn, Benji, when did you get so badass?” Gunther chuckled.

Benji blushed yet again, not used to all this attention.

“Did they treat you alright? Is it a concussion?” Benji pressed.

Gunther closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He looked just as weary as Benji felt. He shifted his weight on the bed so the ice pack could balance by itself on his forehead. From the shift Benji could see the angry swelling underneath.

“Who told you about the concussion? Yeah, they did X-Rays I guess, though I didn’t pay much attention because of this damn headache.” Gunther sighed. “They said bed rest and lowlighting was the only way to get over it.”

Benji heaved a sigh of relief. At least it wasn’t anything permanent like Perrins had warned. The thought reminded Benji of the intimidating man from earlier. In the end he did keep his word after-all.

“Oh shit- Atlas-“ Gunther suddenly sprang to his elbow, then cursed as the movement jostled his throbbing head.

Benji urges him back into the bed. “She’s here, though she’s not awake yet.”

Gunther looked over at the other bed, relief evident on his face… until he saw Wes. He stiffened and Benji could tell where this was going. Gunther still wasn’t used to the idea of Octolings and Inklings working together. He saw them as all greedy and evil.

“He’s fine, just a prisoner here like us. His name’s Wes and he seems good intentioned… enough.”

Mae – Wes seemed to grin at the introduction and offered a wave, keeping his distance from the tender moment between friends. Besides, He was having too much fun with his latest target. And now with Benji preoccupied with the newcomer Wes could return to-.

Suddenly a wavering hand snatched his from the air, the Octoling surprised to look down and see bright eyes glaring upon him. It seemed he had finally stirred Atlas awake…that or the loud roars from the guards.

“Ah sleeping beauty is awake at last,” Wes got out just before a very weak punch sailed onto his cheek, the Octoling stumbling somewhat before glancing back at the girl upon the bed. Seemed she was still sedated quite a bit for he knew that punch was meant to knock his block off. “Oy, Lil Blue. Miss Feisty is awake. And quite the firefly I might add.”

“Shut up,” the girl breathed as she groaned and tried to turn in the bed. “And stop touching me.”

“Your wish is my command Miss Feisty,” Wes hummed and looked towards each of his new friends, interested in observing more of their reunion.

Taji – At the sound of the commotion Gunther immediately tried to sit up, but Benji gently pushed him back down. Gunther grumbled and Benji had to talk him into staying before he got up himself.

“Atlas?” He tentatively asked, placing a hand on the side of the bed. “We’re here- Gunther and me, that is. How’re you feeling?”

Mae – Her movements were slow and tired, a clear sign she was not in any condition to move around. However, as her eyes stared up at Benji, a flood of tears erupted and cascaded onto the bed.

“O-oh no Ben-Ben,” she whimpered, realizing his presence meant he was also captured. She reached for his hand, her own dancing across the sheets until she was able to grasp it as she cried. “I-Its my fault. I screwed up again. I-.”

As she turned her gaze, she finally caught a glimpse of Gunther on the bed and all color seemed to drain from her face at the sight of him nursing his injuries. The girl suddenly began to roll from her bed, clawing at the sheets as she was desperate to go to him. At that moment Wes stood from his place and made it to her side, forcing her down with a rather strong hold.

“I wouldn’t advise moving at all Miss. You haven’t stopped shaking since they brought you in here,” the Octoling commanded, his presence strong compared to the playful banter he mused before. “You are in no condition to be moving around. As soon as your feet would touch the floor, the rest of you would tumble down as well. You need to rest.”

Atlas didn’t seem to want to hear this stranger’s words as she reached towards Gunther, the tears continuing to fall. “S-Squiggles! Y-You got hurt! Because of me! I-I need to go to him!”

Taji – Benji narrowed his eyes at Wes when he placed a firm hold on her but didn’t give any objections.

“He’s right, Atlas; you do need to stay still if you’re ever going to recover,” Benji said sadly.

“Don’t worry about lil ole me over here-” Gunther started to shout, but he recoiled from the headache and lowered his voice insead. “I’m hurt more because of a stubborn piece of concrete getting in my way than anything. I’ll be alright soon enough; you and Benji have nothing to worry about while I’m here!”

Benji sighed at the outburst. He couldn’t help but feel somewhat relieved to hear it, though. All their lives Benji relied on Gunther to take the lead for them both. Benji knew it’d be awhile before Gunther would be healed enough to fully protect them, truthfully, but he appreciated the idea all the same.

Mae – Atlas sunk deep into the bed as she eyed her friends, a mix of sadness and frustration filling those bright orbs of hers as a pout formed on her lips. Wes offered a grin as he watched her then settle on her back, her eyes narrowed up at him.

“Don’t touch me,” she remarked, her tone drained of the venom she held from earlier. Now she just seemed tired and unsure. Nevertheless, Wes did as instructed and lifted his hold from her, easing back on his haunches as he watched the girl close her eyes off to the world. “I’m not going to let them get away with this…”

“Of course, Miss Feisty, until then get some rest,” Wes hummed and waited until he saw the even breaths of the girl as she forced herself to sleep. He then lifted up to his feet and stepped around the bed, leaning close to Benji as he whispered. “This little firecracker is going to get herself killed if she’s not careful Lil Blue. Hopefully you know how to keep her in line. She may seem special but in this sort of business they run…they don’t keep around those they deem a problem. Those cuffs around her wrists will send waves of electricity through her system should she act against their wishes. It’s also how they force us to transform.”

He then nodded towards Gunther, “with your friends like this, you’re going to have to work hard to protect them. Think you can do that Lil Blue?”

Wes was very interested in what Benji’s answer would be. This group was fun to observe and interact with…and quite possibly his ticket to freedom. He had to make sure they played their cards right though. And that meant keeping everyone in check until the right moment.

Taji – Benji sighed as Atlas returned to slumber. She even looked a little more comfortable than earlier. At Wes’s remark Benji bit his lip, his fingers playing along the edge of his shirt while he mulled the idea over in his mind.

“Um, well, I…” Benji stammered.

“Ey!” Gunther interrupted. He grabbed a handful of Benji’s shirt and yanked the other back until Benji was firmly sitting on the bed beside him. He lifted the ice pack on his forehead just enough to glare up at Wes.

“I told Benji never to talk to strangers, they’re only trouble,” Gunther said.

He kept his hold firm on Benji’s shirt while his friend finally relaxed against the metal bed frame beside. The bed wasn’t that big but Gunther shifted until Benji could have at least enough room to get comfortable. Benji’s movements were even slower than his usual lackadaisical gait, and Gunther suspected Benji had sat tensed for hours in their absence. Only when Benji finally relaxed somewhat beside him did he let go, and even then he still kept narrowed eyes glued on their fourth roommate.

Mae – Wes only grinned at the remark, raising his hands in defeat before marching towards his own bed. “I understand, everyone seems to have had a rough day. It’s time to rest for everyone.”

As he slipped onto the mattress, he offered a final word before rolling over to sleep himself. “Understand though that we are no longer strangers. A team bonded by fate. Ha that’s a nice ring to it. We were destined to meet. Rest well my friends.”

And with that, the Octoling was fast asleep.

Taji – Benji knew time had flown by since they arrived. Without any windows to the outside, though, it was hard to tell how much time had actually passed. Only the dimming of artificial lights gave him and his fellow prisoners any sense of the days. Regardless of being exact Benji could feel they’d been there awhile.

Gunther’s head injury had looked better in a matter of days. Just yesterday the doctors cleared him from bed rest, and not a moment too soon in Benji’s opinion. Gunther was a bundle of energy on normal days. Here, without anything to preoccupy his time, he was even worse. Benji was running out of ways to entertain him.

As for Atlas, Benji had a hard time gauging her. Some days she seemed better while others she was as pained as when she first arrived. The doctors had given her the all-clear from bed rest recently as well. Today was going to be both Atlas’s and Gunther’s first day of testing.

This morning Benji spent trying to explain and acclimate Gunther and Atlas to the routine of the day. When the lights first turn on in the morning guards always arrive at the doors to escort all prisoners to the dining area. After eating the prisoners are left to mingle in a concourse intended to be the most normal area for the inmates. Various sports equipment and board games could be found throughout the room. From Benji’s experience, though, the captured agents had very little want to socialize with each other in this environment, and Benji told Gunther and Atlas this.

Eventually a majority of the prisoners find their way to the giant, glass windows to one side of the room. Benji had found out quickly why everyone did this when he was first brought out here. He didn’t need to usher Gunther to the windows in any case. The growing crowd was enough to attract his curiosity.

Gunther leaned onto the railing attached just below the windows. He squinted down into the expansive testing room below. Benji followed suit and they both grew quiet as they observed below.

While the researchers called this the testing room it was in fact one large room, almost even bigger than an indoor stadium Benji has seen a sports game in years ago. Within the testing room were actually a series of what Benji called “bite-size” testing chambers. Each chamber was separated by thick, concrete walls and capped with glass ceilings. From this height the captured agents could peer down into each of the different testing chambers with ease.

The chambers’ contents varied with differing climates. Some had urban surroundings while others could have been pictures straight out of a jungle. In these early morning hours workers were making adjustments to some of the testing chambers, even completely changing one of two of them. The gathered inmates watched intently, sometimes whispering something to a close comrade and pointing.

“So what’re they like?” Gunther asked suddenly,  breaking Benji from his own observations of the changes.


“The tests,” Gunther sighed. “What’re the tests like? You’ve been in them just about everyday since we’ve gotten here, tell me something good.”

Benji shrugged. “They’ve mostly just given me a Charger and made me shoot at targets with it. Nothing wild yet, anyway.”

A spark caught their attention two chambers away from the windows. Inside the workers seemed to be setting up a bizarre metallic structure. Gunther wiped a hand down his face at the sight of it.

“It’s nothing to be worried about… I don’t think, anyway,” Benji said quickly.

Gunther snorted. “That’s not making me feel better.”

“Well,” Benji paused to think. “I’ll watch from here on the days I’m not testing. I haven’t seen anything too crazy. In fact I’d call it normal from my Octo Valley runs. Sometimes the researchers make obstacle courses of sorts just to test out a new weapon of theirs. They often make small groups or pair up agents for those kinds of tests. If they just want stats from you, though, they just set up targets and tell you to shoot.”

“They put you with other inklings you don’t know? How’d that work out for them?” Gunther teased.

Benji playfully pushed at his friend. “Nope; I’ve been solo. Putting the four of us together today will be my first group test.”

“What’s up with that big thing over there?” Gunther asked.

Benji didn’t have to look to know what Gunther referred to. Off to one side of the testing room was a chamber taller, and larger than all the others combined. Unlike the other chambers this one was sealed from view as well.

“I don’t know,” Benji answered honestly. “I just know it’s not good to be assigned a test in there. The ones who get sent in there always come out battered and I don’t see them for a few days.”

Gunther sighed again. “Great, just great.”

Benji patted Gunther’s shoulder in reassurance. “It’s going to be fine. After-all, we’re all together on this one!”

Mae – “That’s the spirit,” a familiar voice chimed as Wes snuck up behind Benji, tossing an arm over the other’s shoulder as he grinned towards Gunther. “Finally working together as one. A well-oiled machine just waiting for action! Can you believe it?”

The Octoling then nodded off towards the inner workings of the recreation area they were housed until further notice. “Of course it seems one of our teammates is not as enthusiastic as us.”

Atlas seemed out of sorts as she paced the floors, her eyes scanning each crevice of the room. She flinched away from any whom entered her path, others seeming to avoid her as well.

Her tentacles were still a bright crimson red, with just a hint of blue at the edges. Her scar and tentacles had lost the intense glow from before; however, there were often moments where pain flashed in those bright orbs of hers.

She seemed so different from normal, completely avoiding the other test subjects. Once so loud and vibrant, now Atlas was a bundle of nerves. Some moments she would converse with her team with a smile…and the next she would be lost in her own little world.

It was almost like she was losing a bit of herself the longer they remained…

“Our little Miss Feisty isn’t being so feisty today. I wonder how well she will hold up in the training,” Wes mused as he pulled Benji closer with a chuckle. “You think she’ll finally teach these guys a lesson?”

Taji – Benji slackened in Wes’s hold. After being around the other for hours on end he had, finally, gotten used to the Octoling somewhat. Gunther, however, was still not amused by his antics. He glared at Wes but made no move to stop him.

“She just needs to recover some more, then she’ll be back to her old self where no walls will be able to stop her,” Benji said.

Gunther continued to frown at the way Wes latched onto Benji. Then suddenly a glint of mischief crossed his eyes. He hollered in Atlas’s direction and waved emphatically.

“Hey! Atlas! This guy here says you’re a wuss and you’re not going to make it three seconds today!”

Mae – Atlas at first seemed rather surprised to hear the familiar squid beckoning her name, a hint of glee at see him wave her over. Of course once those words rolled off his tongue, it was as if a switch had been flipped.

There was an overwhelming presence radiating from the girl as she suddenly raced over, Wes’ delight hidden behind a farce of terror. He watched her move with such unrivaled speed as her fist slammed into his cheek, the Octoling stumbling onto the ground with a hand gingerly tracing the forming bruise of his face.

Atlas hovered above in a powerful stance, a pout forming on her lips as she voiced, “The great and powerful Atlas is no wuss! I am the very best you big ole jerk.”

Admittedly the sting of the attack was more painful than Wes had originally anticipated, memories of her first night in the cell a poor prerequisite for what power the girl held within her. He had to guess that even such a hit was a mere tickle compared to what she could truly accomplish in battle. Despite the pain, Wes grinned up at the girl and nodded along with his words.

“Of course Miss Feisty. I wouldn’t dream of questioning you. Our dear friend Gunther on the other hand couldn’t wait to blab about how he could outbattle you any day.”

“Squiggles wishes,” Atlas announced, playfully sticking her tongue out at her friend across the way.

“And Benji agreed with Gunther of course.”

“Aw Ben-Ben is adorable!” She hummed as she gently patted Benji’s head, offering him the warmest smile she held since their arrival. “He’d never doubt me.”

Taji – Benji completely flushed at the complement. His gaze darted to the ground, unable to look up at her. He tried to babble something in return but couldn’t find the right words, so it was really nothing more than mumbling gibberish.

Gunther didn’t tease his friend, even though he found Benji’s common reaction to compliments rather amusing. Instead he grinned at Atlas, glad to see her in some semblance of herself.

“You know, Atlas, we haven’t had a chance to duke it out in a turf match yet. Who knows, maybe I would beat you easypeasy?” Gunther said.

Mae – The pain behind her gaze had practically vanished as she glared upon her friend, flames practically dancing around her feet as she wickedly grinned at the remark. “Oh Squiggles challenging the great and powerful Atlas huh? I’m gonna send you crying all the way home!”

She then jumped forward and practically tackled Gunther to the ground, her arms wrapped around his shoulders in what seemed to be a very tight hug. All the while Wes stayed sprawled upon the floor, watching them close with an observant gaze. On his lips a familiar grin stayed present.

“Your friends are mighty fun Lil Blue,” he hummed before glancing towards the sniper. “I can see why you care about them so much.”

He then laughed with a gesture towards the brawling duo, “think we should separate them though?”
